travelling in China advice please


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, I am newly diagnosed T2 and still trying to find my way (with the help of this forum, thanks folks). I have travelled on my own to places like Australia, Europe and went to Russia last year and was planning to go to China early next year but since being diagnosed a couple of months ago it has really rocked my confidence in travelling alone. I am now worrying about trying to low carb in China - i am not on any medication at the moment - and thinking maybe a couple of weeks of not being so careful might not do me too much harm? But really hesitant about going now. Anyone been in similar situation or have advice please.


Well-Known Member
Processed foods and refined carbohydrates!
If only going for 2 weeks I wouldnt be concerned myself and I'm diet controlled T2. I've lived in SE Asia and most dishes will come with rice or noodles so I would cut back on those and have more meat and veg and the clear soups. Personally I'd be more concerned with the salt content and msg than the carb content of meals.