Type 1: What's the after-effects of a hypo?


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I haven't been eating very well since my first Hypo. I just wanted to know if there are any after-effects of a hypo? and what I need to do with not eating. Is not eating properly one of them? Need advice.


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When I treat a hypo & the figures are more "formal."
I know the Lo has gone, & I carry on as normal....
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Have u tested your bg since fixing your hypo? If you over corrected you may have a high blood glucose now, which could make you feel like not eating!


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I don't have high blood sugars. It's normal now. between 12 - 15. Which I was told was good by my diabetes nurse.


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i am not type 1 - so I am not qualified to comment on what is "normal" for a type 1 - however I think you will find that looking round here that your current numbers are rather high . ie you ar eooking for 7-8's not 11-12s

No doubt members more qualified will respond to you.
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I don't have high blood sugars. It's normal now. between 12 - 15. Which I was told was good by my diabetes nurse.
Gee - If I test 12 (before going to bed) I give myself extra units to get my BG levels back down Although 12 - 15 might be okay if you're about to embark on some demanding physical activity or you're still working on the proper insulin regimen, I would try to slowly raise the bar on BG control by going to 8 - 12 and once that's achievable then try for a 4 - 8 range. As for after affects of a hypo - I usually just feel ****** - usually because I over compenesate and go from very low to very high (very high for me is 15).
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i am not type 1 - so I am not qualified to comment on what is "normal" for a type 1 - however I think you will find that looking round here that your current numbers are rather high . ie you ar eooking for 7-8's not 11-12s

No doubt members more qualified will respond to you.

I am T1 & you are correct in your assumption the mid 7s would be a safe target....

@Alex_B a nurse testing my T2 dad's blood in hospital, (while he was laid up V ill.), referred to his score in the mid teens as "excellent". I reminded her she was talking to another diabetic... I stopped at the point of telling her she was talking out her ****!


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I haven't been eating very well since my first Hypo. I just wanted to know if there are any after-effects of a hypo? and what I need to do with not eating. Is not eating properly one of them? Need advice.

Hi @Alex_B :)

A hypo can sometimes make you feel a bit nauseous. Also, if you had to eat/drink lots to treat it, then that can affect your appetite.

How low was your blood sugar?


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I don't have high blood sugars. It's normal now. between 12 - 15. Which I was told was good by my diabetes nurse.

12-15 isn't normal. It might be normal for you, but it isn't normal blood sugar. Your diabetic nurse might have said it was good, but goodness know where she got that from. NICE guidelines provide that adults with type 1 diabetes should aim to be 4-7 before meals.

When were you diagnosed? Perhaps they are gradually bringing your blood sugar down to normal. Obviously you have had you're first hypo, so I assume you can't have been on insulin long.

It's normal to feel a bit groggy after a hypo especially if it was particularly low. What was your blood sugar when you dropped. People say it's a hypo hangover. So long as you have treated your hypo if you don't feel like eating just wait until you feel better. You've gone back to a high blood sugar so there's no reason you have to eat.


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I get something similar to how I remember a hangover after a big hypo. This can include lethargy and not wanting to eat or drink, although the solution is to eat and drink as usual. Good luck with bringing your blood levels under more and more control
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How quickly did you test after your hypo? As I think we've all been guilty of over-doing it with a hypo! And my guess is, it probably carried on rising! That horrible hypo feeling at times can make you binge and it takes much restraint to just have enough to treat back to a normal blood sugar level (and patience, which is hard when you are in the middle of something!)
There are times when I just know I've gone over-kill and I usually need to take a couple of units once fully recovered to deal with my impulse!
Hypo's can be hell and experience of having them will make you feel more confident! You will get over it if you have your testing kit at hand and stop for a while! So hard I know....


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If your hypo was a while ago, remember that feeling sick might be unrelated to your diabetes @Alex_B There are tummy bugs around, and also if your routine and diet has been different over Christmas and New Year that might be affecting you too.


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I don't have high blood sugars. It's normal now. between 12 - 15. Which I was told was good by my diabetes nurse.
Those blood sugars are more than double and the 15 is almost 3 times higher than it should be :( But as you don't take your insulin it's hardly surprising you feel ill is it?
On another forum you say you don't take your insulin because you forget, you have no diabetes nurse don't go to hospital appointments.
My personal opinion is that your body is shutting down due to the poison (sugar) running through your veins.
So unless you want to end up in hospital with tubes stuck in every department due to DKA you need to start taking care of yourself. IE take your insulin as you are supposed to and test your blood sugars as well.
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I have been diabetic 2 for close to 9 years now. As the years go by, I notice that even at 4.9 mg I feel chest pains; though I am not sure if it is a gastro pain or a heart pain. And so, I would rather be a bit high bg as the only side effect is sleepiness and fatigue. One of my anesthesiologist doctor who has to check a diabetes drug and state possible, said that I had Left ventricular hyperthopathy, of the heart-- something like that. But my dr. recently said that my cardiac chart was even better than the beginning. So, I am not sure if the hypo is related to cardiac situation.


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I would rather be a bit high bg as the only side effect is sleepiness and fatigue.

I don't think that's strictly correct. "Side effects", or consequences, of high blood sugar are diabetic complications. Running high blood sugar puts you at greater risk of developing diabetic complications in the long term as well as the immediate symptoms of high blood sugar you mention.


Well-Known Member
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I haven't been eating very well since my first Hypo. I just wanted to know if there are any after-effects of a hypo? and what I need to do with not eating. Is not eating properly one of them? Need advice.

Yes, although it is different for different people. For some people it can affect insulin sensitivity for a while. For some people it affects mood, or causes fatigue. In my case it tends to trigger depressive episodes so I avoid hypos like the ****ing plague.