Type 1'stars R Us

Colin of Kent

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My hospital doctor talked to me about a pump, about 4/5 years ago. I think the things that I think of most with a pump, is all the things that seem to go wrong, recently poor Helen and also having it attached to me 24/7. Doc's last words on having a pump were' It's only as good as the person using it' but as I have read, lots of kinks and pull out's/detached are a wee bit worrying for me.
Well, I may be unusual, but in 12 years, I can honestly say I've had no more problems with pumps than I used to on MDI. At least, if I have, they're mitigated by the flexibility of the pump, most notably the ability to fine-tune the basal profile.

I'm at work today, thankfully with not too much to do on a Friday afternoon. I hope yours are all likewise.
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Well, I may be unusual, but in 12 years, I can honestly say I've had no more problems with pumps than I used to on MDI. At least, if I have, they're mitigated by the flexibility of the pump, most notably the ability to fine-tune the basal profile.

I'm at work today, thankfully with not too much to do on a Friday afternoon. I hope yours are all likewise.

I'm sure you are not unusual, it;s just that I seem to read more negatives than positives, so more likely similar to headline news in the media.
I am having a nice Friday thank you.


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Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Good morning all. Still got the biggest smile on my face after yesterdays HBA1c of 47 :) :)

@smc4761 I am sure you will nail your Scotland trip with your pump
@Cumberland your at the man I hate the most in this world.....good luck :)
@Robinredbreast have an amazing day @ Brooklands museum. It is an amazing place
@Knikki enjoy your time down south :)

It was a lady dentist with a male assistant
Wasn’t too bad today


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Just been out to lunch with @Clivethedrive to RHS Hyde Hall.....is our local RHS garden similar to Wisley that @Robinredbreast visited earlier this week but on a smaller scale ....and yes, I have been to Wisley on a number of occasions but not in recent year / hope to go again soon....
@Robinredbreast .....hope you enjoyed your day out....so pleased you have found someone to take you...may you have many other days out....:)
...weather cloudy here but hope it will brighten up so that I can do some gardening tomorrow....am also in shed clearing /cleaning mode so lots to do.....hope everyone has a good weekend whatever your plans....:)
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I love the look of that coffee Karen. I am on the second of my allotted two mugs of black coffee for the day. I was up to ten - proper filter coffee - and it was affecting me badly, so I cut it out altogether for a week. Now I get two mugs a day and then rooibos tea for the rest of the day (don't like black tea and drinking gallons of green tea isn't good).

But this early coffee is just perfect!
hi wutwo i drink black coffee like its going out of fashion although i have a black tea first thing and i dont have any hot drinks after7pm or im awake all night :)


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Wow, there is so much happening today: gardening, driving, teaching, marching, dentistry, museuming (if that's not a word, it should be), shopping, haircutting, swimming, ...
I'm just working and spinning but after last night, I don't think that's a bad thing.
This may be a long one but, if you can stay with me as it has a happy ending ...

Went to bed at usual time with reasonable BG. By 2:30, I was tossing and turning. My arms were aching but I wasn't quite awake. In my semi-slumbered state, I started to wonder if I had overdone it at the gym or whether I had finally succumbed to my bf's cold. Eventually, I convinced myself to switch on the light and test. 16.4! ***? I gave myself a correction, taking insulin resistance at high levels into consideration and started to contemplate the cause: cold, curry, Fiasp instability? The last one was the biggest concern as I didn't want to get up and change my pump set at 3am so decided to up my temporary basal and hope for the best (knowing this was a bit of a risk but one I was now awake enough to decide was worth taking). But, hang on, there is something wrong with my pump ... a cause I had not considered. As I removed it from the strap on my leg, it seems to come away too easily. I traced the tube back to the .... Ah. It was not connected to the cannula. I had disconnected as I undressed and not connected again. Which meant the correction bolus had not gone in. At least I now understood the root cause of my high BG ... and was giving myself a stiff talking to (silently because the snotted-one was trying to sleep next to me). I reconnected, repeated the correction bolus and returned to sleep.

But all is not lost. I may have found a way of avoiding this happening in the future ... although it has only happened once in more than 3 years. At my last diabetes review, I gave an impassioned speech explaining why, psychologically, I needed a tube less pump that could be hidden. I expected nothing from this but I know you don't get anything unless you try. Yesterday, I received an email from my DSN asking if I would like to trial the Medtrum A6 patch pump. This is a newbie (I can't find anyone else with experience of it ... but I can find people with experience of the A6 CGM which is not on offer), it is larger than the Omnipod (which I don't like) but it is cheaper and my CCG is willing to try it out. I think, reading between the lines, I am a guinea pig as the DSN could not answer any questions and will be joining me in discussion with the Medtrum rep. And there is the option to revert to a tubey pump (Medtronic 640G) if it doesn't work out.

I can't think of any reason not to try it out and, as I will not have a cannula, I can't forget to reconnect it.
hope it works out well for you helen x
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And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
X rays and plan for treatment including 1 and maybe 2 extractions but deffo 1

Ouch! I had a bottom wisdom out in the day surgery unit last January but thankfully I was out cold. I'd have a hard time facing an extraction in the surgery. And maybe two! I feel for you there.


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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Well that made me actually laugh out loud properly! Husband looked like he wanted to say something that would get him in the deep stuff when I explained .....
Type of diabetes
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Thanks for your words of encouragement for the Medtrum. I don't know how long it will take to get one but I will keep you updated of my latest adventure.

@Robinredbreast I have had a few pump problems (I am on my third pump) but it true Girl Guide fashion, I strive to "Be Prepared". I now have more backup than I did when I was injecting with back up syringes when out for a few hours, back up pen if I am out for longer and a back up to my back up pen which sits in the bottom of the drawer somewhere.
I have always kept a relatively close eye on my BG so if something goes wrong, I should know within a few hours even when I am asleep (I think I was unplugged for about three and a half hours).
The value of variable basals more than makes up for the risk of something going wrong especially as my BGs can rise and fall pretty fast when exercising.

@WuTwo your mention of "a bottom wisdom" made me smile (sorry): it made me think of some talking out of their bottom :)

My lunchtime was spent spinning followed by a "whatever I have in my fridge" stir fry. Today it was onion, red pepper, courgette, tomato, carrots, purple sprouting broccoli, ginger and green chilli with a couple of small dollops of Gochujang paste to spice it up a little bit more. It tasted good, was relatively low carb (I don't bother with rice or noodles if my bowl of veg is big enough), more than satisfies by 5 a day and not very high fat either.

This afternoon I have been looking into an application for Irish Foreign Birth Registration. It needs a lot of documents but I have all the required dates so I think I will go for it.

I fully understand what you're saying about variable basals more than makes up for the risk of something going wrong, so the positives out way the negatives. You never know, maybe one day I may take the plunge.


Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
This afternoon I have been looking into an application for Irish Foreign Birth Registration. It needs a lot of documents but I have all the required dates so I think I will go for it.

I wish I could! Sadly, not a drop of Irish in me.
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Type of diabetes
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
I got the left over portion of mushroom risotto out of the freezer today, as daughter doesn't want dinner tonight.
Over the past few days, actually I think it's about a week now, my Oral LIchen Planus has been quite sore,it's like razor blades, raw, and it's affecting my throat and ear, but only on the left side. I bought more Difflam mouth wash, as it's numbs the area, but Gp stopped me getting it on prescription at the end of last year, as I wasn't using it so much, I only used it if absolutely necessary. So if it's still painful over the weekend I may ask to see a GP, hopefully sooner rather than later.
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Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
You too Colin :)
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Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Oh joy - takeaway tonight. I love our takeaway's spicy beanburgers! My son and his partner are coming over so we are: one vegan (me), one veggie (daughter in law) and two meat eaters who will eat veggie if pushed (husband and son), Luckily our favourite takeaway caters for us all! Their chips are the best in town and their garlic mushrooms are scrummy. And their kebabs are huge! The men are both getting one and since the kebabs fill up a dinnerplate if you include the salad and coleslaw that comes with them, they should be absolutely stuffed.

All I will add is some home made coleslaw for me, and extra jalapenos for husband.



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I got the left over portion of mushroom risotto out of the freezer today, as daughter doesn't want dinner tonight.
Over the past few days, actually I think it's about a week now, my Oral LIchen Planus has been quite sore,it's like razor blades, raw, and it's affecting my throat and ear, but only on the left side. I bought more Difflam mouth wash, as it's numbs the area, but Gp stopped me getting it on prescription at the end of last year, as I wasn't using it so much, I only used it if absolutely necessary. So if it's still painful over the weekend I may ask to see a GP, hopefully sooner rather than later.

My sympathies Robinredbreast I too have Lichus Planus and am in the middle of a flare up. I go a few days thinking ooh my mouth is sore, then bang head! I remember I have an issue. Was under our dental hospital here in Leeds for a couple of years, but was eventually discharged, because as you know it cannot be cured. I too use Difflam mouth wash. It’s great for numbing the mouth. I also have steroid mouth wash tablets, which I use judiciously. They were prescribed by the consultant, and I was told adamantly that I must use them to prevent further complications. In fact I just had to get the chemist to put in an order for a new pack, and I hadn’t had any since June2017.
They are Betamethasone 500 microgram soluble tablets and come in packs of 100. They certainly help. Have you noticed if you have a couple of days of higher levels the mouth starts playing up? As I have a consultants letter on file, I never have trouble getting these things prescribed.
It’s interesting isn’t it how this is also an auto immune condition. A bloomin nuisance though.
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Type of diabetes
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
My sympathies Robinredbreast I too have Lichus Planus and am in the middle of a flare up. I go a few days thinking ooh my mouth is sore, then bang head! I remember I have an issue. Was under our dental hospital here in Leeds for a couple of years, but was eventually discharged, because as you know it cannot be cured. I too use Difflam mouth wash. It’s great for numbing the mouth. I also have steroid mouth wash tablets, which I use judiciously. They were prescribed by the consultant, and I was told adamantly that I must use them to prevent further complications. In fact I just had to get the chemist to put in an order for a new pack, and I hadn’t had any since June2017.
They are Betamethasone 500 microgram soluble tablets and come in packs of 100. They certainly help. Have you noticed if you have a couple of days of higher levels the mouth starts playing up? As I have a consultants letter on file, I never have trouble getting these things prescribed.
It’s interesting isn’t it how this is also an auto immune condition. A bloomin nuisance though.

Hi thanks for the information @becca59 , I really appreciate it, is your LP on one side or all over ?. This has been getting steadily worse over the past week and the Difflam mouth wash initially helps, I used it about 2 hours ago and it's started to hurt again, especially my tongue and left ear:inpain:. The worse of it is on .my tongue, so eating and drinking can be really painful,. My dentist spotted it, but I had no symptoms or pain then and I don't want complications either, so I think I will make an appointment on Monday, but I know this may be difficult :rolleyes: I was discharged about 2/3 years ago and the consultant said if I have any problems then to see my GP as I would have to be referred again. My levels have been up and down all week, yep, another bloomin' auto immune conditions :rolleyes: Take care and I hope it won't cause you too many problems over the weekend.
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I’ve found the secret to eating right. And probably curing diabetes.