Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Thinking of you. And take care on the ice. It was so cold last night that I could feel my face burning with it even in bed under the duvet with a hot water bottle. X
Know the feeling. When I've been with the outside dogs in the cold at teatime then go to my friends my face starts to burn in the car (so generally the heat is just directed at feet) then his heating is set higher than mine so my face gets like a beetroot (why DO we say that when we really mean RED....)
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Thanks AndBreathe.
Im a bit neurotic at the moment.
Had fasting blood tests this morning as Neutrophils are high.I should not look on the computer.dosent do any good.
Dr concerned how thin I am.
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6.7 fasting 6.5 before lunch.I have had to stop Metformin for the time being due to having had acute pancreatitis two weeks ago.
From what I have read on the forum 1x500 mg would not have had much effect on BS,but its gone up this last few days.
I would have thought if the pancreatitis was to blame it would have happened two weeks ago.
I realy dread going back on Metformin as I realy had problems for a few months.
Keep on your LCHF (or does higher fat trigger the pancreatitis?) to keep your bs down and mayb you can stay clear of it?
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If only you had done the fourth one, mwahahaha :woot:. That's statistics for you - unlikely, but the amount we collectively test it's bound to happen some day!

I didn't dare. In fact I threw my lancet pen on my dressing table in disgust. The meter nearly went out the window, and the strips in the bin. ;)
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Stable Jan,I have to avoid fat at the moment as it was thought that a stray gall stone which I have had for years caused the pancreatitis.Difficult to know what to eat,I am also much to thin.
Waiting for results of fasting blood test,I have to ring Dr in the morning.
Thank you for your concern x
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Stable Jan,I have to avoid fat at the moment as it was thought that a stray gall stone which I have had for years caused the pancreatitis.Difficult to know what to eat,I am also much to thin.
Waiting for results of fasting blood test,I have to ring Dr in the morning.
Thank you for your concern x
Fingers crossed for good results. Let us know how you get on. X
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Having being 6.2 to 6.5 most mornings when have tested this morning was 7.6! So had a think about what I ate and realised it was probably that had more yesterday including a baked potato as felt so hungry with the cold. So have been careful today, hoping better tomorrow!
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Thanks AndBreathe.
Im a bit neurotic at the moment.
Had fasting blood tests this morning as Neutrophils are high.I should not look on the computer.dosent do any good.
Dr concerned how thin I am.

I think that's very natural, to be hyper-vigilant.

Did you lose weight during your confinement, or is it a general thing? I know you had become very lean anyway.

I imagine you'll be trying to find a very gentle way of eating at the moment?
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Having being 6.2 to 6.5 most mornings when have tested this morning was 7.6! So had a think about what I ate and realised it was probably that had more yesterday including a baked potato as felt so hungry with the cold. So have been careful today, hoping better tomorrow!
Welcome to the thread. The baked spud may well be the guilty party... Do you test pre and post 2 hrs after meals?
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I have lost weight through the LCHF diet I think a stone and a half since last June,I didnt need to lose weight but it got my blood sugar down.Now I cant stop loseing.Im eating plenty.
My husband is eating the same as me ,he has lost about 5 pounds.but i think he sneeks at times
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Welcome to the thread. The baked spud may well be the guilty party... Do you test pre and post 2 hrs after meals?
I do test some days, but if out of have anyone round two hrs after meal then do not have chance! Have decided must do it more regularly at present just do occasionally.
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I do test some days, but if out of have anyone round two hrs after meal then do not have chance! Have decided must do it more regularly at present just do occasionally.

It's essential if you want to learn what foods raise your levels, then the rest is down to what you do with this information ;)
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I have lost weight through the LCHF diet I think a stone and a half since last June,I didnt need to lose weight but it got my blood sugar down.Now I cant stop loseing.Im eating plenty.
My husband is eating the same as me ,he has lost about 5 pounds.but i think he sneeks at times
Hi Patricia, I am no expert but this could help you. I read somewhere that if you follow a Lchf diet and you increase the protein you eat this will either slow or stop the weightloss. Too much protein is usually the cause for no weight loss on this type of eating plan. It might be worth a try. Either way I will keep my fingers crossed for you
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Hopefully it's cos there isn't so much gunk left in there.....
Thanks Jan . Had xray still a bit if gunk in there, looks like drain out tomorrow and then wait to see what happens :). BS before lunch 6.4 and 5.9 after Phsyio
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I do test some days, but if out of have anyone round two hrs after meal then do not have chance! Have decided must do it more regularly at present just do occasionally.
It IS so important and you will eventually find that you have a list of things you won't need test for that you can eat when friends are coming round. I have to test in a diff room to my friend due to needle/blood.....even if he can't see what am doing
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I was a little shaky i'm on metformin, 2 pills of 500mg everyday with my meals and one glibenclamide every morning with my breakfast i try to not eat any greasy or salty food but over here that's an odyssey cause food here is either greasy or full of carbs any way i just measure my glucose hour and a half after dinner and is 122mg/l but my blood pressure still over 156/94 and the problem is i have PDR :( any suggestions to low blood pressure?

Thanks! :)

Hi Adrian, can I ask where is 'over here'? And what is PDR?


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Have had a bad day today and am feeling quite miserable :-(
Bg this morning 10.6. Slept in for work, and when I got there realised that I should have been somewhere else for our team day! - bad start! Got to the venue; fortunately I had taken some ham, cream and an avocado with me, as all that was on offer were cakes, pastries and biscuits. Lunch was equally disappointing with curry and rice, or plain salad, followed by Death by Chocolate cake and cream. Had salad with my avocado, and caved in and had some cake and cream. Bg 2hrs after was 12.6! ***?! Just sat through the whole afternoon becoming increasingly mis, wish I could retire!!!
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Well-Known Member
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Have had a bad day today and am feeling quite miserable :-(
Bg this morning 10.6. Slept in for work, and when I got there realised that I should have been somewhere else for our team day! - bad start! Got to the venue; fortunately I had taken some ham, cream and an avocado with me, as all that was on offer were cakes, pastries and biscuits. Lunch was equally disappointing with curry and rice, or plain salad, followed by Death by Chocolate cake and cream. Had salad with my avocado, and caved in and had some cake and cream. Bg 2hrs after was 12.6! ***?! Just sat through the whole afternoon becoming increasingly mis, wish I could retire!!!

That sounds a bad day Pavlov. Chin up and hopefully it will be a better day tomorrow.
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