Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
How are you feeling now?
Drained, mild headache still,. was dazed most of the morning and early afternoon. They offered to keep me in all day but when I saw the doc I said I wanted to go as soon as my BGs improved. Off to bed now, thanks all.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
5.5 this morning, no coughing fits last night, temperature normal, energy levels improving, my immune system finally getting the upper hand in this fight. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Any subconscious stresses going on? You obviously have a hectic lifestyle, how are you sleeping? Watching the news stresses me - all the violence, corruption and stupidity in the world.

Despite a very hectic life-style and some existing stresses, plus a new one looming, with a court appearance this Wednesday for a speeding offence :(I sleep surprising well! I usually have a full 8 hours waking up only occasionally once in the night for the bathroom. You could be right about subconscious stress.... Thank you @sanguine

A long roadtrip yesterday to Exeter and back to meet clients with my colleague and the obligatory lunch on route. We both had restaurant cod and chips but I asked to have my chips replaced with a salad which was delicious. Kept my bs between 5-6 all day, once my fasting 8 had gone down to 6.7 two hours after breakfast

Bedtime 5.8
Fasting 7.3...
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
6.3 pre breakfast outside my 5's back on code free meter not batch 44.

Probably the result of a weekend away & not really trying with foods.

Back home now, back to usual routine, will do checks all day today just to monitor.

Speedy recovery to those that are feeling un well. Everyone else keep well.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
5.5 before dinner kit in cold room
5.0 after 2 hrs after a dinner of salad and grilled pork. Kept the kit in warm room.
6.2 fasting again kit left in cold room.
These readings after 10 to 20g carbs a day are heartbreaking. I know I wouldn't survive on such low levels of carbs. I think I might have a blister on one of my finger and really watching it closely. Its weird coz it was hurting there since last few days when I was walking but I dint think anything of it till yesterday when I saw my finger red near the nail. I don't know if it's ingrown nail or blister as never had any of it before in my life.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
Drained, mild headache still,. was dazed most of the morning and early afternoon. They offered to keep me in all day but when I saw the doc I said I wanted to go as soon as my BGs improved. Off to bed now, thanks all.
I hope you have a peaceful, restful day today.... with no highs or lows.. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
5.5 this morning, no coughing fits last night, temperature normal, energy levels improving, my immune system finally getting the upper hand in this fight. :)
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.2 this morning - unadjusted. No idea where it came from but tested twice and exactly the same reading. I did test about 30 minutes earlier than usual so maybe I missed my usual liver dump. Also did 40 mins of cardio exercise yesterday which might have helped,
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
5.5 before dinner kit in cold room
5.0 after 2 hrs after a dinner of salad and grilled pork. Kept the kit in warm room.
6.2 fasting again kit left in cold room.
These readings after 10 to 20g carbs a day are heartbreaking. I know I wouldn't survive on such low levels of carbs. I think I might have a blister on one of my finger and really watching it closely. Its weird coz it was hurting there since last few days when I was walking but I dint think anything of it till yesterday when I saw my finger red near the nail. I don't know if it's ingrown nail or blister as never had any of it before in my life.
What a shame - so painful - sounds like a 'whitlow'? Infection in the side of the nail? If it is, boiled salted water as hot as you can bear to keep your finger in, as many times as you can bear to do it... A sticking plaster over it will stop you banging it if it's very painful... Hope it's better soon... Keep up the low carbs if you can, it's the way forward to low numbers... :)
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