Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Be patient @brettsza , it took me ages to get regular sub-6 fasting numbers and even now I sometimes stare at my meter as it's counting down thinking 'don't you dare you b*$tard'. It's a long game and it takes the liver a while to learn the rules.
I agree @sanguine but I had got it down to 4's and 5's till this batch 44 struck me, I am waiting for these strips to finish as soon as they can and get another one, I will keep one tub of this as well to compare it with the new batch too.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Despite a very hectic life-style and some existing stresses, plus a new one looming, with a court appearance this Wednesday for a speeding offence :(I sleep surprising well! I usually have a full 8 hours waking up only occasionally once in the night for the bathroom. You could be right about subconscious stress.... Thank you @sanguine

It's good sometimes to think about this (not too much!) because I find it's better to know what might be stressing you - then it's a case of either 'I know what that is but I can't do anything about it so I won't worry/stress over it' or 'Yes I can do something about that'. Being stressed for no apparent reason is less preferable! In my 20s and 30s I did Transcendental Meditation (just the basic, not the silly bouncing up and down on mattresses - well not in that context anyway ;)) and that or something similar does help. I still know how to do it, maybe I should give it a try ...
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Too many carbs in my Sunday roast last night.

5.8 at bedtime
6.2 at 2-30am
6.1 this morning
6.7 after breakfast
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
5.7 here, Monday morning, early conference calls, yadda yadda ...

But my two-week average just finished was 5.5, even with some high 5s and a low 6 at the beginning of the period :)
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.7 here, Monday morning, early conference calls, yadda yadda ...

But my two-week average just finished was 5.5, even with some high 5s and a low 6 at the beginning of the period :)

Well done Rod. Keep it up and your HbA1c will be superb.
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Diet only
How disappointing for you... It really does bring your good mood down, doesn't it? Never mind, it might balance out again tomorrow... I can't eat porridge any more, spikes me to much... :( Could you try eggs and a little lean ham maybe? Or an omelette with lots of mushrooms and a little cheese? Ahhh, or are you a veggie? :)

I am a veggie, but eat some fish. Cant face eggs or fish for breakfast
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
5.3 for me this soggy morning. Trying breakfast biscuits again. Mistake really as having pizza and beer tonight whilst watching PNE v Utd on box with friend. One of us will be celebrating ;)......shall open windows for true atmosphere....ground couple hundred yards from me
Pizza? Beer? :eek::eek: How will your numbers be after that? :) Good luck with the match...
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
Yes its on the side of the nail. I know if i go see my gp they have a standard reply being diabetic you start looking at very small things in big details. The practice is so **** i almost diagnosed myself with diabetes before they did as they kept ignoring my weight loss for just stress and my thirst to it being too hot. Worst part is last time i went to see gp i told her i am having weird vibrations in my leg and she just said you are just too stressed out with diabetes and you start thinking too much and think its a stroke or something but its nothing. She did not even mention this conversation we had in the report or the screen where they input everything, just said all is ok.
Change your doctor if you can.... she is a fraud... you must feel abandoned sometimes... :( But at least you have everyone here and 'we all wear the same T-shirt...' :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
I am a veggie, but eat some fish. Cant face eggs or fish for breakfast
What about a green smoothie with some whey protein in it?


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Good day, to those of you that have been taking interest in my saga of getting my bloods taken and then the results, I have at last received confirmation of my HB1ac results from test last Wednesday, under IFCC standards 34, in our terms 5.8.

Rather pleased with that, actually rather delighted, in fact if I could sing or dance I would.

It thanks to everyone on here who has offered advice and on occasions sympathy that I have managed this, so to all who are struggling and indeed those that don't, Many, Many thanks, I my wife and my family truly thank you.

I will not be taking my foot off the pedal I know its a long road, but a road made easier because of the people on this site.

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good day, to those of you that have been taking interest in my saga of getting my bloods taken and then the results, I have at last received confirmation of my HB1ac results from test last Wednesday, under IFCC standards 34, in our terms 5.8.

Rather pleased with that, actually rather delighted, in fact if I could sing or dance I would.

It thanks to everyone on here who has offered advice and on occasions sympathy that I have managed this, so to all who are struggling and indeed those that don't, Many, Many thanks, I my wife and my family truly thank you.

I will not be taking my foot off the pedal I know its a long road, but a road made easier because of the people on this site.


Well, those results were well worth the hassle in getting the tests done. What a superb HbA1c John. You put all the hard work in, not anyone else, so sing and dance as much as you like and a wee dram or two this evening. Big clap and a gold medal from me. :)
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Change your doctor if you can.... she is a fraud... you must feel abandoned sometimes... :( But at least you have everyone here and 'we all wear the same T-shirt...' :)
Absolutely true, I could not have imagined my journey without all you guys here, never met anyone but friends for life, who really care for each other.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Despite a very hectic life-style and some existing stresses, plus a new one looming, with a court appearance this Wednesday for a speeding offence :(I sleep surprising well! I usually have a full 8 hours waking up only occasionally once in the night for the bathroom. You could be right about subconscious stress.... Thank you @sanguine

A long roadtrip yesterday to Exeter and back to meet clients with my colleague and the obligatory lunch on route. We both had restaurant cod and chips but I asked to have my chips replaced with a salad which was delicious. Kept my bs between 5-6 all day, once my fasting 8 had gone down to 6.7 two hours after breakfast

Bedtime 5.8
Fasting 7.3...
You get to go to court for speeding!!!!
You must have been a baaaad girl.
I was pulled on the Wrexham bypass in North Wales doing 97.
When he asked me why I was doing 97 I knew no excuse under the sun was going to get me out of it so I said ... because it won't do 98 .... nicked.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
You get to go to court for speeding!!!!
You must have been a baaaad girl.
I was pulled on the Wrexham bypass in North Wales doing 97.
When he asked me why I was doing 97 I knew no excuse under the sun was going to get me out of it so I said ... because it won't do 98 .... nicked.

He he!

Yes, I've been very bad. Caught doing 87 mph by a flipping mobile camera help by a cop standing in the central reservation of a dual carriageway. Idiot! Worse still I forgot to send the letter back admitting I was the driver. Double offence :mad: The court is 100 miles away and I've been advised not to drive there ....No idea why.....;)

I like your response. I shall say I was trying to catch you up!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Good day, to those of you that have been taking interest in my saga of getting my bloods taken and then the results, I have at last received confirmation of my HB1ac results from test last Wednesday, under IFCC standards 34, in our terms 5.8.

Rather pleased with that, actually rather delighted, in fact if I could sing or dance I would.

It thanks to everyone on here who has offered advice and on occasions sympathy that I have managed this, so to all who are struggling and indeed those that don't, Many, Many thanks, I my wife and my family truly thank you.

I will not be taking my foot off the pedal I know its a long road, but a road made easier because of the people on this site.


Brilliant John, well done and well deserved.
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