Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
6.1 this morning... :( I had a spoonful of garlic mash for lunch? Surely not... :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
5.2 this morning - unadjusted. No idea where it came from but tested twice and exactly the same reading. I did test about 30 minutes earlier than usual so maybe I missed my usual liver dump. Also did 40 mins of cardio exercise yesterday which might have helped,
That's really good.. :) You must be doing something right....
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Batch 44 showing 5.9 this morning after giving me a 5.7 bedtime so could really be more like my usual 5.4 fasting and 5.2 bed, had only 20gm carbs yesterday so nothing to cause a high end of my range
Interesting to see what my next hba1c will bring on Wednesday, was due in April which would have been 6 month but dn doing it now to see results of being meds free since early January......going to be a pin cushion that day as having 2nd hep b and tetanus booster too :eek:
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Batch 44 showing 5.9 this morning after giving me a 5.7 bedtime so could really be more like my usual 5.4 fasting and 5.2 bed, had only 20gm carbs yesterday so nothing to cause a high end of my range
Interesting to see what my next hba1c will bring on Wednesday, was due in April which would have been 6 month but dn doing it now to see results of being meds free since early January......going to be a pin cushion that day as having 2nd hep b and tetanus booster too :eek:
I think my gp is really ****. Everyone gets the a1c quite regularly atleast in the beginning. My gp saw figures of 140 on a1c so gave me another a1c in 3 months. Moment they saw 46 they put me on a yearly review. I am going to see my gp soon and beg him to get a a1c done as it's been 4 months now I need to be able to see some progress as well.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
Batch 44 showing 5.9 this morning after giving me a 5.7 bedtime so could really be more like my usual 5.4 fasting and 5.2 bed, had only 20gm carbs yesterday so nothing to cause a high end of my range
Interesting to see what my next hba1c will bring on Wednesday, was due in April which would have been 6 month but dn doing it now to see results of being meds free since early January......going to be a pin cushion that day as having 2nd hep b and tetanus booster too :eek:
Crumbs... good luck with that then Kimbo... :(
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
Grilled chicken fillet, slice of bacon, few carrots, turnip and broccoli .
5.1. After dinner I just can't believe it
It was probably the result of being good all day too... :) Well done...
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
I think my gp is really ****. Everyone gets the a1c quite regularly atleast in the beginning. My gp saw figures of 140 on a1c so gave me another a1c in 3 months. Moment they saw 46 they put me on a yearly review. I am going to see my gp soon and beg him to get a a1c done as it's been 4 months now I need to be able to see some progress as well.
Of course you need to see your progress... he's trying to save money I expect.... grrrr....
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Well-Known Member
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7.3 this morning still full if this rotten infection but at least i was only up the normal once last night with coughing fit.
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5.3 for me this soggy morning. Trying breakfast biscuits again. Mistake really as having pizza and beer tonight whilst watching PNE v Utd on box with friend. One of us will be celebrating ;)......shall open windows for true atmosphere....ground couple hundred yards from me
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
5.5 this morning, no coughing fits last night, temperature normal, energy levels improving, my immune system finally getting the upper hand in this fight. :)
Good to hear that @Mandingo :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
5.5 before dinner kit in cold room
5.0 after 2 hrs after a dinner of salad and grilled pork. Kept the kit in warm room.
6.2 fasting again kit left in cold room.
These readings after 10 to 20g carbs a day are heartbreaking. I know I wouldn't survive on such low levels of carbs. I think I might have a blister on one of my finger and really watching it closely. Its weird coz it was hurting there since last few days when I was walking but I dint think anything of it till yesterday when I saw my finger red near the nail. I don't know if it's ingrown nail or blister as never had any of it before in my life.
Be patient @brettsza , it took me ages to get regular sub-6 fasting numbers and even now I sometimes stare at my meter as it's counting down thinking 'don't you dare you b*$tard'. It's a long game and it takes the liver a while to learn the rules.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
What a shame - so painful - sounds like a 'whitlow'? Infection in the side of the nail? If it is, boiled salted water as hot as you can bear to keep your finger in, as many times as you can bear to do it... A sticking plaster over it will stop you banging it if it's very painful... Hope it's better soon... Keep up the low carbs if you can, it's the way forward to low numbers... :)
Yes its on the side of the nail. I know if i go see my gp they have a standard reply being diabetic you start looking at very small things in big details. The practice is so **** i almost diagnosed myself with diabetes before they did as they kept ignoring my weight loss for just stress and my thirst to it being too hot. Worst part is last time i went to see gp i told her i am having weird vibrations in my leg and she just said you are just too stressed out with diabetes and you start thinking too much and think its a stroke or something but its nothing. She did not even mention this conversation we had in the report or the screen where they input everything, just said all is ok.
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