Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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4.8 today - this is due to my large glasses of red wine last night
I noticed if I drink wine in the evening my morning BG is about 1.0 lower than usual

No Wine - 5.8 ->6.1
Red Wine - 4.8->5.3

I believe it gives the liver something to do whilst sleeping :¬)
but im sure this is a long term every day answer

Big point here is ... (even had a thread about it) ...
If Alcohol can keep the liver busy so you don't dump glucose why cant researchers come up with a pill to safely do this
End of Dawn phenomenon problem if they could

Anyways enough rambling :¬)
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Feeling I can never eat anything sweet again or anything with carbs. But thought of diabetes complications scares me more so it is a no brainer!
5.0 for me this morning. Nothing before bed, but a large stir fry for dinner at about 6.00 pm, then 45 mins on treadmill later in the evening.
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Ruth B

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7.0 for me this morning. Going down slowly which is fine by me, might even be in the 6s this week or next.
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Yes. I even felt light headed at 5.4 this morning. Some people are naturally lower I think. :)

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We must all have our pre-diabetes natural levels. I looked back at my blood test results. The last one pre-diabetes was January 2012 and my fasting level was 5.5. I am taking this as my true norm.

Yesterday 5.4 equalled my lowest ever since testing

Today it was 5.3.

Happy bunny.

(should add that my pre-evening meal was 4.1. I tested twice to confirm. I felt fine. )
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6.1 at 8:00 this morning, but we did eat very late last night (beef stroganoff so probably a longer 'tail' to BG rise) and I was working into the small hours and didn't get much sleep. I don't normally test in the middle of the night but at 1:30 am I was 5.7.

Haven't tried the pre-bedtime snack, will give that a go. Exercise before bed certainly didn't work for me.
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cold ethyl

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5.7 which I was happy with given I had a 6.6 after evening meal. I'd hardly eaten all day so I think my liver and pancreas just went mad at the sight of a plate of food!
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Hi Peacetrain, yeah, I look at some peoples' figures in the 3's and low 4's and wonder how they manage to function on those figures?

It's just reminded me this morning, of females trying to get to be a size zero. Is this too a progression where people want to aim for a figure in the 1's? How low can we go?

I'm happy in the 5's. That stops me fretting too much as it's an achievable figure I think, and I feel ill in the 4's. Simples.

:D xx

Linda - I'm one of those people always posting in the 4s and regularly in the 3s, and I'm certainly not a wilting lettuce leaf at any time of the day. I'm up at 6am. I am active. I swim every day. I use by bike to run short (usually under 3 mile round trip) errands, and I sail. I also almost always have a project I'm working on which will usually involve physical work. My weight now appears to have stabilised it it's current level of just over 50kg. I'm 5' 3", so hardly a rangy individual. I'm not a size zero, but I am a 10, but could get into an 8 if I didn't care for breathing.

I don't, and never have taken meds for my diabetes, but I did control my diet very strictly at the outset, which pulled my HbA1c into non-diabetic levels at the first re-test, after 4 months. It was marginally down again at a second retest last month.

I have been moderating my diet a bit of late, and (fingers crossed), the additional carbs don't appear to be impacting on the blood scores I am recording. For now, I record my fasting level, plus a before and after for my main meal, or anything new I am trying.

Personally, I think I have crossed my personal fat threshold (as discussed by Prof Taylor), which has given my body a chance to reboot some of its functionality. I don't believe I am cured, or in remission, but I believe that for now, my body is functioning quite well, on what I am asking of it. Should I continue with scores like now, I might begin to consider my condition has gone into a suspended state.

Like our personal fat thresholds, I believe we each have baseline blood scores, along with baseline BP and pulse rates. Mine just appears to be quite low. If I thought I was harming myself by running this low, I would take specialist advice and deal with it.

I respect your and other people's views on what your (and their) baseline rates are, balanced with a diet/lifestyle you and they are content at, but for me, I will always want to run in the non-diabetic range, whilst I physically can. Should I find myself unable to maintain that, without meds, I will have to reconsider my options and launch Plan B.

This thing is a big puzzle, and we don't all seem to have the same pieces, or be building to the same picture on the box.

You seem more settled in yourself these days., so long may that continue.
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And I'm 4.2 this morning. That's in my personal range.


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Hi @AndBreathe

I hope you don't think I was being critical of those, such as yourself, whose range is often in the 4s or even lower.

The point I was trying to make was I have begun to realise everyone has their own comfort zone and low 5s seem to be mine. Any lower and I begin to feel woozy.

Reading other people's posts, including yours, made me aspire to achieve lower levels. I mistakenly thought this was what I should be achieving.

Perhaps I haven't explained myself very well here but I've realised that we are all different. I'm not very good at the science but my body does seem to know a thing of two.

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Hi @AndBreathe

I hope you don't think I was being critical of those, such as yourself, whose range is often in the 4s or even lower.

The point I was trying to make was I have begun to realise everyone has their own comfort zone and low 5s seem to be mine. Any lower and I begin to feel woozy.

Reading other people's posts, including yours, made me aspire to achieve lower levels. I mistakenly thought this was what I should be achieving.

Perhaps I haven't explained myself very well here but I've realised that we are all different. I'm not very good at the science but my body does seem to know a thing of two.

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I also believe my comment could have been misconstrued as if a criticism, I'm not going to post much any more, it's pointless.


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@peacetrain and @lunarlinda - I did post in defence of my position in an attempt to explain that for some of us, those levels are where we end up; albeit after a good going effort. When I read some of the incredible efforts some people appear to make on here, with LCHF in particular, I am always astonished (in a positive way) where I have ended up. I have been strict, but I just don't have a "that'll do" gene - for anything, but I haven't had to turn my world completely upside down.

@lunarlinda - I don't believe everyone has to be in constant accord on a forum such as this. If we all agreed, all of the time, there would be no context, colour or lively debate on some of these things that impact is all in our own way. That debate is sometimes where we uncover some absolute gems in our learning. I did see your immediate retort to my post, but thought better or replying, as There was nothing to be gained. When you then liked my post, it left me flummoxed. Anyway, with the benefit of re-reading your original post and my response, perhaps both could have been clearer in their intent. I do try to add context to replies I make, but as we all know, we miss so many aspects of communication when we are often typing what would be our spoken word.
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@peacetrain and @lunarlinda - I did post in defence of my position in an attempt to explain that for some of us, those levels are where we end up; albeit after a good going effort. When I read some of the incredible efforts some people appear to make on here, with LCHF in particular, I am always astonished (in a positive way) where I have ended up. I have been strict, but I just don't have a "that'll do" gene - for anything, but I haven't had to turn my world completely upside down.

@lunarlinda - I don't believe everyone has to be in constant accord on a forum such as this. If we all agreed, all of the time, there would be no context, colour or lively debate on some of these things that impact is all in our own way. That debate is sometimes where we uncover some absolute gems in our learning. I did see your immediate retort to my post, but thought better or replying, as There was nothing to be gained. When you then liked my post, it left me flummoxed. Anyway, with the benefit of re-reading your original post and my response, perhaps both could have been clearer in their intent. I do try to add context to replies I make, but as we all know, we miss so many aspects of communication when we are often typing what would be our spoken word.
Dear @AndBreathe
For my part, I don't understand the need for a defence. I am in awe of everyone's efforts here and every contribution (directly or indirectly) is a contribution to my own progress.

From what you say I think we are on the same page regarding diversity of responsiveness to diet.

I cannot stress enough that I fully understand your position and at no time have I ever been critical of it.

I don't really want to have to qualify every passing comment that I make on the forum and I would never make a 'dig' at anyone or their progress. However, to qualify my original comment that has caused all this misunderstanding. In my mind I had come to the realisation that I have to be led by my own physical responsiveness, not that of anyone else's.
To provide a light hearted analogy:
When I went into labour, I was put in a bay overnight and given pethidine. My husband was travelling up from London and I was alone. I felt I was in a dreamlike state but I was aware of a couple in another bay. The prospective father was helping his wife with the pain of her contractions by taking her through her relaxation and breathing exercises...

I did everything he told her, regardless of when my contractions were occurring ! :)

I don't really know what else to say to put all this right except sorry my comment has offended and I'm going to leave it here.

Best wishes.


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6 today. A bit better than yesterday's!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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Ruth B

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7.1 today, which is better than I expected seeing as it was an horrendous 13.0 when I went to bed last night. Strawberries and ice cream are off the menu, at least until I start making my own icecream.
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cold ethyl

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5.9 this morning after a fractious early morning wakening by Mr E's alarm at 6.30. That'll be the same Mr E who is still not up!
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5.3 today.

It was 6.0 yesterday probably because Mr A was off work and decided to make me a cup of tea using semi skimmed milk instead of almond milk so that put me in a bad mood (I am not at my best in the morning!). However I have just looked at the almond milk he bought me last week and it has sugar in it - I have been drinking it all week end:mad: will have to point out the unsweetened version to him!
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