Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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5.5 absolutely normal range for me, been getting some low (for me) pre dinner readings of mid 4's along with
some what I can only call tension head aches during the afternoon, this seems to be alleviated once I have dinner.

Oh it's Friday, POETS day have a good one all.
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5.3 this morning....the mixed Humilog appears to be working....fingers and toes crossed....frosty morning here today ..wrap up warm all in the UK and remember the animals they too feel the cold..hugzzzz:):p:singing:
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Gym workouts
5.3 remarkable as I have the flu and done no exercise since last Sunday...
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I think low carbing probably has helped in that I always had IBS when I ate a lot of carbs and stimulation of the vagus nerve can cause palpitations and chest pain. I also think just lower my BS revels has helped as I don't get the swings I was before. I still get panic attacks and suffer from anxiety - it has been a constant companion in one guise or other since I had my son 21 years ago. I started with OCD post natally and then had GAD for years before developing full blown panic disorder when a friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. I'd had a fall and developed fibromyalgia prior to that and the constant pain and worry about whether it was something more serious just ground me down. I have had lots of CBT which is flavour of the month here for psychological support but as a philosophy graduate I don't buy tin to a lot of the assumptions about thinking that it makes so I find I overthink it too. Some things from if have been useful - the really obvious stuff like diet, exercise, sleep, making time for yourself and relaxation. In my case, I know I have a constant problem with hyperventilating which causes changes in the body's chemistry and gives me all these weird side effects that make me panic. Metformin was making me much worse as it has an effect on lactic acid in the body and sensitivity to this is implicated in anxiety disorders. Now I try and do my breathing exercises daily, some simple relaxation and some gentle walking or cycling just to help calm me down. I have never found medication very useful, though if you can tolerate betablockers, which I can't, then do take the edge off the physical symptoms, allowing you chance to calm yourself further. Valium has helped me on the odd occasion I've not been able to stop the attack but it isn't a long term solution. Sorry I don't have any better answers as it is a hell I'd not wish on anyone.

Hi, I was just wondering if you have tried any Mindfulness? I work in IAPTs and we offer Mindfulness courses - it is a kind of meditative practice which helps to ground us in the 'here andnow' and is very good for anxiety disorders. If you find relaxation helpful you may find this helpful too.
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8.1 @ 8.10 am. It was 6.6 @ bedtime last night.
I am new to testing, the reading is higher than bedtime last night, is that ok?
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Hi millie,sounds like a liver dump,it takes some getting to grips with ,in an ideal world we would like to see around 5.0 = 6.0 but most of us usually manage between 6.0 = 8.0 so don't worry stick to your meter and it will behave ....eventually .
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Well-Known Member
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Hi millie,sounds like a liver dump,it takes some getting to grips with ,in an ideal world we would like to see around 5.0 = 6.0 but most of us usually manage between 6.0 = 8.0 so don't worry stick to your meter and it will behave ....eventually .
Should it do down over night ?


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In theory yes but as we know our liver on waking says hey have some glucose for the day ahead....and bingo higher bs , millie can i ask , what did you eat yesterday ( from dawn to bed) no cheating!)
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9.1 before breakfast of black coffee porridge made with water.
8.2 approx 2hours later after walk eith dog.

Lunch 2 poached eggs 2 slices of burgen soya linseed bread 9 g per slice, its the small loaf.
Evening dinner, glass white wine, cauliflower cheese and stry fry veg, all home made no packet stuff.
Snack a few babybell cheese, and a few peanuts.
I am type 2, 2metformin twice a day, plus bloodpresure tablets
Nurse says not to testing, but have found this site, so trying the lchf thing. I am a veggie that eats some fish.
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
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Hi, I was just wondering if you have tried any Mindfulness? I work in IAPTs and we offer Mindfulness courses - it is a kind of meditative practice which helps to ground us in the 'here andnow' and is very good for anxiety disorders. If you find relaxation helpful you may find this helpful too.

Thank you. My son tried it for his OCD and it helped. I have bought a couple of books on it and need to make time to try it out.
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Cheese sauce was made with skimmed mild.from the days of being told low fat
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
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6.3 unadjusted after a bad night's sleep. woke up at what i thought was 7.10 but could only have been 5.10 then couldn't get back to sleep properly.
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Well-Known Member
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
4.9 this morning. My sleep was good....

Remembering the words of Oliver Twist, "Please sir, can I have some more......" ;-)
You're working to hard mate.
Second reference to how wonderful sleeping is in as many days!
Or ..... you need a check up .... :cool:
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