Urinating every hour to 2 hours


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi my HBA1C was 50 i was told potentially diabetic retest in so many weeks in that time I changed my eating and drinking habits majorly the new result was 44 so now pre diabetic is it still normal to pee this much even though the number has dropped I manage to hang on and go 3 hours from 8 pm then 4 hours from 10.30 pm and back to hourly from then I've been like this for over a month now it's driving me crazy thankyou


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi my HBA1C was 50 i was told potentially diabetic retest in so many weeks in that time I changed my eating and drinking habits majorly the new result was 44 so now pre diabetic is it still normal to pee this much even though the number has dropped I manage to hang on and go 3 hours from 8 pm then 4 hours from 10.30 pm and back to hourly from then I've been like this for over a month now it's driving me crazy thankyou

yes it's a "normal" diabetic symptom (although one I've never had). The 48 A1c level is just the point at which the NHS will automatically diagnose T2, it's got nothing much to do with having or not having symptoms. 48 was chosen because diabetic retinopathy is relatively rare beneath that level but increases markedly above it.

My diabetic symptoms started when my BG was 43 or 44, so it's entirely possible that you or anyone could start to or continue to experience diabetic symptoms as long as your blood glucose levels are out of "normal" range.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The hba1c test measures an average over the previous 3 months approx. However, that average doesn't mean your blood glucose levels aren't high for hours/days at a time. Additionally, when your blood glucose levels have been high, even with diet and lifestyle changes your levels can take a while to reduce to a point where symptoms subside.

I was diagnosed with an hba1c result of 83. For the 3-4 weeks leading up to that diagnosis, frequent urination was one of my "impossible to ignore/explain away" symptoms, coupled with absolutely unquenchable thirst. I went strict keto, 20g of carbs per day max, and even then it took about a month for those two symptoms to fully subside.
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It's normal symptom of high blood sugar, but should eventually disappear after a while when you levels are consistently in range.
If they persist, see a doctor.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
This was a symptom of my, at the time undiagnosed T2, I had very high numbers at diagnosis. I got my numbers under control pretty quickly and all the symptoms of high BG disappeared except this one. I eventually went to the GP who said I had an overactive bladder, possibly caused by the constant peeing when undiagnosed - I had urgent need to pee and would have to run to the loo but would pee very little. He gave me some exercises and strategies but he also said there was meds I could take if I wanted too. I declined the meds and eventually it did improve though it has never totally gone away.

I still have the urgent need to pee sometimes & can’t hold it and have to go but don’t go more often than I would consider normal now


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi my HBA1C was 50 i was told potentially diabetic retest in so many weeks in that time I changed my eating and drinking habits majorly the new result was 44 so now pre diabetic is it still normal to pee this much even though the number has dropped I manage to hang on and go 3 hours from 8 pm then 4 hours from 10.30 pm and back to hourly from then I've been like this for over a month now it's driving me crazy thankyou
Might not be diabetes, my levels are away higher and I don't go that often, unless sugar is too high.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi my HBA1C was 50 i was told potentially diabetic retest in so many weeks in that time I changed my eating and drinking habits majorly the new result was 44 so now pre diabetic is it still normal to pee this much even though the number has dropped I manage to hang on and go 3 hours from 8 pm then 4 hours from 10.30 pm and back to hourly from then I've been like this for over a month now it's driving me crazy thankyou
You do wee a lot, or do you wee often? Used to be a time where I was so used to going to the bathroom every hour or more, my bladder started to give "full" signals when it was nowhere near it, just a tiny little amount. Which is a signal it can also give when you have little kidney stones that you might not otherwise notice, but irritate the bladder wall, or could happen when you have a bladder infection... On the other hand, high blood sugars make you drink and urinate a lot, and a change in diet, if you went low carb, can get you weeing for England as well, because carbs hold on to water, and with the carbs gone, you're losing water-weight. There's a plethora of reasons why you might be going so often.

So... If you wee often AND a fair volume, odds are it's either because blood sugars are still a tad high, and/or the diet is flushing out extra water. (If you're sore and having headaches you might even be a bit low on electrolytes because of it?). Never rule out a bladder infection without a test though.

If you wee often but tiny little bits, it's worth it to get checked for a bladder infection as well, as we do tend to get those often: the bacteria love sugary urine. And if that is ruled out, as are kidney stones/debris, and you might suspect it's just a matter of your bladder having gotten used to going often and giving off a signal too soon, bladdertraining should help. (Just keep adding half an hour from the moment you first feel a "bladder full" signal, and work your way up to a normal amount of urine. I actually weed in a disposable measuring cup while doing bladder training. Cumbersome, but at least I knew I was making progress).

All in all though.... Lots of urine or little amounts, wouldn't hurt to get tested for an infection. Never want those to get out of hand.

Hope you fel better soon,
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