Very low blood sugars at night

Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello all,

I have been diagnosed with pre diabetes which is not a surprise as I have a strong family history of diabetes type 2. I feel that I am having symptoms of diabetes and my GP has said that I should not be experiencing these symptoms as only pre diabetic so I took advantage of the free trial of Libra blood sugar glucose sensor to see what is happening with my blood sugars. I have cut out all processed food, sugary food and trying to have a healthy diet. Prior to changing my diet from last September I was really ill and felt had diabetic symptoms of shakiness, awful fatigue, wanting to sleep, heart racing, issues with breathing, brain fog, not with it at times and now and again awful headaches when I wake up. Most of the symptoms reduced when I changed my diet. I have noticed that my blood sugars drop below 3.9 mmol/L at night. Would this explain my fatigue in the mornings?

Thank you.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Attached photo with blood glucose readings


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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hypos and forum bugs
I have noticed that my blood sugars drop below 3.9 mmol/L at night. Would this explain my fatigue in the mornings?
Be aware that libre is notorious for reading low at night if you sleep on it - so called compression lows.

Also, non diabetics can easily go down to the high 3s without any medical concerns. The reason insulin users panic about this is that the use of insulin can make them go much lower.

Here's a study of what happened when non diabetics wore a cgm for 10 days

(Note that US mg/dL blood sugar measurements convert to UK mmol/L if you divide by 18)

edited to add
And welcome to the forums


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Hi @gingerblah2023 and welcome to the forum.

While many people don't notice their symptoms before being diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic, in some like you and like one of my moderator colleagues, they get symptoms when barely pre-diabetic. We are all a little different.

It is normal for non-diabetics to have very short periods of low blood glucose overnight. They just don't usually wear a CGM and so don't know about it. This isn't a problem because the BG low is detected by the body and the liver reacts by dumping some glucose into the blood stream - as is shown in your CGM graph by the rapid rise in BG after those 2 lows.

You say you have cut sugary foods and are eating a 'healthy diet'. Are you aware that a healthy diet for a T2 diabetic isn't the same as a 'healthy diet' for a non-diabetic. We need to cut down on all our carbohydrates (starches as well as sugars) and need to add in more Protein and more Fat to compensate - otherwise we will feel tired due to reduced calories (at least for a while until 'Fat adapted').
The transition to eating LCHF is (in my opinion) easier than doing the alternative Ultra Low Calorie Diet, but it is still a transition the body needs time to adjust to - hence some people report 'Keto Flu' for a few days to weeks.

I always caution against reducing calories when starting to eat Low Carb - it is called Low Carb Higher Fat for a reason! Higher Fat (than this 30yr low fat fad) helps the body adjust to being able to utilise its' own body fat for fuel when required, so it can switch seamlessly from running on glucose (cabs) and running on ketones from the 'huge fuel tank' we carry around with us = several weeks energy requirements.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I get polyphagia/hyperphagia(frequent hunger) if I eat carby foods like rice, wheat, millets, milk, white bread etc. After 40 mins of injesting high carb food, I feel hungry and want to eat again. I feel empty in my stomach as if I haven't eaten anything...
If I restrict carbs and eat only nuts along with veggies, greens, I don't feel that way.
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello Saky, I get hungry very quickly after eating carbs like white rice, polenta and oats! I will revisit my diet and see what happens and hopefully my blood sugars will stabilise and I start to feel less fatigued and more like myself again.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Great! You won't feel good intially after reducing carbs. But, it's a matter of time. You will gradually start feeling better on low carbs.....
Frequent hunger will reduce.