Victoza to I insulin?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
So I am type 2 and 8 months ago went on Victoza. It was like a wonder drug and I lost 2 stone. Then the weight loss stopped and then about 2 months ago the constipation kicked in. 5 days for a meal to pass through...(sorry for so much detail). So I have a GP appointment tomorrow and I am thinking that without the weight loss Victoza offers less advantage to long term health than insulin. I have started reducing carbs and Victoza has changed my eating habits so it was worthwhile. So in my position would you switch to insulin?



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Don't switch to insulin if you are still eating too many carbs and have excess weight as it may have little effect. Get the low-carb diet and good BMI in place and then see whether your blood sugar level needs insulin; tablets may be all that is needed?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am on victoza, like you I lost weight to start with. Also was told it was a wonder drug.
Personally I would,nt go onto insulin.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thanks both. I am low carbing but my blood sugars are still rising, it feels as though the Victoza has switched off so I am wondering whether I am no longer producing as much insulin as before so it's not as effective. I am worried about weight gain as even though I've lost 2.5 stone I still have a lot to lose. I am sedentary because of back issues and both parents are diabetic. My Dad had a very strong CVD history so I don't want to risk future complications. Metformin hasn't had any impact and I was successful with diet only for about 4 years but then no matter what I did the sugars went up which is when I tried Victoza. In truth I've been trying to ignore it for a couple of months in the hope it would all go away or stabilise but it doesn't appear to have done. Tablets don't seem to be an option any more from the GP perspective.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Like both of you I was on victoza and insulin and it worked out for me I lost 8 stones in 6 months and I am around the weight I should be for a 6ft odd man and I can't say I had a problem with Victoza to start off with until I was on the maximum amount of units and I was just sick and dizzy but some anti sickness tablets for a couple of weeks and I was fine and I have still kept off the weight and I am still on insulin just once you lose so much weight they take it off you the victoza but I found being on insulin is not that bad and my sugars are mid range with the old high one but the option of going on insulin is up to you and you only as I have been on it for most of my life with a couple of them with tablets and with just diet only so I just opted for insulin when I got the chance so that I can get my sugars under control and in range but with 4 needles a day isn't at all that bad as it wakes you up if you are not fully awake for the day


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thank you. So if you're careful you can manage your weight on insulin. At the moment I have noticed I am more tired than when my levels were lower so I think I have to do something. I've read that type 2's are sometimes only offered the long acting insulin but it seems sensible to be able to add in adjustments according to what you eat regardless of type


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I'm on novorapid and levemir cartridges and novorapid for meals and levemir is my long acting insulin and it is the same for the mixed insulin it's short acting mixed with long acting insulin but it took me a few tries to get on the 4 injections a day and if I don't fancy anything to eat I don't take any short acting insulin or novorapid but I still have to take the long acting one for the night and to cover me for the day as well and as for the mixed insulin you have to eat small meals and that is to make sure that your sugars don't fall to low and have a snack if you need it and that you take over 2 injections a day morning and teatime and that is how you take the long acting insulin a day and that covers you over the day and night


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thanks. That's something to aim for. I have a feeling I will have a lot of questions that I doubt the nurse will answer in a 20 minute session or that I will think to ask! I am moving towards taking Insulin but am going to spend some time on this site trying to understand how it all works. I hate to make a decision unprepared.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thanks I have bookmarked it so I can keep going back to it. There seems to be a slight swing towards T2's going on insulin early - time will tell whether or not NHS advice changes. I have found the thread where the side effects of lantus are discussed, once I've read that I will look for the one on levimir!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
All you need to know is short acting insulin you can use 15 minutes before a meal or straight after a meal and long acting you take and wait 30 minutes before your meal and you have to check your bloods all the time and you can get your prescriptions free as you are on insulin but you will need to get a form to fill in to do it and to then be exempt from paying for the items on prescription for yourself as I do and you will have to sort it out with the nurse and you will be able to do everything in 20 minutes I will know as I have done it before and had time to spend for chit chat for how to do things with my diabetes and now it's clock work as I have been a diabetic for 22 years now but some things you still need to take a step back for to learn again and blood meters are easy to use you just play around with them as that is how I get to use them and to figure out what to do with them and the settings and after a while it is easy to use and deal with and so are the errors and problems you can get


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I like the idea of the pens as I am assuming they will be similar to use as Victoza. In some ways I'm hoping the need to monitor and calculate carbs will help me lose weight as I do like data and this will appeal in a weird way.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Yes you will be given either one pen if you choose to take the long acting insulin and if you choose to use the short acting insulin and long acting insulin you will get 2 pens which will be blue and silver so that you can use one for one insulin and the other for the other insulin and you will be okay when you also take your blood sugars as you only need a small amount of blood for your blood meter and that is it and you will also find out where you are comfortable with placing the needles for your insulin on you as you will be know where is where and what to do but when you do get a blood meter and you do your checks don't do your thumb as that is a no no as it has a pulse in it and it will hurt and bleed for a while as I have done it before and never again and the other needles for your insulin you will get trained but it is in your stomach and your thighs outside and your buttocks and your arms and that is the only places you can put your insulin in at


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
The pens you keep at room temperature as you do with the victoza and your pens look nearly the same as each other just different colours and lengths and one is plastic and the others are metal and a little heavier and you place the cartridge's in the top of the pen and the top of it and you would think it was a pen


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I tried the Victoza in my thigh once and bent the needle so it squirted everywhere. Have stuck to the abdomen since then but that's only one injection so I guess I will have to try my thigh again. Good news they colour code the pens I hadn't thought about mixing them up. Might have to start carrying a bag again... More shopping what a shame. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
It's easy for the thigh place the needle straight in and push the pen top all the way and then wait and don't move the pen and the needle won't bend and count to 6-10 seconds before pulling the pen straight up and that is it done as I leave it for half a minute to pull out the needle but it is the same as placing the pen and needle in your stomach and I have not done my arms yet as I have been to busy to do it in them and I am always in the wrong position to put the needle in anyway so I use my thighs and stomach and on my stomach I use the whole of it the top to bottom and around the belly button and you will get used to it anyway but that is how you put the needle in your thigh it's straight in and straight out and then you won't bend the needle or spike yourself with it as done that to


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
It would have been funny if it wasn't the first week, I guess my technique was poor and I think my thighs are probably made of leather... Thank you for your advice it's really appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
No problem but it takes a little bit of practice to get it right and you will so don't worry if you have a few hick ups on the way but that is expected as I had a few but now I have a technique and I am always watching in case the needle is faulty as I have one before but it is once in a very long blue moon and I can say that as I have not had a problem with them yet