I've been given values for all of the tests that I've had with Thriva, regardless of how they classify those results.I use Medichecks for all my private tests, and I've tested twice as being "greater than" 150pmol/L for active B12 - which of course could mean 151, or 2000; I'd really like to know the exact figure, if anyone knows of someone offering a test that isn't capped like that...?
I'm now wondering about the lab where potteron's sample got tested. Is it just a coincidence that the reported value is the same as the upper limit of that lab's range, or is it possible that their test result was higher but it was clipped?
Agreed! Although I'm hoping that it turns out that North America uses pg/mL and UK uses pmol/L.Well, this thread has just confirmed to me that there needs to be a standardised measurement for all these tests, even within the active or serum B12 there seem to be many different units used. You'd think they didn't want us to take an interest in our own health
I'd at least then stand a chance of not getting completely lost.