Vitamins and diabetes


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
This started from another thread discussion around vitamin c and covid 19. I thought I might be good to have these all together in one place for ease of reference.

Some papers and articles I found in my exploration about the benefits of vitamin c to diabetes in general - more to follow Decreased PLasma Ascorbic acid levels were found in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This level was reversed significantly after treatment with vitamin C along with metformin compared to placebo with metformin. FBS, PMBG, and HbA1c levels showed significant improvement after 12 weeks of treatment with vitamin C. Studies suggest an association between vitamin C deficiency and diabetes. An association between vitamin D and insulin resistance has been well described; however, the role of vitamin C and D supplementation in diabetes and its prevention requires further controlled trials.

and this was a paper specifically in relation to covid 19 and which form of vit c works best, they obtained a totally UNEXPECTED result showing that oral ascorbic acid is absorbed more efficiently and in higher quantities than sodium ascorbate. lots of details about mechanisms that I got a little lost in.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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Uncooked bacon
That's really interesting about ascorbic acid and covid-19.... going to get some from the store tomorrow as I'm out of it anyway. Thanks for posting, really fascinating stuff.


This is what I posted in the discussion where this arose earlier today. From my perspective, not necessarily related to either diabetes or COVID-19;

As an adjunct to what I believe is the optimal diet (for me), I am currently taking the following, once weekly only;
  • 200mg magnesium - generally depleted in the food chain?
  • 4000iu vitamin D3 (olive-oil-carrier) capsule - winter only, because I work indoors.
  • 1x scoop of grass-fed bovine collagen - because cows are cool.
  • 1000mg ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - in case I feel like I didn't eat enough organ meat in any given week.
I remain feeling healthy with none of the above, but it's a harmless and potentially beneficial once-weekly ritual that gives me extra confidence. Especially if I've been doing some fasting and have maybe been lacking in some micronutrients as a result. [remainder redacted due to irrelevance to this topic]


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Out of interest, I checked a few UK websites. They were all out of stock of the ascorbic acid.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Available fast foods in Supermarkets
I like to cover the bases so just cut around a fifth to a quarter of whole lemon around 4 to 5 times with meals per week and eat as is. For additional magnesium I have either 95 or 100 dark chocolate every day. For the correct balance of sodium and potassium I flavour food with Lo Salt.




Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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The news, alcohol & drunk people, built-up areas/concrete jungle, the whole health system, politicians, social anxiety & depression & agoraphobia, A.I. & the 'cell-phone trend/trance' (not me!), the western diet, fast food & its suppliers, selfish people, pop music since the mid-nineties, war, economic instability, poverty.
For better or worse, this is what I recently bought. Uncharacteristically without too much research, but it sounds alright :angelic:

Just realised at 1g per week, this pack will last one thousand weeks :wideyed:

1g per week? I've been taking 3g a day for years! And at the slightest symptom of a cold, I saturate my blood with it ASAP, around 10g+ daily. The 'bowl test' is a good indication I've reached my limit. Got this from a great book by Patrick Holford (nutrition Guru) in my late teens.
Haven't had a single virus set in since I was 17, I'm now 40.
The RDAs and NRVs are real basic amounts just enough to avoid getting a micronutrient deficiency, assuming you eat healthily, are generally healthy and live an active lifestyle. They are in no way enough for optimal health.
Apes (including humans) are the only mammals which can not make vitamin C inside there bodies. We must acquire it from our diet. Gorillas eat around 3-5g per day from berries.
I use Peaksupps all the time. If you join their website ALL orders are free delivery and there is normally at least one discount code on the go. Try 'flyer10' for 10% off or 'paydaygift' for 10% off plus a free gift. Always stuff in the sale too. No, I don't work for them.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
The news, alcohol & drunk people, built-up areas/concrete jungle, the whole health system, politicians, social anxiety & depression & agoraphobia, A.I. & the 'cell-phone trend/trance' (not me!), the western diet, fast food & its suppliers, selfish people, pop music since the mid-nineties, war, economic instability, poverty.
This started from another thread discussion around vitamin c and covid 19. I thought I might be good to have these all together in one place for ease of reference.

Some papers and articles I found in my exploration about the benefits of vitamin c to diabetes in general - more to follow Decreased PLasma Ascorbic acid levels were found in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This level was reversed significantly after treatment with vitamin C along with metformin compared to placebo with metformin. FBS, PMBG, and HbA1c levels showed significant improvement after 12 weeks of treatment with vitamin C. Studies suggest an association between vitamin C deficiency and diabetes. An association between vitamin D and insulin resistance has been well described; however, the role of vitamin C and D supplementation in diabetes and its prevention requires further controlled trials.

and this was a paper specifically in relation to covid 19 and which form of vit c works best, they obtained a totally UNEXPECTED result showing that oral ascorbic acid is absorbed more efficiently and in higher quantities than sodium ascorbate. lots of details about mechanisms that I got a little lost in.

Weren't those vitamin C studies done intravenously? I read one that was, in relation to covid 19 I think.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Weren't those vitamin C studies done intravenously? I read one that was, in relation to covid 19 I think.
Yes I think much of it was but mention is made of oral dosing too


1g per week? I've been taking 3g a day for years! And at the slightest symptom of a cold, I saturate my blood with it ASAP, around 10g+ daily. The 'bowl test' is a good indication I've reached my limit. Got this from a great book by Patrick Holford (nutrition Guru) in my late teens.
Haven't had a single virus set in since I was 17, I'm now 40.
The RDAs and NRVs are real basic amounts just enough to avoid getting a micronutrient deficiency, assuming you eat healthily, are generally healthy and live an active lifestyle. They are in no way enough for optimal health.
Apes (including humans) are the only mammals which can not make vitamin C inside there bodies. We must acquire it from our diet. Gorillas eat around 3-5g per day from berries.
I use Peaksupps all the time. If you join their website ALL orders are free delivery and there is normally at least one discount code on the go. Try 'flyer10' for 10% off or 'paydaygift' for 10% off plus a free gift. Always stuff in the sale too. No, I don't work for them.

Each to their own. I haven't had a cold or any illness whatsoever in well over two years of ketogenic hyper-carnivore, and for the last ten months, fully carnivore. RDAs aren't necessarily an exact science. For one thing they're based on a general population of glucose burners, and it's known that vitamin C requirements are different (lower) for those who are in ketosis.

I think I'm doing ok at the moment, but recently added the small dose of ascorbic acid anyway :nurse:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
At the risk of TMI, I normally have 'regularity' issues because of the amount of codeine & liquid morphine I'm prescribed for dry chronic cough suppression. Since I've upped my Vitamin C from 1g to 3g per day, I've been able to stop taking other 'regularity' aids :D


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
At the risk of TMI, I normally have 'regularity' issues because of the amount of codeine & liquid morphine I'm prescribed for dry chronic cough suppression. Since I've upped my Vitamin C from 1g to 3g per day, I've been able to stop taking other 'regularity' aids :D
I need supplemental iron and often don’t take it for similar reasons. Additional benefit of vit c is no such issues and better absorption (I hope).
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
A few weeks ago, when Vitamin C was mentioned as being very beneficial, I managed to find some in a Lidl's, I bought 4, 1 for my son, daughter, her boyfriend and my good friend, my good friend is now recovering from flu like symptoms and needed the toilet a lot too :(
Edited to say, friend has type 2 diabetes, no meds.
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