Weight Loss and Diabetes


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

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Hi @flora tina and welcome to the forum :) could you please give us a bit more detail of the menu you are looking for? Are you referring to the low carb programme?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
good afternoon all

i have been to my diabetic clinic on friday and was told i am now type 1 after years of being told i was type 2 then the past few years type 1.5. since 2022 i have put on 8kg in weight i have tried ww and sw but alas no success i lose a bit and put on more. im active due to my work and i cook my own foods where i can a rarely eat takeaways or ready meals. i just dont know what to do my last hba1c was 58 last year waiting on results for the recent one i am struggling to get my readings under control im either to high or running to low. i just dont know what to do anymore can someone please help. i am still trying sw but reducing my carbs down
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Well-Known Member
good afternoon all

i have been to my diabetic clinic on friday and was told i am now type 1 after years of being told i was type 2 then the past few years type 1.5. since 2022 i have put on 8kg in weight i have tried ww and sw but alas no success i lose a bit and put on more. im active due to my work and i cook my own foods where i can a rarely eat takeaways or ready meals. i just dont know what to do my last hba1c was 58 last year waiting on results for the recent one i am struggling to get my readings under control im either to high or running to low. i just dont know what to do anymore can someone please help. i am still trying sw but reducing my carbs down
I have done both WW and SW in the past snd wouldn't touch either of them with a barge pole now I'm T2. I know SW better and they allowed large amounts of carbs in terms of pasta and rice but then wouldn't let you have potatoes or peas!
I can see why SW stopped working for me the second time I joined them as I was probably diabetic at the time and the 'free foods' I was eating were having adverse effects on my body.
When I went low carb I lost lots of weight which had slowly crept on again as I didn't sustain it. I'm hoping the same thing will happen again for me.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
good afternoon all

i have been to my diabetic clinic on friday and was told i am now type 1 after years of being told i was type 2 then the past few years type 1.5. since 2022 i have put on 8kg in weight i have tried ww and sw but alas no success i lose a bit and put on more. im active due to my work and i cook my own foods where i can a rarely eat takeaways or ready meals. i just dont know what to do my last hba1c was 58 last year waiting on results for the recent one i am struggling to get my readings under control im either to high or running to low. i just dont know what to do anymore can someone please help. i am still trying sw but reducing my carbs down
It’s good that you have a proper diagnosis. Can you meet with a certified diabetes educator or nurse to figure out your insulin needs? Were you prescribed insulin? If so, it’s crucial to know that so you can properly calculate your doses. Type 1.5 can be tricky.

I’ve been type 1 for many years and for most of my life have struggled with weight. Fortunately, I’ve normally kept to being thin to average in size, but a few years ago I gained quite a bit of weight. It was holding me back from living the life I want. I started out on my own plan, with calorie counting and exercise, but later consulted with my Endocrinologis’s nutritionist. She was quite helpful and her tips got me though some plateaus. I recently hit another plateau though. I have to shake things up again. My body is just very resistant to weight loss, so I have to stay proactive and switch things up to keep it going. I’ve lost almost 70 pounds as of yesterday. Still have a little more to lose.

Good luck moving forward. I’ll look forward to seeing your progress.
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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I've tried various diets, supplements, etc. and now have resorted to having one meal a day.

My levels are so high 95mmol and have stayed like that for over 3 years despite being put on different fast acting insulin. My levels rarely fall beyond 14.2 even after injecting over 44 Units of Novorapid. Highest is general 27.3 weekly on average. Here's the thing though I've ballooned from 10st this year to now 12st 7lbs!! despite basically being mainly on hunger strike!

I don't understand this I'm not eating I'm rarely getting lows or normal regular readings irrespective of how much insulin I pump in and getting fatter, uglier and fatter! I thought reducing intake of food would bring my weight down but it's the opposite!

Consultant wants to put me on Metformin as well as insulin. I've always being categorised as Type 1 but apparently I'm Type 3c as I have no pancreas left and my diabetes was brought on by the worst necrotising pancreatitis known to man.

Seriously don't know what to do other than to eat bird portion amounts of food. It's baffled me and upset me at the same time.

Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I've tried various diets, supplements, etc. and now have resorted to having one meal a day.

My levels are so high 95mmol and have stayed like that for over 3 years despite being put on different fast acting insulin. My levels rarely fall beyond 14.2 even after injecting over 44 Units of Novorapid. Highest is general 27.3 weekly on average. Here's the thing though I've ballooned from 10st this year to now 12st 7lbs!! despite basically being mainly on hunger strike!

I don't understand this I'm not eating I'm rarely getting lows or normal regular readings irrespective of how much insulin I pump in and getting fatter, uglier and fatter! I thought reducing intake of food would bring my weight down but it's the opposite!

Consultant wants to put me on Metformin as well as insulin. I've always being categorised as Type 1 but apparently I'm Type 3c as I have no pancreas left and my diabetes was brought on by the worst necrotising pancreatitis known to man.

Seriously don't know what to do other than to eat bird portion amounts of food. It's baffled me and upset me at the same time.

Thanks for reading.
Have you been hospitalized due to those blood sugar readings? I hope you can seek immediate medical care, as those numbers are very concerning. Please contact your doctor. I hope they can figure out the problem and get your dosage correct.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Have you been hospitalized due to those blood sugar readings? I hope you can seek immediate medical care, as those numbers are very concerning. Please contact your doctor. I hope they can figure out the problem and get your dosage correct.
No I saw a consultant who asked me to do a blood test and he was the one who informed of those results. No talk of of going to a hospital, I don't know what benefit staying in a hospital would achieve. He said he wants me to take Metformin as well as my regular NovoRapid to see if my levels improve. Thanks for your concern.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi there @ROMEO Im going to make a suggestion, but inserting a couple of caveats in first, firstly I’m not on insulin, and secondly I have a functioning pancreas. My thoughts, which may make some difference, have you tried incorporating some exercise into your day ? Light to moderate exercise, like weights and walking/slow jogging. Increasing your metabolism may make a difference.