"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


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It is true, @Antje77, I think it's that inhibition goes out of the window. Our dosing was rather on the heavy side, but we found that it got to a point that nobody actually cared, so, yep, it went downhill! :hilarious: Plus, couldn't focus on the English/French dictionary. ;)

Their first meal with us was erm...roast beef & Yorkies, well we had to live up to our name & they'd never had Yorkies, roast spuds or roast parsnips. The latter were apparently pig fodder, not that they knew their name in French!! They now all grow & roast them. We had many, many meals & laughs over the years. Many Christmasses they spent with us too, as we had all the lights, decs & tree up. They did catch that particular bug too. I'm still in regular contact with them & their kids that we watched grow & that are now adults with kids. We were extremely lucky & I still am to have their continued friendship. :joyful:


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How have I never seen this thread?

Will just post in here in future instead of the main thread as just saw the post saying the other thread is far too off topic.

Not much to add food wise, except yoghurt and berries for breakfast instead of dipping into that granola that's in the cupboard.

Feel myself veering back on path after a little excursion, not going to put too much pressure on and seems like my BG is not sky high atm, just bought 250 strips to keep an eye on things as was having to be frugal the last month when ran out again.


Type of diabetes
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How have I never seen this thread?

Will just post in here in future instead of the main thread as just saw the post saying the other thread is far too off topic.

Not much to add food wise, except yoghurt and berries for breakfast instead of dipping into that granola that's in the cupboard.

Feel myself veering back on path after a little excursion, not going to put too much pressure on and seems like my BG is not sky high atm, just bought 250 strips to keep an eye on things as was having to be frugal the last month when ran out again.
Trouble is I always forget this parallel thread and miss things sometimes! Presumably if we used it more I'd get into the habit!
Must be tough when there is high carb stuff in the cupboard - my husband luckily tries to restrict his carbs plus he doesn't eat cereals anymore and tries to only buy higher carb stuff I don't like. Talking of cereals - are others in UK getting really annoyed by the new weetabix adverts? I used to love weetabix can't imagine now why I did ..........
Good to hear you are getting back on track and taking care of yourself.


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Trouble is I always forget this parallel thread and miss things sometimes! Presumably if we used it more I'd get into the habit!
Must be tough when there is high carb stuff in the cupboard - my husband luckily tries to restrict his carbs plus he doesn't eat cereals anymore and tries to only buy higher carb stuff I don't like. Talking of cereals - are others in UK getting really annoyed by the new weetabix adverts? I used to love weetabix can't imagine now why I did ..........
Good to hear you are getting back on track and taking care of yourself.

True, looks like it hadn't been posted in for a few months too!

The chat in the other thread doesn't bother me at all, in fact that's what draws me to it, but it's not about me so I can totally see why it's a problem for users coming across a load of in chatter who only want to see meals posted, especially if it's being reported as such.

The other side of this is, from almost 30 years of experience online, off topic is one thing, but over-fragmentation has sadly tended to be the death knell of bbs's and forums I've taken part in and moderated, same with banning of the more colourful characters or dissenting voices - the best and most interesting places tended to self police for the most part and were pretty hands off moderation wise, aside a few things. it's one of those things you'll never be able to keep all sides happy though, hard job. I guess tougher policies and boundaries do work in some situations, this board itself seems thriving and is fragmented far more and a lot stricter than lots I've been on for example. Anyway I digress,

Thanks, I'm usually okay if I don't touch any at all, tends not to bother me - it's only if I start indulging then does the temptation start to become tougher to resist. I guess its like an addiction of sorts for me. It's good you have someone in the house who to some extent follows suit, must make things a bit simpler. While I wouldn't want to convince my better half and daughter they should eat as I do (not saying you have done this with your husband of course) I can see the value in us all eating less carbs.


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The other thing is that if used more, then this thread might then become the main thread for people who want to "post meals AND chat", sort of like the puzzling amount of threads I've come across with different levels of chat for reporting fasting blood glucose. but I guess this is an effort to try to keep everyone happy, which also confuses dimwits like me.

Either that or a "post food ONLY" thread might get created and the other thread carries on as normal/renamed. not my forums though...


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True, looks like it hadn't been posted in for a few months too!

The chat in the other thread doesn't bother me at all, in fact that's what draws me to it, but it's not about me so I can totally see why it's a problem for users coming across a load of in chatter who only want to see meals posted, especially if it's being reported as such.

The other side of this is, from almost 30 years of experience online, off topic is one thing, but over-fragmentation has sadly tended to be the death knell of bbs's and forums I've taken part in and moderated, same with banning of the more colourful characters or dissenting voices - the best and most interesting places tended to self police for the most part and were pretty hands off moderation wise, aside a few things. it's one of those things you'll never be able to keep all sides happy though, hard job. I guess tougher policies and boundaries do work in some situations, this board itself seems thriving and is fragmented far more and a lot stricter than lots I've been on for example. Anyway I digress,

Thanks, I'm usually okay if I don't touch any at all, tends not to bother me - it's only if I start indulging then does the temptation start to become tougher to resist. I guess its like an addiction of sorts for me. It's good you have someone in the house who to some extent follows suit, must make things a bit simpler. While I wouldn't want to convince my better half and daughter they should eat as I do (not saying you have done this with your husband of course) I can see the value in us all eating less carbs.
George was diagnosed a couple of years after my diabetes diagnosis with pre diabetes himself and also had a growing middle and neck so it was easier to work on him! He now sticks to low to medium carb as it keeps his sugars and weight normal so a big incentive. I think too that worry about his appearance had more influence than what I said! Having said this I'm really Pleased his health is better and shopping and cooking is easier!


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The chat in the other thread doesn't bother me at all, in fact that's what draws me to it, but it's not about me so I can totally see why it's a problem for users coming across a load of in chatter who only want to see meals posted, especially if it's being reported as such.

The other side of this is, from almost 30 years of experience online, off topic is one thing, but over-fragmentation has sadly tended to be the death knell of bbs's and forums I've taken part in and moderated, same with banning of the more colourful characters or dissenting voices - the best and most interesting places tended to self police for the most part and were pretty hands off moderation wise, aside a few things. it's one of those things you'll never be able to keep all sides happy though, hard job.
Speaking as both a former moderator for 4 years on this forum, and as one of the main culprits at derailing the main thread, it definitely is a fine line to balance on for the mod team.
I know from experience they are doing all they can to keep that thread attractive too all, using a very soft approach on moderating and only stepping in with a friendly reminder when the thread gets more chatty than about sharing food.

The message wasn't to not share anything outside meals anymore, just to keep the weight of the thread on food.
There is still quite a lot of room for things happening around your meals to add, and you can always post the mainly food part there and add the rest here with a link to your post. Just copy and paste the post number on the top right of your post to link directly to it for the ones who like to read more, it works pretty well.

This thread is in General Chat, the main thread is in the Low carb forum, which makes a significant difference.
I do enjoy the off topic parts a lot, but I also agree with the mods that the main thread is more useful with slightly less off topic chatter. (And again, I'm one of the worst, it's just too easy!)
sort of like the puzzling amount of threads I've come across with different levels of chat for reporting fasting blood glucose. but I guess this is an effort to try to keep everyone happy, which also confuses dimwits like me.
Completely confusing, and yet serving a purpose.
The full on chat in in the Gen Chat part of the forum, post anything you like.
The with some chat one is mainly for sharing FBG's, but if you want to add some thoughts about why it was what it was or add a friendly reply to someone else, it's allowed.
The very low chat level is for those who like to keep accountable by sharing their FBG but aren't interested in chatting.
Bit of a nightmare, but all those threads serve a different purpose.

Over the years, the main thread has started to become more chatty every once in a while, and at some point, maybe once a year, the mods have stepped in to reduce the amount of chat for a while. So far this has worked pretty well, it hasn't killed the friendly nature of the thread yet, and I don't expect it will in the future.


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George was diagnosed a couple of years after my diabetes diagnosis with pre diabetes himself and also had a growing middle and neck so it was easier to work on him! He now sticks to low to medium carb as it keeps his sugars and weight normal so a big incentive. I think too that worry about his appearance had more influence than what I said! Having said this I'm really Pleased his health is better and shopping and cooking is easier!

That is a big win being able to do that, sometimes there's 3 dinners on the go here, although I do try to condense and add things to others meals.

Glad to hear it helps

Speaking as both a former moderator for 4 years on this forum, and as one of the main culprits at derailing the main thread, it definitely is a fine line to balance on for the mod team.
I know from experience they are doing all they can to keep that thread attractive too all, using a very soft approach on moderating and only stepping in with a friendly reminder when the thread gets more chatty than about sharing food.

The message wasn't to not share anything outside meals anymore, just to keep the weight of the thread on food.
There is still quite a lot of room for things happening around your meals to add, and you can always post the mainly food part there and add the rest here with a link to your post. Just copy and paste the post number on the top right of your post to link directly to it for the ones who like to read more, it works pretty well.

This thread is in General Chat, the main thread is in the Low carb forum, which makes a significant difference.
I do enjoy the off topic parts a lot, but I also agree with the mods that the main thread is more useful with slightly less off topic chatter. (And again, I'm one of the worst, it's just too easy!)

Completely confusing, and yet serving a purpose.
The full on chat in in the Gen Chat part of the forum, post anything you like.
The with some chat one is mainly for sharing FBG's, but if you want to add some thoughts about why it was what it was or add a friendly reply to someone else, it's allowed.
The very low chat level is for those who like to keep accountable by sharing their FBG but aren't interested in chatting.
Bit of a nightmare, but all those threads serve a different purpose.

Over the years, the main thread has started to become more chatty every once in a while, and at some point, maybe once a year, the mods have stepped in to reduce the amount of chat for a while. So far this has worked pretty well, it hasn't killed the friendly nature of the thread yet, and I don't expect it will in the future.

Fair, and understood, thanks for further clarification. I realise the difficulty not turning a thread into a chatroom from a moderation standpoint if it has a defined purpose, but then keeping it open enough for some level of chat.

Personally knowing my propensity to chat, :joyful: I'd feel I'd be too conscious posting anything past meals and a photo, how much is too much, should I reply or not, etc etc etc. safer to post elsewhere.

Of course what I meant in lesser words is the alternative to that is we make another division, which really did confuse me at first, I had no idea what thread I was posting in for ages as they jump around day to day and aren't fixed as such and on lots of different boards on here. Which is also tiring to keep up with also, probably why I tended to keep to the one thread.

Wasn't for a min proposing an insurrection, although I could always start a thread of course, I suppose, but there is this one, so probably no need.

edit: trying to clarify thoughts, hit post too quickly
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The main difficulty I can see, (without mod hat on, so don’t be afraid. Nobody is in trouble), is that new, and very often confused / worried members are frequently directed to have a look at the What Have You Eaten thread. The purpose of that is to see examples and ideas of what sort of low carb meals and snacks people are consuming. Low carbing is quite a mystery to folks who have been brought up with the typical low fat high carb advice we are frequently given.
The information sought in the thread is often lost in among the friendly, supportive posts shared by a small group. Nobody wants to prevent those members who want to chat and support each other from doing so. Hence, someone had the brilliant idea of creating this thread to chat away as you see fit. About anything and everything. Though remembering that the chat threads are not immune to being edited if anything falls foul of Community Ethos and Forum Rules.

As someone who doesn’t like to share too much personal info online. (Bad past experience) I seldom add to chat threads. It can be daunting to have to seek info in a non chat thread that is full of conversation I have not been involved in, so, can’t participate in the conversations. Despite being a long term member, I stopped using the non chat What Have You Eaten Thread for that reason.:(


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Thanks for the extra perspective, I fell on that thread for exactly that reason, looking for things I could eat and ideas what people were doing day to day in their eating and also ended up liking all the characters posting within it and they have all been mighty helpful and supportive, so jumped in on the public conversation and everyone seems to have been quite welcoming of that. I sometimes forget that thread has a far more focused purpose beyond that, and not everyone wants to see the rubbish I post or take part in the same way I have done. The reminder was well received.

I know no ones telling me off, it's a me thing, I'd rather look at my behaviours before looking at others behaviours. I'm quite happy to post wherever is best to - this thread seems perfect for that, I've never even noticed it before, by-product of so many threads + me never checking bothering to check the index, or every board, just the low carb one occasionally.

Understand the the two fold problem of splitting things up vs having it all in one quite well. signal / noise... pluses and minuses on both sides of the argument depending on the contexts... always been a problem since we began categorising things. Haven't really caught up with just yet I don't think, even though the technology is theoretically there, the implementation can be difficult, even on a post by post basis there could be intermixed signal and noise and things would get too atomic filtered and meaning would get lost outside of their contexts.

Best we've come up on forums with findability and discoverability with is rules, literal search, filtering and tagging but even then that's not implemented as well as it could be and costly in it's own way. Sometimes working in the ancient thread paradigm as we do, splitting it up is all you do despite their always being an overlap, see the problem with sorting things and folders for example.

Went simple for dinner, bacon, egg and sausages, 5.5 2hr post reading.


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Actually yeah, thinking about it more, though I did mention it was confusing, if we are bound by the splitting thing.

Like the FBG threads, the labelling does make sense giving it more thought if consistent.

What Have You Eaten Today thread (Minimal or No chat)
What Have You Eaten Today thread (with chat)

The boundaries would be clearer, just like I've never been tempted to waffle in a thread that was labelled as minimal/no chat as I respect the boundary set there, guess you can pick and choose then. would probably create 2 siloes of people who would get exactly what they wanted you can direct to based on who wants what.

I prefer it all in one myself, but a forums isn't about me is it.


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Actually yeah, thinking about it more, though I did mention it was confusing, if we are bound by the splitting thing.

Like the FBG threads, the labelling does make sense giving it more thought if consistent.

What Have You Eaten Today thread (Minimal or No chat)
What Have You Eaten Today thread (with chat)

The boundaries would be clearer, just like I've never been tempted to waffle in a thread that was labelled as minimal/no chat as I respect the boundary set there, guess you can pick and choose then. would probably create 2 siloes of people who would get exactly what they wanted you can direct to based on who wants what.

I prefer it all in one myself, but a forums isn't about me is it.
Except there is no need for a "What Have You Eaten Today thread (Minimal or No chat)", no-one has asked for minimal to no chat, just for a bit of reduction from the very long off topic stuff.

Don't overthink this reminder of the mods on the main thread, post your food, add some bits around it, don't endlessly waffle on about your neighbour like I do unless it's about shared meals or a short word about his dog, but not a full paragraph on his dog.


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I find it doesn't come up in notifications so I actively have to search for it
Threads in General Chat are a bit different as they don't show up in 'latest Posts' or 'What's New'.

This is because Gen Chat is designed for off topic stuff, and there are some very active threads in this section of the forum.
However, they are mostly not about diabetes, so if all posts would show up in recent posts, genuine diabetes questions would get snowed under by forum games and chatty threads with an occasional FBG.

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If you put a thread on watch, remember to open notifications received on that thread.
If you don't, you'll not get notifications again unless someone tags or likes you in that thread, or you visit it actively.
This is exactly the same in Gen Chat as in the rest of the forum, I'm sure you have the experience of 'losing' notifications for a particular thread.


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Except there is no need for a "What Have You Eaten Today thread (Minimal or No chat)", no-one has asked for minimal to no chat, just for a bit of reduction from the very long off topic stuff.

Don't overthink this reminder of the mods on the main thread, post your food, add some bits around it, don't endlessly waffle on about your neighbour like I do unless it's about shared meals or a short word about his dog, but not a full paragraph on his dog.

Ah right, okay, forget all what I said then. Sorry, not meaning to be tiresome. I thought that was the point being made, and why this thread was created. maybe I took it a bit literally and I have trouble in making a distinction of food talk being a discreet activity that happens distinct from other aspects of life itself and when having a conversation it spirals a bit. I suppose I was taking the thread at post value rather then thread value and what I saw as the natural way it seems to have panned out, being food + all sorts of chat rather than the intended purpose of it.

Was good to be reminded, helped me consider others might not have the same ideas I do.


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I just posted on the usual "What have you eaten.."thread. I did include some extra comments, but they were to explain my choices. I hope that wasn't too much chatting. Difficult to restrict it to just food and leave out any extra justification or comment. Question is - how to seek advice or comment without the extra wordage. In any case, the little extras bring the thread to life. I did start, a while ago, using this and other alternative threads, but the interest was restricted to a few folk so it was less valuable as a source of information and I stopped using it very much.


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My food has been too boring to post on the main thread this week, I've had onion soup all week. :hilarious:
Also tired after work so posting less, this new work thing is enjoyable but it also takes quite a lot of getting used to, even if it's only half days.

Currently contemplating my courage. Will I ask my neighbour to remove the two stitches from my finger now, or put another band aid on and ignore for now to deal with tomorrow?
They've been in for 8 days now, I was allowed to remove them yesterday. Finger is still a bit sore, it must have been a pretty deep wound, and I expect the stitch removal to hurt.


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is there any difference between having them out today or tomorrow?

Random observation:

Just heard what sounds like a demented walrus next door but I think it’s probably more likley just a chair scraping along a tiled/lino floor


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is there any difference between having them out today or tomorrow?
Of course there is.
If I would have postponed I wouldn't have had to work up my courage today! :hilarious:

Turned out to not be as easy as we thought, but putting two pairs of reading glasses on top of eachother helped a lot.
Having the right equipment would have helped even more, but in the end we got them out with a Stanley knife and kitchen scissors, pulling up the stitches to make room for cutting with a pair of pliers neighbour usually uses at his job working with zinc on roofs. Both our households have a lack of tiny scissors and tweezers apparently.
It only hurt a little and feels much better now, even though it doesn't feel healed on the inside yet. I guess sticking a rather dull crowbar deep in your finger makes for a wound that doesn't heal as easily as a cut with a sharp knife.

Looks pretty good to me, before and after. :joyful:
(And yes, I painted with grey primer today, and with a black finish.)
It looks like I damaged a nerve for my skin though, so I now have a patch feeling really funny, and if I accidentally touch something with it in a certain way it feels 'wrong', making me slightly nauseous. Let's hope this will correct itself as well.


Random observation:

Just heard what sounds like a demented walrus next door but I think it’s probably more likley just a chair scraping along a tiled/lino floor
Do demented walruses (walri?) make a different sound from those still having their full mental capacities?

I also made some very cute pictures of my neighbour, and with all the stories you've already heard about him I think it's time to share. :)


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Haha, that’s why I asked. was wondering if it was a “cup” thing as in if you had enough left in your cup to deal with today, or better to tackle once you’d “refilled” that particular cup tomorrow or another day.

I like the ingenuity, using what tools are available, I too reckon that it will take a while more, more so as it wasn’t a clean cut.

In lockdown I slipped with a Swiss army knife and sliced from the middle of the bottom of the nail, a lovely deep flap up the side of my finger. Now, it was so clean it was able to fuse together quite nicely, didn’t need stitches (luckily as everywhere was chaos/closed) and had handy (benefits of living with a nurse) a hydrocolloid dressing thing. It healed quite well and I did have the same nerve thing you mention. Can’t guarantee it will work as it wasn’t the tip but the side, and a clean cut, but the feeling in my finger has returned while it felt horrible at first.

The tip mrs mitten gave me was to go around touching as many things as possible, and rubbing it with my other fingers, fabric etc as it trains the sensation to feel somewhat normal again.

What lovely pictures :0)

Ooh nealry forgot, yes, i assume it’s mad! I think any walrus living in a Victorian terraced house might be slightly bonkers to begin with, let alone their questionable taste in music!
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