What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Good Morning and 5.7 for me today. Loin of Cod and salad last night so expected better numbers.

Till have to catch up on posts which I intended to do last night. However after a long day of physical work and play I fell asleep after dinner whilst reading some poetry and did not wake until past midnight when I went straight to bed. I hate sleeping on an evening it's such a waste of life.:banghead:

Tesco run today have not been for over 2 weeks so low on everything.

As for the rest of the day there is no road map other than catching up here at some point.

Keep safe use time well.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Good morning everyone from another bright and cheering start here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of stir fried chicken and stuff came in at a flat lined 5.0 this am

A wonderfully warm day again yesterday and up and out with the girl in the bubble - she loves the sand and the sea, as soon as she is fully toddling it will be shoes off and into the water - children don’t seem to notice cold very much.
A change in tac with art - blossom is pushing out so had a go with that. I tried to use a couple of products as resist but to no avail - anyone know of a resist that can be left in situ @Muddy Cyclist, @geefull, @gennepher? I can make some out of soy (I know) - basically soy milk in a pure form acts as a resist on rice paper, but there may be something that can be purchased.
Anyhow - I ended up applying a very light wash to the front and once dried, splattering with some watered down white. Not exactly what I wanted but never mind. Hope that everyone is well, time for some koffy.

View attachment 48276
Yesterday's Spring Art looked very good, splatter worked. I do like that strong blossom colour you have mixed. As for resist that can be left I have only ever used wax but is is a bit random to control.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Busy day, just got in from garden, lots done, good feeling. Now need to cook dinner Cod Loin and a robust salad.

Great 3 hour bike ride heathland still not showing any real signs of Spring.

So no painting so I offer you this very quick playing about with Mrs MCs watercolour dye paints. Will finish my Spring pic Tuesday.

View attachment 48282

And because I have not been artistically creative today here is the Bach trio our Recorder Quartet have virtually recorded. mrs MC on Soprano Recorder, me on Bass, the other two members on Treble and Tenor and the guy playing Treble is also on keyboard. Three pieces one after another, please don't Feel you need to listen, not everyone's taste.....I hope you enjoy.

Bach Trio for 4 Recorders.

I will catch up on posts later with a nice glass of red wine or two.
Cod loin - smashing
Nice, tidy, colourful butterfly and a trio fo Bach, well played. I think that these work a lot easier that when many instruments and voices have to stitched together.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone. 0655 on Tuesday already and I slept soundly...didn't even stir.

Another cloudy day, high of 20°C...

Just completed the ritual stabbing of my finger to find unsurprisingly with the stress of yesterday and more of the same today that my FBG is higher than of late at 6.9mmol...eating later than usual seems also to have had an impact...Sigh.

Breakfast has arrived - and no longer left outside, a bit of normality - miso soup, omelette and steamed fish plus good coffee as well as berries with Greek yoghurt.

My driver yesterday lived in Scotland for a couple of years and insisted on being called Hamish...surreal to say the least!

Leave here in 35-40 minutes with meetings from 0830 through to 1930 nonstop: dinner back here rather than a working one as was the case yesterday, which I'm looking forward to. Tomorrow is a long working dinner over a boardroom table at day's end and I doubt I'll be back in the hotel much before 11pm...my eyebags look like IKEA blue holdalls as it is!

Hope the day before midweek is full of great and good surprises for you all!
Freedom! And a driver from the cast of Braveheart - cool.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Fbg 6.7

My fibromyalgia has gone into flare up sensitivity mode. I cannot stand anything touching me, even the cat stayed out of my way all night and slept in the front room.
I have things to do, so I need to attend to these first. All I want to do is hibernate and sleep. Will play catch up later today.

My digital painting in Procreate.
What is it? Who knows...
It started as one thing, a beautiful silhouette tree lined sunrise, but it morphed into this as I painted with my fingers...

View attachment 48284

Oh, nasty nasty FM - I expect you have a lot of distraction techniques, will you meditate?
Wonderful mystical art work - reminds me of a moon lit night at Lake Guizengeard - 50 shades of blue, trapped in the middle of a huge forest on the border of Charente-Maritime and Sud-Charente.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
7.00am FBG 5,2
Errant is waking up at about 6.30am, most mornings now and insisting it's breakfast time.
This is ok by me, but MrSlim needs more sleep and is not happy. Errant in full flow is loud and persistent, it does not help the FBG if I try to ignore him, which is almost impossible as he is only about 2 metres away.
For some reason the skylight above the bed has no blind, that end of the motorhome is now almost full daylight, while the drivers cab and dining area are still dimly lit.
For some reason we have no internet this morning. That won't please MrSlim either.
I had better make him a second cup of tea.
Time for the marathon task that is a morning shower.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Good morning everyone from a bag of mixed messages here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of bangers and a colcannon of cauliflower mash and cauliflower greens came in at 4.9 this am

OK - who mentioned slow running? So, started slow jogging and yesterday (called niko niko) - did an online course from some nice folk in Japan and they even gave me a certificate of completion for my CPD - that will be handy for when I go for that interview!

Soy milk batch number one on the go - I want to try it as a resist on rice paper but could end up drinking some of it and see what expression my face makes - you never know until you try.
So, art, I found this bit of rice paper with gold flecks in (about 6 x 3 inches) - some blossom seen in the park. Hope that everyone has as good a day as you can make it. Koffy time.

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Reactions: BRSBRI and mojo37


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
7.00am FBG 5,2
Errant is waking up at about 6.30am, most mornings now and insisting it's breakfast time.
This is ok by me, but MrSlim needs more sleep and is not happy. Errant in full flow is loud and persistent, it does not help the FBG if I try to ignore him, which is almost impossible as he is only about 2 metres away.
For some reason the skylight above the bed has no blind, that end of the motorhome is now almost full daylight, while the drivers cab and dining area are still dimly lit.
For some reason we have no internet this morning. That won't please MrSlim either.
I had better make him a second cup of tea.
Time for the marathon task that is a morning shower.
A win for that FBG - I would have to tackle that skylight and fabricate a blind of some kind - either that or it’s black out paint. Hope the internet kicks in - reboot - is that the word.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Cod loin - smashing
Nice, tidy, colourful butterfly and a trio fo Bach, well played. I think that these work a lot easier that when many instruments and voices have to stitched together.
Thank you. Re music I agree, less of a Muddy sound when just a few instruments.
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Reactions: BRSBRI and dunelm

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Good morning everyone from a bag of mixed messages here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of bangers and a colcannon of cauliflower mash and cauliflower greens came in at 4.9 this am

OK - who mentioned slow running? So, started slow jogging and yesterday (called niko niko) - did an online course from some nice folk in Japan and they even gave me a certificate of completion for my CPD - that will be handy for when I go for that interview!

Soy milk batch number one on the go - I want to try it as a resist on rice paper but could end up drinking some of it and see what expression my face makes - you never know until you try.
So, art, I found this bit of rice paper with gold flecks in (about 6 x 3 inches) - some blossom seen in the park. Hope that everyone has as good a day as you can make it. Koffy time.

View attachment 48285
Art worked well on the gold flecks paper. I like the blossom flowers, not easy to get the many shades of pink into the petals or the hint of yellow but you have done so. I also noted the flecks of brown/Orange on the green leaves, little bits of detail that add to the finished overall pleasing picture.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Art worked well on the gold flecks paper. I like the blossom flowers, not easy to get the many shades of pink into the petals or the hint of yellow but you have done so. I also noted the flecks of brown/Orange on the green leaves, little bits of detail that add to the finished overall pleasing picture.
Thank you @Muddy Cyclist - the colour on the paper and my less than spot on eyesight didn’t allow for a great transition between shades but a bit of furious dabbing sort of got it there.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Good morning everyone from a clear, still but chilly Breckland with one extra 91 yo inhabitant. I'm not satisfied with the 5.3 for an fbg but I'm pretty sure it can't be carbs so, despite 2 types of antihistamine, I'm blaming hay fever. Hug for the FM @gennepher but winner for attitude and art. Amazing stamina @BRSBRI and yes, Hamish would crosswaffle one. We once had a taxi driver in Cyprus who knew Cambridge very well. Everyone else have a great day I need to restrict my time here as much as possible for a while.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
4.8 this morning. Today is the first day since the start of winter that I haven't worn my thermal base layer on the early morning dog walk. Spring definitely must have started - although I still did wear my fake fur lined padded winter coat.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

My fibromyalgia has gone into flare up sensitivity mode. I cannot stand anything touching me, even the cat stayed out of my way all night and slept in the front room.
I have things to do, so I need to attend to these first. All I want to do is hibernate and sleep. Will play catch up later today.

My digital painting in Procreate.
What is it? Who knows...
It started as one thing, a beautiful silhouette tree lined sunrise, but it morphed into this as I painted with my fingers...

View attachment 48284
Hope the fibromyalgia settles down quickly. I do love your painting it is very atmospheric.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
A win for that FBG - I would have to tackle that skylight and fabricate a blind of some kind - either that or it’s black out paint. Hope the internet kicks in - reboot - is that the word.
Thanks for the positive comment @dunelm, and yes, am trying to get something for the skylight during the extra, unplanned venture to the shops. Returning some rotten veg purchased yesterday.
Blackout paint, that is an idea for the rear window/headboard. We plan to block it up anyway as it is completely impractical.