What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Only popped out for a Muddy Bike ride, then lunch with Mrs MC and a sunny afternoon walk and the forum moved on like an express train, Christmas! We've only just had bonfire night and leaves are still on the trees. Mind you I do love Christmas all that time with family and friends plus numerous gigs with the folk band, choir and recorder quartet.

Good news @OldButBold and @HarryBeau

@SaskiaKC you have nothing to be embarrassed about, frustrating as it is our pet Draculas love to shock us now and again, are you like me? Refuse to believe it, wash hands, test again, try other fingers, waste strips and all to no avail as the result is still annoyingly the same. We've all been there I'm sure and it's the forum support that gets us through.

Mind you today I was very very embarrassed. I went my muddy bike ride and it was extremely muddy and decided on the way back to pop into the health centre to find out why they had not called me for my HbA1c test which was due in October. I locked up my bike, removed my helmet and rushed into the building, there was a line of 4 people waiting and behind the desk 5 members of the health staff were standing seemingly doing nothing to reduce the line of patients. So I asked a man in front of me why no one was being seen to, he said "I have no idea it's always the same they are dead slow" at which point the health centre manager said very crossly "we are trying to have 2 minutes silence" now that's embarrassment, I felt awful.

Oh and as for BG reading after 0 carb breakfast and 2 hour bike ride 6.1 and after 0 carb lunch 6.3 now and before evening meal, why?

Thank you. :) You have no need to feel embarrassed nor does the man in line who answered your question. IMO it was a nice thought on the part of the staff but a better idea might have been to post a notice. At some veterinary clinics they light a candle and put a notice on the door asking politely for silence when an animal dies.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
BG reading after 0 carb breakfast and 2 hour bike ride 6.1 and after 0 carb lunch 6.3 now and before evening meal, why?
Why not try a small carb snack before you exercise...I am back to walking nothing like I used to do less than half...if I have nothing (carbs) my BG goes up...worth a go MC.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
thank you, life seems good ... only hard task now for me is the diabetes.... we even decided only to give one gift each person to one other (except our children) so Christmas wil be okay cheap this year... and no worries there...I am having most of the inner family this year for Christmas dinner and dance around the Christmas tree... here in DK we celebrate mostly the evening of the 24.th of december... happy to be able just to focus on decorating for christmas the tree and not at least the dinner... we have both vegetarians and meatlovers... so need lots of food ideas especially for the vegetarins... hope you are all doing well in this great forum.... it is such a hard task to keep ones nose in the track....

You’re back now though Freema and that’s the main thing. You’ll soon be back on track. YourChristmas plans sound wonderful.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hey I am showing my age here btw! They were great watches which we-all really enjoyed and were glued to at the time. Of course no mobiles etc.
Age is a wonderful thing, just sad we don't reach it half way through our lives rather than in our later years. :)
No mobiles or computers or all day TV or shops open every hour. Different times but I'm not sure they were any better.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions

These are a few of the names I think of on the 11th of November.

William Thomas Bowden
BIRTH JAN 1893 • Lynton, Devon, England
DEATH NOV 1939 • Serving on HMS Cilica transferred to GOSPORT naval Hospital HAMPSHIRE
My Grandfather who I never got to Know.

Charles Pugsley
BIRTH 9 JAN 1920 • Kidderminster, Worcestershire
DEATH 1 JUL 1974 • Honicknowle Plymouth
My stepfather who although he lived to 1974 carried the scars of the horrific wounds, he received in WWII including the loss of his right leg these wounds directly contributed to his eventual demise and are why my mother became a war widow like her mother before her.

John George Green Great Uncle
BIRTH JANUARY 1884 • Northd, Heaton Newcastle

Lieutenant Commander Kenneth Howard Bloomer RN
BIRTH 31 MAR 1909 • Ecclesall Bierlow, Yorkshire West Riding, United Kingdom
DEATH 9 OCT 1943 • Killed in Action HMS Panther

Sydney Passmore
BIRTH 28 DEC 1881 • Combe Martin, Devon, England
DEATH 13 MAY 1915 • Died at sea Body Not Recovered For Burial HMS Goliath

Ernest Blackmore
BIRTH APR 1900 • Parracombe, Devon, England
DEATH 4 OCT 1915 • Killed in Action France & Flanders
Particularly poignant if you note his date of birth and death

Charles Henry Fiske III 1896–1918
BIRTH 3 DEC 1896 • Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
DEATH AUGUST 24 1918 • Died of wounds in France

An American cousin.

We all have stories to tell and those to remember.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I think around the time of Hawai 5-0 I was watching Bonanzo. Loved Little Joe. Anyone remember The High Chapperel ?

I remember High Chaparral! Billy Blue and Manolito!


But I loved Little Joe Cartwright. And Jess Harper. And Rowdy Yates! ;)



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Just a quickie. Back from southport. Had a lovely few hours there with hubby eating, drinking and making merry. Iving on the cake was being part of a low carb group led by dr David Unwin himself. Before the group started we had half an hour on our own. He shared some of his info which will help me so much when I set my own low carb group up in the future. The low carb session was packed to the rafters. Held in the reception area of his surgery. Not an empty chair left. Dr Unwin spoke about tackling xmas, suggestions for starters, mains desserts and of course a cheese board. Making a nice gravy out of the Turkey juice and cream. Cauliflower cheese, Baileys no sugar. Special coffees. Alcohol in general. Mixers. He spoke about good and bad fats. Butter is good (apart from most spreadable which have veg oil or rapeseed in) nuts good and bad. Fruit good and bad. He encouraged everyone to ask questions. He is such a wonderful man. Anyway I came away with so much food for thought.

Tired now and in bed. Catch up tomorrow.

Today's libre report;
Coffee and cream breakfast at hairdressers
Late brunch rump steak salad with peppercorn sauce. Followed by cheese and 1 Jacob's crackers
Glass of red.

Eyes are closing so I will bid you farewell!!!


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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morning and a 5.5 which is good after a day of 6's yesterday.

Lots of rehearsing today ready for tomorrows gig, not keen on mid week gigs, yet I know not why.

@Debandez you are one fortunate lady to spend time with Doc David Unwin and other ambassadors. We are fortunate that you share his and your wisdom and your BG reading with us on this forum, thank you it's all very supportive.

Keep warm and dry each and every one.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Just a quickie. Back from southport. Had a lovely few hours there with hubby eating, drinking and making merry. Iving on the cake was being part of a low carb group led by dr David Unwin himself. Before the group started we had half an hour on our own. He shared some of his info which will help me so much when I set my own low carb group up in the future. The low carb session was packed to the rafters. Held in the reception area of his surgery. Not an empty chair left. Dr Unwin spoke about tackling xmas, suggestions for starters, mains desserts and of course a cheese board. Making a nice gravy out of the Turkey juice and cream. Cauliflower Baileys no sugar. Special coffees. Alcohol in general. Mixers. He spoke about good and bad fats. Butter is good (apart from most spreadable which have veg oil or rapeseed in) nuts good and bad. Fruit good and bad. He encouraged everyone to ask questions. He is such a wonderful man. Anyway I came away with so much food for thought.

Tired now and in bed. Catch up tomorrow.

Today's libre report;
Coffee and cream breakfast at hairdressers
Late brunch rump steak salad with peppercorn sauce. Followed by cheese and 1 Jacob's crackers
Glass of red.

Eyes are closing so I will bid you farewell!!!

That sounds like a super day Debs, great BSL all the way through too. What on earth is Cauliflower Baileys though? ( I have a recipe for low carb Baileys from @maglil55 which I’ll be making again this year, but it doesn’t involve cauliflower!)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. 5.0 for me after having only a crusted cheese omelette to eat yesterday.
Went to see The Good Liar at the cinema (Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen ) quite enjoyable, both fine actors. All tickets £5 on Mondays so we’ll worth it.
@gennepher I am also swigging back the coffee trying to keep out the cold and steeling myself to take Dennis out for his morning constitutional. It’s still raining hard.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.0 this morning. n

Had a lovely day yesterday just one class in the morning and a 6 hour break to go to hairdressers and walk around the shops before evening classes. Walked an amazing 18K steps.

Forgot to take my little bar of 85% chocolate to have for lunch so went in search of Hotel Chocolate but couldn't find it in the shopping mall. Was beginning to go a bit low so ended up in M&S and bought a bar of their 100%. I tried a square and really really liked it - so went back and bought 5 more as I won't be there again until mid December.

Dinner at Bella Italia was superb - Sea Bass and salad.