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  • I am looking forward to reading more from you Debs.
    As I am certain are several more here.

    How did you feel you did?
    What a day yesterday!
    Well done you, Great job!!!

    I feel I need to do more to raise awareness... That's partly down to y o u! Thank you!

    "What's the use of all this knowledge,
    if we do share, our wisdom with another
    to pass down through the years.
    Look, listen, learn and pass it on!
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    Reactions: Debandez
    Very kind of you and I love to read comments like this. More good news from yesterdays presentation, will post later Po.
    Hi Deb! ♥ You're the first person I followed on here. I am looking forward to spending a lot of time on this forum, and learning from people here. Thank you for your post! It caught my eye and gave me hope! ♥
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    I am honoured. My time on the forum is limited at the moment but in just over a week the project I'm working on will be complete so I will have more time to spend on the forum. You will learn so much from just browsing. Keep soaking it up. You are going to be just fine. Always here if you need me.
    It's good that you have started to clear out your wardrobe, but don't forget that you'll need to replace what you throw out so maybe it would be better to do it in stages. As I lost 38 kilos and it cost heaps to replace what I threw out. But retain your positive approach as it can only be a good thing.
    Hi Debandez, It's good to hear your feeling positive as you can't let this condition get you to start feeling negative, as this is when things will quickly go from bad to worse in a flash. So it's great that you are maintaining a positive out look, you are in the right place to get help to maintain that positive approach I assure you, and good luck with your progress!!! My BGL's this morning were 7:2.
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    I'm feeling better than I have in years. I can't turn back the clock but I can map the future. I've just cleared out my wardrobe and it felt so good trying everything on to see what fits and what doesn't and I'm happy to say not much went back in! Thank you for your encouraging words. Everyone is just amazing on here.
    I would never eat these in isolation, only as part of a bigger meal with plenty of low carb veg and meat or fish. I would also always make sure to have wine and in most cases the meal is the only meal of the day. Spike is relative but usually below 6 at 2 hours and stays there. Hope that helps
    The carbs/sugars are so high! Does this not spike you at all? If not I'm racing to the 24 hour Tesco RIGHT NOW!!!
    I'm considering intermittent fasting alongside my LCHF diet. What will the effect be on my hba1c for those of you that have tried it please.
    Feeling happy as my hba1c down from 62 on 8.12.17 to 42 today 22.3.18. All credit to the people who have guided me on this site.
    In the daily mail. T2 diabetics can now have MORE sugar in their blood (but not in their diets), doctors say in newly-relaxed guidelines
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