What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
All fences and shed painted, yippee!

After all the talk of Mountains and @dunelm fab paintings of them I succumbed to painting one of my favourite peaks. It's been about 8 years since I used to camp out on mountain tops to see sunsets and sunrises, Cader Idris was a firm favourite and so I thought I would try and capture the view from memory. This is looking West at sunset over Barmouth and the Mawdach Estuary. I need to work on the sea as I seem to have messed up the horizon. I also have over dramatised the view in Victorian Artist fashion, having said that it is a very dramatic vista.

I have also returned to my Willow Trees for the painting of Marsh land and flood planes started yesterday.

I will try and finish them Friday.
View attachment 48191
View attachment 48192

I like these two @Muddy Cyclist
They are progressing well.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I don't know what is going on in Germany. But my pen friend (my age ish) has just emailed me saying the her and her husband have decided not to go for the vaccine, because of the way their government is messing everything about the vaccines. They were both offered the AstraZeneca vaccine and they both refused it and so have their grown up children.

Apparently when they meet up they have decided to all have covid tests and when they're sure they're clear then they're going to meet up. Apparently they've done this as a joint decision as a family.

I don't think I have ever heard anything quite like this before. They say they are completely fed up with the politicians over the whole situation.

By contrast, my American pen friend again about the same age as me, her and her husband have both had the Moderna vaccines and they both just have their second dose. And they both wear two masks one over the other all the time.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Brilliant and very personal to me also - I did my Summer Mountain Leadership at Tywyn and Cader Idris is where we did our final practical (winter one was in The Cairngorms) - smashing - vibrant yet understated. I do like the colours that you chose for the Willows and marsh lands.
Thank you.
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I don't know what is going on in Germany. But my pen friend (my age ish) has just emailed me saying the her and her husband have decided not to go for the vaccine, because of the way their government is messing everything about the vaccines. They were both offered the AstraZeneca vaccine and they both refused it and so have their grown up children.

Apparently when they meet up they have decided to all have covid tests and when they're sure they're clear then they're going to meet up. Apparently they've done this as a joint decision as a family.

I don't think I have ever heard anything quite like this before. They say they are completely fed up with the politicians over the whole situation.

By contrast, my American pen friend again about the same age as me, her and her husband have both had the Moderna vaccines and they both just have their second dose. And they both wear two masks one over the other all the time.
A mess! So this is going and roll and roll. I fear some will be responsible and think of the bigger picture and how it effect society as a whole, others will choose otherwise and thus Covid is going to haunt us for some time to come.
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Good morning all! Up with the lark at 0650...

FBG was much better at 5.9mmol - all to do with seabass! Maybe...;)

Conference calls starting in 40mins, so coffee, omelette and ham upcoming soon and I'll catch you all when Europe is alive ;)

Nighty night sleep well!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.8

I was concerned with my German friends email that I mentioned last night...I'll repeat it here..

I don't know what is going on in Germany. But my pen friend (my age ish) has just emailed me saying the her and her husband have decided not to go for the vaccine, because of the way their government is messing everything about the vaccines. They were both offered the AstraZeneca vaccine and they both refused it and so have their grown up children.

Apparently when they meet up they have decided to all have covid tests and when they're sure they're clear then they're going to meet up. Apparently they've done this as a joint decision as a family.

I don't think I have ever heard anything quite like this before. They say they are completely fed up with the politicians over the whole situation.

By contrast, my American pen friend again about the same age as me, her and her husband have both had the Moderna vaccines and they both just have their second dose. And they both wear two masks one over the other all the time.

And so I texted a friend to see is she could help me. I am good at the art of rant, but not the art of gentle persuasion.

My friend agreed that my German pen friend's strategy has a very good chance to end in tears. I have known my German pen friend for a long while now. We began talking when her grandchildren, twin girls, were born profoundly deaf (like me), and had the cochlear implant (as I have one). So, I have photographs and stuff, a bit like a family album from her.

So, on a personal level I needed to say something to my German pen friend, but in the best way possible.

My friend has given me the words to make sure my German pen friend has looked at everything and all aspects of their strategy, rather than me saying nothing and there being a bad outcome..

My friend suggested they were angry because the AstraZeneca has been blocked all over the place, and that my German pen friend was fed up/angry that they had been offered that.

Anyway, I am sending a response to my German pen friend, which I hope will make her think about possible consequences of what she is doing.

I have been painting while I was thinking my response, but the painting is not finished. And I need to get ready now to do my early morning shop and collect my meds. So, catch you later today...


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Afternoon all - Friday afternoon, 2nd weekend in isolation approaching...

After a lunch of salad and chicken, my mmol was 5.7, which got me thinking...

- Where I am at the moment is a bustling city with a little more population than Birmingham UK, on an island which is 245 miles long, 90 miles wide at its widest point containing nearly 24m people. That's about 15% of the landmass of the UK, 100 miles off the Chinese coast.

- The adult population is 18m or so, of which over 15% have impaired glucose tolerance and I'm told it's estimated 7% have Diabetes Mellitus - that's a whopping 1.2m + of adults on this small island.

- When you see the street food (which I will next week), the sweet delicacies dripping in sugar, the carby noodles and rice, along with the genetics, it's not hard to appreciate why the government here in the ROC and the health authorities are worried...

Pardon the pun, food for thought as the world heads towards very close to 500m suffering from diabetes in its various guises...
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Fbg 6.8

I was concerned with my German friends email that I mentioned last night...I'll repeat it here..

And so I texted a friend to see is she could help me. I am good at the art of rant, but not the art of gentle persuasion.

My friend agreed that my German pen friend's strategy has a very good chance to end in tears. I have known my German pen friend for a long while now. We began talking when her grandchildren, twin girls, were born profoundly deaf (like me), and had the cochlear implant (as I have one). So, I have photographs and stuff, a bit like a family album from her.

So, on a personal level I needed to say something to my German pen friend, but in the best way possible.

My friend has given me the words to make sure my German pen friend has looked at everything and all aspects of their strategy, rather than me saying nothing and there being a bad outcome..

My friend suggested they were angry because the AstraZeneca has been blocked all over the place, and that my German pen friend was fed up/angry that they had been offered that.

Anyway, I am sending a response to my German pen friend, which I hope will make her think about possible consequences of what she is doing.

I have been painting while I was thinking my response, but the painting is not finished. And I need to get ready now to do my early morning shop and collect my meds. So, catch you later today...
Blimey. There appears to be a lot of politics at play; if it wasn't for politicians their incompetence and egos, the world would be a safer, nicer place...The politicisation of this awful pandemic seems to be intensifying.

I've had the AZ vaccine and whilst there were side effects lasting 36 hours in total, it's a whole lot better than potentially dying of Covid in the most distressing of circumstances.

Logically too, no western regulatory agency is going to approve a medicine which is inherently unsafe...

I hope your friends are going to be ok and I think a western vaccine (I'd be wary of Sputnik and Sinovac/Sinopharm personally) is the insurance policy we all need moving forward.


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A mess! So this is going and roll and roll. I fear some will be responsible and think of the bigger picture and how it effect society as a whole, others will choose otherwise and thus Covid is going to haunt us for some time to come.
Agreed totally.


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I don't know what is going on in Germany. But my pen friend (my age ish) has just emailed me saying the her and her husband have decided not to go for the vaccine, because of the way their government is messing everything about the vaccines. They were both offered the AstraZeneca vaccine and they both refused it and so have their grown up children.

Apparently when they meet up they have decided to all have covid tests and when they're sure they're clear then they're going to meet up. Apparently they've done this as a joint decision as a family.

I don't think I have ever heard anything quite like this before. They say they are completely fed up with the politicians over the whole situation.

By contrast, my American pen friend again about the same age as me, her and her husband have both had the Moderna vaccines and they both just have their second dose. And they both wear two masks one over the other all the time.
Your American friends listen to Fauci - he's been advocating 2 masks or a pukka FFP2 for ages...
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All fences and shed painted, yippee!

After all the talk of Mountains and @dunelm fab paintings of them I succumbed to painting one of my favourite peaks. It's been about 8 years since I used to camp out on mountain tops to see sunsets and sunrises, Cader Idris was a firm favourite and so I thought I would try and capture the view from memory. This is looking West at sunset over Barmouth and the Mawdach Estuary. I need to work on the sea as I seem to have messed up the horizon. I also have over dramatised the view in Victorian Artist fashion, having said that it is a very dramatic vista.

I have also returned to my Willow Trees for the painting of Marsh land and flood planes started yesterday.

I will try and finish them Friday.
View attachment 48191
View attachment 48192
Stunning stuff....

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Good morning and 5.8 for me today. A slight improvement on the last few days but still not good. Last nights meal was Salad and Sea Bass followed by Greek yogurt and berries, no alcohol and 6 hours sleep.

Flat light day here, great for wildlife photography I am told. No Muddy Cycle ride for me today I need to rest after fence paint marathon, well that's what Mrs MC tells me, my mind thinks Bike Ride would be more beneficial but I can't risk the "I told you so" from Mrs MC if it isn't. :) I think it's a ruse by Mrs MC to get me to tidy my art studio. :(

So art, music recording is planned. Humidity is up to 44% so can leave my my Guitars out again, they have been locked up for weeks.

Keep safe and make sure you enjoy your day or at least most of it.
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5.8 for me
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Good morning everyone from a damp and drizzly start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of Finnish split pea soup with a couple of slices of my home made low carb bread came in at 5.4 this am.

Another round of staying local yesterday but the sun was out and we were up and out into the park by 0830 so very few people about apart from dog walkers and their motley crews. Thick cloud and moderate breeze has been promised for today so we will just have to wait and see.
Which? - the magazine - has launched a free scam alert - phishing emails, phoney calls, that sort of stuff. You can sign up for it and I don’t think that you need be a member (beat me with a virtual stick if I’m wrong) - anyhow: Www.which.co.uk/scamalerts

Art today - still fiddling about with mountains. Hope everyone will be enjoying National Poultry Day today - Chicken, turkey and other birds we commonly consume are celebrated on this day. “ We love you all and you are so delicious.” Koffy time now.
