What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I went to the pharmacist as soon as I got back home because the area was warm to the touch. He advised me if the antibiotics he prescribed didn't clear it up, to go to docs. Which I will do, that said, the wound is no longer so angry and the area no longer hot to touch. Thank you for your concern.
That's good news @Ryhia. Thank you for the update.and best wishes for a steady recovery.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Glad you’re on antibiotics @Ryhia I had an insect bite when we were in Fuerti, which developed into cellulitis, very painful!
Yes, I was relieved to read that too @MissMuffett and @Ryhia.

No experience of ticks and mosquitoes in Fuerti, but both beasties are prevalent in the eastern Mediterranian and each can transmit some very nasty virus infections to humans.

Egypt, for instance, is a veritable hotbed for dengue fever and West Nile fever to name but two. I'd definitely adopt preventive measures if visiting a high-risk location. Better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Was 8.6 on rising so washed hands and had a few glasses of water as was dry this morning, was at 6 on second test. still high for me but had a week or so of higher carb + suffering from bad neck/shoulder. Will monitor as have the means to do so now.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All 7.4 today fed up with these 7s. I look like I’ve had a punch up in a dark alley. Some how the eye injection on Tues resulted in a large bruise on my cheek along with a bloodshot eye. Just need to get on with it all. Happy Thursday all.

Michael 3

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello mates,
At a couple of the other forums I've frequented there was a thread like this one where we all sorta checked in each day, with our first cup of coffee or tea, and reported our fasting or waking blood glucose level and some short comment about whether we're ok with it or if not - why not?...

It worked well as a sort of 'first thread to check' each morning and post to.

I'll start.

This morning was a 5.6mmol for me. That's about normal for me

What about you?
Hi, when I checked my levels this morning they were 5.5 mmol. I try to keep my levels below this but it's acceptable.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
9.1 this morning. Not doing well lately at all. BG average on the rise. Just not focused on myself these days. Work is killing me and I have old parents who are getting needier and needier... as a result I'm not planning my meals and have started to grab any old rubbish that's convenient. My annual HbA1c and eye test are due soon so the terrible results (that I will no doubt get) will hopefully kick me back into touch.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
9.1 this morning. Not doing well lately at all. BG average on the rise. Just not focused on myself these days. Work is killing me and I have old parents who are getting needier and needier... as a result I'm not planning my meals and have started to grab any old rubbish that's convenient. My annual HbA1c and eye test are due soon so the terrible results (that I will no doubt get) will hopefully kick me back into touch.
Hello @TheJoshen and welcome to this FBG thread. It's good to see you here.

Logging my FBG readings here, it must be said, helps to keep me motivated, especially when the numbers drift upwards due factors beyond our control like infection and injury.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
9.1 this morning. Not doing well lately at all. BG average on the rise. Just not focused on myself these days. Work is killing me and I have old parents who are getting needier and needier... as a result I'm not planning my meals and have started to grab any old rubbish that's convenient. My annual HbA1c and eye test are due soon so the terrible results (that I will no doubt get) will hopefully kick me back into touch.
When lifes tough and hectic, try to keep stocks of hard boiled eggs, cold meats, cheese and nuts handy. Better to grab those than any old rubbish :)