What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

7,1 mmol this morning.

A combination of too many carbs last night and the stress of having a chest and abdomen scan this morning

The barrage of medical tests I have been having to do lately is begining to get me down a bid.

No morning walk today. If all goes well I will make up for it tonight.

So I leave you with a couple of photos of some sea faffodils Pancratium maritimum from my trip on Sunday. They grow wild where they have no business to do so on sandy and beaches exposed to the salty sea air.


Update: sugars came down to 5, 9 by 7 am without the aid of a walk or medication. I was asked not to take metformin (Glucophage today) as in combination with the "dye" they will inject to carry out the scan it could be harmful to my kidneys.
Hope today goes well Pavlosn,love these flower pics,I've not ever seen this flower before,beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning to you all. Blood sugars were 5.3 this morning.

@Diabeticliberty -- Thanks for asking. When I got to work yesterday, I had three students camping out in front of my office door. So, fully back in swing of things. Still haven't had time to check the emails that have accumulated in the last five weeks.

@pavlosn -- Wonderful that all your tests came back clean. This must have been an extremely stressful time for you. You definitely have every reason to celebrate.

@PenfoldAPD -- Happy birthday. Hope you have a grand day celebrating.



Bounce back (hypo over treatment) can be a real pain. Particularly if the hypo drags you out of your sleep. The main thing of course is that you have treated it and are now back on top of stuff. Once again, really well done :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!

7,1 mmol this morning.

A combination of too many carbs last night and the stress of having a chest and abdomen scan this morning

The barrage of medical tests I have been having to do lately is begining to get me down a bid.

No morning walk today. If all goes well I will make up for it tonight.

So I leave you with a couple of photos of some sea faffodils Pancratium maritimum from my trip on Sunday. They grow wild where they have no business to do so on sandy and beaches exposed to the salty sea air.


Update: sugars came down to 5, 9 by 7 am without the aid of a walk or medication. I was asked not to take metformin (Glucophage today) as in combination with the "dye" they will inject to carry out the scan it could be harmful to my kidneys.

Hi Pavlosn just wishing you all the very best for today,hopefully after this you can relax more. Take care K. The flowers are fabulous and so unexpected in the surroundings they grow in. K
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Good morning to you all. Blood sugars were 5.3 this morning.

@Diabeticliberty -- Thanks for asking. When I got to work yesterday, I had three students camping out in front of my office door. So, fully back in swing of things. Still haven't had time to check the emails that have accumulated in the last five weeks.

@pavlosn -- Wonderful that all your tests came back clean. This must have been an extremely stressful time for you. You definitely have every reason to celebrate.

@PenfoldAPD -- Happy birthday. Hope you have a grand day celebrating.

Bet you don't even feel like you've been off at all today do you?


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
goodluck let us all know how you get on :)

HBA1c 74, lost another 2.3 kg in the last 6 weeks (unintentional) upped gliclazide from 80 to 320 a day, have to send in my readings to hospital once a week, really positive at the hospital, felt like i was getting somewhere at last, blood pressure was 164/103 ! , not sure what they are going to do about that.