So much unpromoted research - and many complaints like yours show statins are not for everybody. Frankly I believe - not anyone. Cholesterol is not the huge thing it’s been made out to be. And that is not that new research. But old prescribing habits die hard. And they do reduce cholesterol. But - depends on the details. Besides personal biology - they interact with many other meds quite adversely. I had two severe hamstring injuries - doing very little. I brought my own total cholesterol down merely by taking 2000 mg fish oil and 1000 mg phytoesterols (plant based). Daily. No other changes. I am not much of an exerciser any more (arthritis); I’m trying to tame my carb addiction which has brought down triglycerides to safe level. My total C has dropped fm 7.7 to 5.4 in three months. This was a suggestion on another forum (arthritis). Worked for me. Everyone has their own individual biology.