What's up with the "low-carb is bad" hype?

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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
II wouldn't have answered this thread because I feel uncomfortable doing so . Sid gave his reasons why people won't reply and surprise surprise his post is repeated with derision elsewhere , in a place that other members of the forum post so presumably support?
. I've been called a pharma shill (my bank account would love it, I haven't been able to afford to see my grandchildren since Christmas) an 'anti' whatever that means and goodness knows what else and I'm rather tired of it (a plague on all your houses)which is why I didn't reply to the rather loaded question.
I was tagged and so I will with a link to a previous post of mine
I could probably add to that because it's several years and an awful lot of reading and several courses later but Tim has already included a recent literature search on ketogenic diets (@Dillinger; if you read it you'll find that there are some that list the foods used)
I would also add that I still take about the same amount of insulin as then; it went up when I developed hypothyroid but is now much the same as then.
I agree with DD earlier who mentions that a salad can contain 19 or more grams of carbohydrate. (unless you stick to Bernstein one cherry tomato amounts) I count carbs from every source, I don't eat packaged or highly refined foods. yet they add up. So often the impression is given that higher carb diets are full of highly refined junk foods.

I agree with what you are getting at!

I haven't counted my carbs now for quite a while, I have every confidence in my small and often dietary requirements.

I eat to how my blood glucose levels respond to a tried and trusted meal balanced to not move my levels above 6mmols.
I have tested, tested and experimented all that I require to sustain my lifestyle, which in turn, gives me my well-being and a healthier body, which in turn gives me, my life signs, which are all in the normal range.
These life signs, before this change in lifestyle, was dangerous to my health. I would be in a far, far hellish, worse place, if not for my lifestyle!

If there was someone who you needed as an example, why, low carbing has saved someone's life, then I'm y our man!

I am not, a low carb crusader! I am not that type of person to force anyone (especially the wife!) to eat the way I do.
We are all unique in our conditions and one size does not fit all!
We are here to support and help, that is why this forum is here!
Not to derail If you don't agree with a poster!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
II wouldn't have answered this thread because I feel uncomfortable doing so . Sid gave his reasons why people won't reply and surprise surprise his post is repeated with derision elsewhere , in a place that other members of the forum post so presumably support?
. I've been called a pharma shill (my bank account would love it, I haven't been able to afford to see my grandchildren since Christmas) an 'anti' whatever that means and goodness knows what else and I'm rather tired of it (a plague on all your houses)which is why I didn't reply to the rather loaded question.
I was tagged and so I will with a link to a previous post of mine
I could probably add to that because it's several years and an awful lot of reading and several courses later but Tim has already included a recent literature search on ketogenic diets (@Dillinger; if you read it you'll find that there are some that list the foods used)
I would also add that I still take about the same amount of insulin as then; it went up when I developed hypothyroid but is now much the same as then.
I agree with DD earlier who mentions that a salad can contain 19 or more grams of carbohydrate. (unless you stick to Bernstein one cherry tomato amounts) I count carbs from every source, I don't eat packaged or highly refined foods. yet they add up. So often the impression is given that higher carb diets are full of highly refined junk foods.

Now this is a tricky post to make because it is answering another one. That's what happens in threads. I presume that's why they are called threads. It has to be OK to answer a post on a particular thread surely? Hmmmm we'll see.....

I am open about the fact that I like LCHF, therefore I look at other sites to learn more. I post at another one sometimes too, so presumably @phoenix has just cursed me and my family in the 5th line of her post, just because I post elsewhere (although I didn't make any comment re Sid). I'm not sure that's within the spirit of the forum. I too am rather tired of the squabbling re LCHF.

I have looked at your previous post Phoenix and would like to say that
1. my diet is not lacking in fibre.
2.My kidney function has improved with LCHF. Mine too was around the same as yours - 65% - but is now >90%.
3. My arteries were looked at when I had a catheter ablation and there was no plaque, despite eating saturated fats.
4. I get plenty of calcium from vegetables.
5. yes we know protein converts to glucose in the blood stream, that's why we add fats instead of protein
6. Yes I agree, having less processed food is important.

Your original post was 6 years ago. 'Science' changes over time. The myths about saturated fats are being debunked which is why LCHF is becoming even more popular.
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So, you DO like fat then So, what actually is your issue ? You don't have to eat fat on red meat, as I explained earlier, there are so many other ways to increase your healthy fat content. Your earlier post suggested it would be a huge problem for you, and others, to increase their fat intake. This, you've yet to explain.

There is nothing to explain. I do eat all fats except red meat and I lost a lot of weight that I did not need to and my doctor was not impressed as I had got so skinny and that was not healthy and I only gained some back when I started to eat peanuts the only thing that worked and if I stop I loose weight again so yes that is a problem but that does not mean I am against low carb as I do it I would just like a solution to how to stop loosing weight without eating peanuts


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Pinkorchid - you low carb and you add fat/protein to maintain your weight at a good level. Do you realise you do a form of LCHF already? We all 'tweak' it to suit ourselves, that's why LCHF is so good.
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