Why ho why!

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Why is it you trundle along to the ****** when they demand we want to check/review you etc.
Then later never tell you anything about it like some secret code that your not allowed to be in on it?
But ask them and your quoted as Panicking! Really?
How about informing us when were there anytime so we know if doing well or not so can improve/change/doing right thing?

Like wise go to hospital do all the tests/checks and so and it's stum complete silence.

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GPs are paid for doing the checks and reviews. You are entitled to access to your health records though. That should include GP and hospital records of test results and consultations.


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Are you in the uk? sign up to the nhs app where they post the results of any tests you have done.

It’s by no means a replacement for medical professionals that want to infantilise you by not involving you in the care of your own body but it’s a start. The good ones actively encourage a patient to ask questions and learn about their care. They should all be telling you how you’re doing in at least simple terms and what you can do to help yourself.

Did you actually ask and get shot down? Or is that your expectation?

Any option to change provider?
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I always get a printout of the results of each Hb1Ac test. I allow time for the results to come back (5 working days at my surgery) and phone up to ask when it would be convenient for me to collect my copy of the results. By phrasing it positively, I have only once had my request queried, to which I replied that I had always been given a copy. It's how we phrase it - not a demand, not a request, but a standard procedure, bearing in mind that the person answering the phone is usually the most junior staff member. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar!


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I have found it easier since I got access to my notes online. I understand where you're coming from regarding accusations of "panicking" and so on. Most medical professionals that I encounter like to label me as "anxious" whenever I try to take an interest in managing my diabetes
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I'm one of those people who ask for blood results and if they query why I just say "Well I am entitled to them and I like to see how my other levels are apart from HbA1c so please could you print a copy off for me", It usually works. One of the GPs I saw, actually sat with me and went through all my blood results explaining what they all meant. So docs are not the problem, receptionists on the other hand ....... its like trying to get blood our of a stone - so I now try to ask the diabetic nurse during my review. One of the nurses said she did not know how to print the results out, but would have a go. She was quite impressed with herself when she was successful. And I was very happy to receive the print out. Good luck with your quest. :)
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As others have said all info can be obtained on line these days as long as you sign up. All mine is on in minute detail, it goes on quickly and is very informative. Before Christmas I had a trip in an ambulance. All that info was also there to read.
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I don’t live in the UK, access to our health records is dependant on which Canadian province you live in. I live in the province of British Columbia where access to one’s health records is available on line. I find it empowering to have access to your own health records and lab results. At the risk of sounding completely anal I will research all my results. I’ve gone out of my way to learn and understand what they mean. If I then have queries or I don’t understand something I will ask my Dr.

So much depends on how interested your Dr is in discussing your results with you and what they all mean. It really comes down to their personality and attitude. I have had Drs who believe only they can properly understand your results and therefore, they will simply say your results are normal. So You are left with this mystery, it‘s none of your business, instead of including you and encouraging you to take an interest in your own health. And exactly, it’s like some secret code. They appear startled when you take an interest. In short they infantilise you, discourage you even.

My partner’s Dr walked out of the room once when challenged. His ego was put at risk and he just couldn’t have that happen, so he simply left.

I’m one of the lucky ones I have a Dr who clearly cares and is more than willing to discuss the results with you.


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GPs are paid for doing the checks and reviews. You are entitled to access to your health records though. That should include GP and hospital records of test results and consultations.
I have had access to my full GP record for several years. Any tests carried out by the hospital are not reported in my GP record. Any bloods drawn by the GP nurse/HCA are reported.

Just relaying my personal experience.

Hospital tests results are often noted in the clinic letter that arrives days, weeks, or even months later.


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Why are your hospital results not on the record too @AndBreathe? Both myself and husbands have been on for sometime now.


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Why are your hospital results not on the record too @AndBreathe? Both myself and husbands have been on for sometime now.
GP claims they don't see them.

We have recently changed GP, but our full records haven't arrived yet, so I can currently only see my summary coded record, which really doesn't help me with anything, although I'm sure it could be useful to medics in an emergency.
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GP claims they don't see them.

We have recently changed GP, but our full records haven't arrived yet, so I can currently only see my summary coded record, which really doesn't help me with anything, although I'm sure it could be useful to medics in an emergency.
I can’t get my surgery to put any of my history on there. Medications and tests results is all it is. No coded record, consultations, letters, diagnosis, past events. Nothing.
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I was asked to have some A1c bloods drawn again even though i had just had them taken at the hospital. When i queried why? I was told the surgery was unable to see the hospital results as they had not bought into that part of the program? Whatever that means. As it turned out, I didn't mind in the least as the surgery results were 2 points lower than the hospital taken bloods. Different labs do make a difference it seems.


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Are you in the uk? sign up to the nhs app where they post the results of any tests you have done.

It’s by no means a replacement for medical professionals that want to infantilise you by not involving you in the care of your own body but it’s a start. The good ones actively encourage a patient to ask questions and learn about their care. They should all be telling you how you’re doing in at least simple terms and what you can do to help yourself.

Did you actually ask and get shot down? Or is that your expectation?

Any option to change provider?
As an example of infantilising, when I was trying to discuss obtaining a Libre 2 with my GP and quoting the NICE guidelines, his response was "Oh you don't want to worry about that, it's not relevant to you and you probably won't understand any of it!"

I was flabbergasted and took professional advice who suggested I raise a complaint with the practice manager. In the end, I chickened out and didn't do anything! I wish I had; he deserved to be castigated.


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As an example of infantilising, when I was trying to discuss obtaining a Libre 2 with my GP and quoting the NICE guidelines, his response was "Oh you don't want to worry about that, it's not relevant to you and you probably won't understand any of it!"

I was flabbergasted and took professional advice who suggested I raise a complaint with the practice manager. In the end, I chickened out and didn't do anything! I wish I had; he deserved to be castigated.
Good god there isn’t an appropriate response I can click on for that one! What a disgraceful comment. I would probably have run my mouth off and got myself struck off .
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As an example of infantilising, when I was trying to discuss obtaining a Libre 2 with my GP and quoting the NICE guidelines, his response was "Oh you don't want to worry about that, it's not relevant to you and you probably won't understand any of it!"

I was flabbergasted and took professional advice who suggested I raise a complaint with the practice manager. In the end, I chickened out and didn't do anything! I wish I had; he deserved to be castigated.
My GP could mansplain with the best of them. He once said in a very patronising voice that he had been to university to “learn all this stuff.”

My response suggested we didnt get into comparing academic honours, for fear one of us would be mortified.

Honestly, I wonder how some of them survive, with their G*d complexes and overblown egos.

I’m really hoping the new bunch are better.

Rant over.


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Having read this thread all I can say is that I have been very lucky with my medical professionals and I really like my current GP, who discusses my care with me. I'm more knowledgeable about my body and its diabetes, but she's more knowledgeable about the other stuff. I both respect and trust her.


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I have a good friend down in the States. He’s an orthopaedic surgeon. Lovely guy, so down to earth, very friendly and only too willing to share his knowledge. I’ve known him for decades. He goes on about his colleagues and their god complexes. He often says that their egos are so big they can barely squeeze through the doors. So there are good ones and then there are the ‘ others‘.


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I too have been extremely lucky with the 2 GP surgeries I’ve been with - the first one for the first 55 years of my life were always amazing & helpful, I had a fantastic GP in my adulthood who loved to talk about everything & anything and was very knowledgable & supportive, not just with my diabetes but my PCOS and fertility problems, we were on first name terms.

We moved area 5 years ago and I was so nervous of joining a new surgery but this one is just as good, they advocate low carb & keto and take my comments etc with respect & consideration. It’s a small town but a big surgery that covers a lot of outlying villages etc, but they know you by name when you walk through the door.

I accept I’ve been extremely lucky and others have much worse experiences but there are lots of good HCP out there too, they are not all bad and I think it’s unfair to generalise


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Agree @lovinglife. We moved 10 years ago and I was very concerned I enrolled at a good practice. Hey ho, it turns out this one was even better. Even the reception staff are brilliant, going out of the way to solve any issues. We are on the edge of a very big city in a much less affluent area with the biggest concentrate of older people. And as I mentioned earlier my NHS app has all medical events of any description on from about 15 months ago. Prior to that nothing was joined up.
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