Worried about cholesterol


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Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
Morning all.

I'm a bit worried about my current cholesterol levels (9.1 and increased from 7.5 since diagnosis and embarking on LCHF diet). I want to get this under control asap and would like to avoid statins if possible. My questions are:
1). Is it normal for cholesterol to rise like this at the start of LCHF and,
2). will it 'go back to normal' if I just carry on with the diet as is and,
3). What does everyone else do to regulate cholesterol? I had porridge for breakfast this morning and my post prandial reading was 16.3, so I wont be having that again!

Looking forward to your replies........


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Diet only
I'm afraid your total cholesterol is fairly meaningless on its own. You need to tell us what the breakdown is (HDL/LDL/Triglycerides) so we can see which of these have increased.

Did you fast for the test?
Are you currently losing weight due to LCHF?
Were you well hydrated when your blood was drawn?


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IMO high carb foods will worsen lipid profiles. If you are eating porridge then that is certainly not a low carb food, but hey, you saw what it did to your bg so lesson learned and on wards you go.

Total cholesterol levels are pretty useless numbers. You need to know your lipid panel profile which includes a few really important numbers HDL and Triglyceride levels. These allow you to figure two very important things, your HDL to triglyceride ratio and triglyceride level on its own. Lipid levels tests should be done fasted, but you will get all the info needed on a full panel.

Some people experience elevated levels of LDL on lchf and whether or not that is a good or bad thing I think is yet to be determined.

If you started lchf recently, then it is a huge change for the body to under go and it can take levels time to settle and adjust to the new way of eating. I wouldn't freak out yet, but you can improve levels on lchf to a great degree... some people see an increase in LDL and then it readjusts and settles to a lower score.


Type of diabetes
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You may find this helpful.

and this one.

The first is around 20 minutes. The Phinney video is around four minutes.


Well-Known Member
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Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
I'm afraid your total cholesterol is fairly meaningless on its own. You need to tell us what the breakdown is (HDL/LDL/Triglycerides) so we can see which of these have increased.

Did you fast for the test?
Are you currently losing weight due to LCHF?
Were you well hydrated when your blood was drawn?
The breakdown is not provided for this test (which is really useful). I had the blood test after 2pm - no lunch but I did have breakfast at around 8am of full fat greek yoghurt, berries and pine nuts. I have loast shed loads of weight (2 stone+ since January) on LCHF and am usually well hydrated, although I can't remember precisely for the day. I think I need to quiz the DN about the different levels, don't I?


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
The breakdown is not provided for this test (which is really useful). I had the blood test after 2pm - no lunch but I did have breakfast at around 8am of full fat greek yoghurt, berries and pine nuts. I have loast shed loads of weight (2 stone+ since January) on LCHF and am usually well hydrated, although I can't remember precisely for the day. I think I need to quiz the DN about the different levels, don't I?

I think you need to be assertive and ask for a full cholesterol and lipid panel, making sure you fast for 10 hours and drink loads of water in the time leading up to your test. Then you need to get the full results. Having had that fat laden breakfast it may well have skewed the triglycerides and LDL levels. It could also be that your HDL has risen, making the total higher - and that would be a good thing. If the nurse presses statins on you, I would hold off until you have this test.


Well-Known Member
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Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
I think you need to be assertive and ask for a full cholesterol and lipid panel, making sure you fast for 10 hours and drink loads of water in the time leading up to your test. Then you need to get the full results. Having had that fat laden breakfast it may well have skewed the triglycerides and LDL levels. It could also be that your HDL has risen, making the total higher - and that would be a good thing. If the nurse presses statins on you, I would hold off until you have this test.
I was intending to resist statins and would rather try to control with diet and lifestyle. I will ask for the full breakdown when I see her tomorrow. Thank you for yor input.
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As you are dumping weight the cholesterol from your fat cells would increase your number. It is probably not worth monitoring cholesterol for up to a year until your weight loss stabilises.

I would concentrate on continuing weight loss, bringing down, blood glucose (mild proxy for insulin amounts) and any high blood pressure; these 3 elements are higher risk elements than cholesterol for heart disease.

As far as cholesterol is concerned you want low Triglycerides and high HDL; the ratio of these is a critical path regarding heart disease. LDL is cholesterol element your Doctor and others gets heated about. This is a main concern when LDL gets DAMAGED by carbs.

If you are concerned to the point of distraction buy a CAC scan (Nuffield Health in the UK do this), this is an actual disease test, not a guess, which the existing method is. Note that in tests, a so called hard end point, lower cholesterol persons did NOT have better outcomes.


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Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
You may find this helpful.

and this one.

The first is around 20 minutes. The Phinney video is around four minutes.
Interesting and encouraging - thank you.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all.

I'm a bit worried about my current cholesterol levels (9.1 and increased from 7.5 since diagnosis and embarking on LCHF diet). I want to get this under control asap and would like to avoid statins if possible. My questions are:
1). Is it normal for cholesterol to rise like this at the start of LCHF and,
2). will it 'go back to normal' if I just carry on with the diet as is and,
3). What does everyone else do to regulate cholesterol? I had porridge for breakfast this morning and my post prandial reading was 16.3, so I wont be having that again!

Looking forward to your replies........
Generally ladies over a certain age live longer the higher their cholesterol... rather than worry I'd be ecstatic?
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Well-Known Member
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Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
I know there is a lot of negativity about Statins, but please talk to your nurse / Dr about them.
I take my Statins as directed and have never had any side effects.
I struggle greatly with my weight and am not fully mobile due to walking issues. My BMI is 41 so I am very obese.
But as for Cholesterol - my HDL is 0.92, my LDL is 2.1 and my Tri is 2.1. My blood pressure is 117/62. My HbA1C is 41. My diabetic review today was really good and the GP is very pleased with all my results. I am no longer taking any Metformin.
Thank you @Sparrow456, I try never to make a decision withour being fully informed so I will talk to the DN tomorrow. Being without metformin is one of my goals - well done on achieving that x


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
Thank you @Sparrow456, I try never to make a decision withour being fully informed so I will talk to the DN tomorrow. Being without metformin is one of my goals - well done on achieving that x
~Thank you everyone - I feel a lot happier and way less stressed now. Your advice is much appreicated
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I was intending to resist statins and would rather try to control with diet and lifestyle. I will ask for the full breakdown when I see her tomorrow. Thank you for yor input.

If you had it done on the nhs then they probably didn’t do a full test/breakdown


Well-Known Member
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Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
If you had it done on the nhs then they probably didn’t do a full test/breakdown
I shall find out tomorrow. I thought it a bit odd that the full information is not on my records for the latest test but it is for the previous one.


Morning all.

I'm a bit worried about my current cholesterol levels (9.1 and increased from 7.5 since diagnosis and embarking on LCHF diet). I want to get this under control asap and would like to avoid statins if possible. My questions are:
1). Is it normal for cholesterol to rise like this at the start of LCHF and,
2). will it 'go back to normal' if I just carry on with the diet as is and,
3). What does everyone else do to regulate cholesterol? I had porridge for breakfast this morning and my post prandial reading was 16.3, so I wont be having that again!

Looking forward to your replies........
Hi, I’m new here and have just found out my doc wants me to go on statins. I have my appointment next week so I will now ask a load of questions courtesy of all the responses to LindsayJanes questions.

I have steroid induced diabetes and have insulin twice a day and metformin...... I’m struggling with keeping my day time reading to under 8 and in the mornings I start off ok but about 90 minutes after breakfast I end up hypo! What am I doing wrong?

I’m struggling to lose weight due to steroids but I am also on targeted therapy due to cancer (never rains but it pours). Any ideas would be welcome as my fitness levels are now non existent
Thanks in anticipation


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
Hi, I’m new here and have just found out my doc wants me to go on statins. I have my appointment next week so I will now ask a load of questions courtesy of all the responses to LindsayJanes questions.

I have steroid induced diabetes and have insulin twice a day and metformin...... I’m struggling with keeping my day time reading to under 8 and in the mornings I start off ok but about 90 minutes after breakfast I end up hypo! What am I doing wrong?

I’m struggling to lose weight due to steroids but I am also on targeted therapy due to cancer (never rains but it pours). Any ideas would be welcome as my fitness levels are now non existent
Thanks in anticipation
Sorry @Droops. I'm still a learner so can't really advise you. I wish you well though x x x
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Hi Lindsayajane,

1). I think it’s fairly normal for total cholesterol and LDL to go up significantly for some people if you switch from high carb low fat to low carb high fat. Mine went up from below 3 to 8 or 9. But my triglyceride has reduced and HDL went up.

2) maybe. I will find out ....

3). I’ve stopped having coconut oil. This helped to reduce total cholesterol and LDL.
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Well-Known Member
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Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
Hi Lindsayajane,

1). I think it’s fairly normal for total cholesterol and LDL to go up significantly for some people if you switch from high carb low fat to low fat high carb. Mine went up from below 3 to 8 or 9. But my triglyceride has reduced and HDL went up.

2) maybe. I will find out ....

3). I’ve stopped having coconut oil. This helped to reduce total cholesterol and LDL.
I beginning to think the rise in levels is what I should have expected - there's loads of info about how weight loss causes an increase. I'm not nearly so woried now> Thanks for your input xx
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How might soft creamy cheeses such as Brie and Camembert impact cholesterol levels? I used to think they would have an adverse affect?