Type 1 Yup I'm weak-I've thrown in the insulin


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I'm sitting here with pizza yummy coke red wine and chocolate pudding oh garlic bread too
BS-27.who gives a s..t
I have seven weeks of perfection eating like a rabbit .... to put on bloody more weight
***... so my 57 gone with the wind an my new 71kg an climbing ... I don't bloody think so
I'm crying with anger an frustration because I wanted to work with diabetes but diabetes doesn't want to work with me...
I feel huge I can't fit my clothes , it's not ok and I don't accept it is ok
And as for my DN saying that ...she's never seen a big type 1 ... poo to you
Because everyone has there comfort zone an mines 60 .. it is affecting my mental health hugely an quite frankly that's more important than bloody diabetes
I mean **** committing suicide is more dangerous than type 1
I'm not attention seeking....I hate it when people say that
I'm giving up again is all I'm mad mad mad and I don't know how to do any better than nearly two months of being really good
Before diabetes had I eaten like that I'd have lost 7/8 kg for Petes sake
I NO my body
Everyone says it's not insulin maybe it's not
But it sure is Diabetes it's changed my bloody metabolism an no one will convince me otherwise
Yes I've read think like a pancreas
I'm not mad with this forum it's incredible an I feel safe here to share so I am
I've nothing left at the mo for diabetes
Thank you for listening
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Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
I am not type 1 so I can't know what you're going through. I just wanted you to know that there is someone out here that would like to give you a big hug. I know what depression is (for sure) and maybe you should talk to your GP about your feelings. Actually, sometimes just talking about it helps.


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I am not type 1 so I can't know what you're going through. I just wanted you to know that there is someone out here that would like to give you a big hug. I know what depression is (for sure) and maybe you should talk to your GP about your feelings. Actually, sometimes just talking about it helps.

Thanks nice message
I see a therapist every week have for four years now
It's just what it is at the moment
I love a challenge but when Iv put in my bit I guess I expect a return
Not happening


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A type 1 diabetic deciding not to take insulin is committing suicide. A long, painful suicide.

If you think weight gain is more important than health and staying alive you need to seek psychological help for you body image issues.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm T2 but I can relate to what you say about your weight. I asked on another thread what your BMI was and it was just in the healthy range. Mine was too, many years ago. I think that's the weight I was meant to be. I tried for years to be 21 pounds less than that weight because that was the weight I like to be and I felt and looked better lighter. My body didn't agree and I messed up my metabolism big time by trying to be unrealistically slim (for me) and I became morbidly obese. Please don't mess up your body by missing insulin, you know what that can do. I understand how you feel, there are people on here who lose weight at the drop of a hat, and I, like you, follow whatever eating plan/exercise plan I do to the letter for little or no results. Being a stone or too above the weight you want to be is bad enough, please don't go blind trying to hang on to a slimmer figure. You are worth more than that and you have proved that by being so honest in your post.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Thanks nice message
I see a therapist every week have for four years now
It's just what it is at the moment
I love a challenge but when Iv put in my bit I guess I expect a return
Not happening

Nessa - I can see you've had an absolutely s*d it moment. Did that sort of fix it for today, and help fuel the fight?
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Nessa - I can see you've had an absolutely s*d it moment. Did that sort of fix it for today, and help fuel the fight?

Sorry I don't understand
No I'm just over it
I tried I'm not getting bigger an bigger an bigger
It's not ok an it's not healthy
Before you no it I'll be in an unhealthy weight range being told to lose weight
Head shakes


Well-Known Member
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A type 1 diabetic deciding not to take insulin is committing suicide. A long, painful suicide.

If you think weight gain is more important than health and staying alive you need to seek psychological help for you body image issues.

No I am not being unrealistic re weight gain atall
I'm a 60 kg to 63 kg lady
I do see someone every week
I am not seeing myself in an unbalanced way


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I'm T2 but I can relate to what you say about your weight. I asked on another thread what your BMI was and it was just in the healthy range. Mine was too, many years ago. I think that's the weight I was meant to be. I tried for years to be 21 pounds less than that weight because that was the weight I like to be and I felt and looked better lighter. My body didn't agree and I messed up my metabolism big time by trying to be unrealistically slim (for me) and I became morbidly obese. Please don't mess up your body by missing insulin, you know what that can do. I understand how you feel, there are people on here who lose weight at the drop of a hat, and I, like you, follow whatever eating plan/exercise plan I do to the letter for little or no results. Being a stone or too above the weight you want to be is bad enough, please don't go blind trying to hang on to a slimmer figure. You are worth more than that and you have proved that by being so honest in your post.

I hear you I do
And I'm sure I'll get to a place we're I'm thinking like that again
But not at this moment
Thank you for sharing with me it's appreciated very much
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
No I am not being unrealistic re weight gain atall
I'm a 60 kg to 63 kg lady
I do see someone every week
I am not seeing myself in an unbalanced way

Nessa - Is the therapist you are seeing to help you with your diabetes issues or something else (I'm not asking what)?


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Nessa - Is the therapist you are seeing to help you with your diabetes issues or something else (I'm not asking what)?

No it's for ptsd depression and anxiety
Which is really important because I need to my mental health healthy or I'm in a spot of trouble re overdoses slashing wrists etc
Haven't cut for over two years and haven't taken pills overdose either for a year
But I have over dosed on insulin a few times
So it is important I stay mentally well
I can with all honesty say I'm ok in that respect at the moment I'm low due to the weight gain it's really knocking me
I just keep going up slowly an I just can't cope
I'm not sure I could get free help re this tho I suppose I could ask my dn
But at the mo I just can't take the insulin


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
@nessa1970 I know the weight is a big thing for you. But you need to stop, re-examine your strategy and put your mind to,sorting it. I know you can, as you're not weak, you're very strong :)

First - have you had your thyroid checked?

Second - have you had your female hormone levels checked in case this is an imbalance related to them?

Third - are you taking the Metformin?

Fourth - I know you like to,eat LC but that doesn't work for everyone as it can cause insulin resistance, and although some people lose weight fine on it, others don't. So maybe take a look at your diet? Try another diet. Ask advice from a dietician.

Fifth - dieting itself can make things harder. I've never been overweight but once in my teens I decided I needed to lose a few pounds (I probably didn't but there we are) and so I started a diet. This diet was the on,y time I've actually put on weight! It was 1000 calories a day so I should have lost weight, but I didnt. Now either the diet slowed my metabolism down (bad) or it made me focus on food and inadvertently overeat by nibbling at things. So maybe forget a 'diet' and concentrate on eating healthily - for your BS, yes, but also for your skin, for energy, eating plenty of veg, etc etc

Finally, you can still eat pizza and chocolate. I'm a major chocoholic. It is possible with a bit of thought.

So controlling diabetes doesn't mean not ever being able to eat the things you like.

Before insulin, all Type 1s died a painful, horrible death. Insulin is a lifesaver. Look at those pictures of children and adults pre-insulin. It's something to celebrate not to hate. X
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
No it's for ptsd depression and anxiety
Which is really important because I need to my mental health healthy or I'm in a spot of trouble re overdoses slashing wrists etc
Haven't cut for over two years and haven't taken pills overdose either for a year
But I have over dosed on insulin a few times
So it is important I stay mentally well
I can with all honesty say I'm ok in that respect at the moment I'm low due to the weight gain it's really knocking me
I just keep going up slowly an I just can't cope
I'm not sure I could get free help re this tho I suppose I could ask my dn
But at the mo I just can't take the insulin

I would mention that you are not taking insulin to your therapist anyway. It's still a form of self harming and they may be able to help. It's good that you have moved on from your former self harming episodes, and I reckon this one will pass too - with help. It's great that you haven't reverted back to those old issues, I am sure in its own way this phase is actually progress for you, but I would hate for you to suffer permanent damage because of it.

re the weight - for now I would just try to stay healthy and eat healthy foods, nothing processed if possible and see how it goes. You might need to learn to love the slightly plumper you before the slimmer one returns. I hope we both manage to get to our desired weight one day, but in the meantime try not to let it bring you down so much that you don't see anything else. (yep, speaking to myself too)

Take care :)

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
No it's for ptsd depression and anxiety
Which is really important because I need to my mental health healthy or I'm in a spot of trouble re overdoses slashing wrists etc
Haven't cut for over two years and haven't taken pills overdose either for a year
But I have over dosed on insulin a few times
So it is important I stay mentally well
I can with all honesty say I'm ok in that respect at the moment I'm low due to the weight gain it's really knocking me
I just keep going up slowly an I just can't cope
I'm not sure I could get free help re this tho I suppose I could ask my dn
But at the mo I just can't take the insulin[/QUOTE

Vanessa ?

We were in touch quite some time ago. I dropped out of this forum (still won't return full time) but take care. You will know what I mean by that



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Oh yes yes omg that was a few years ago wasn't it when I was type two nearly type one I do remember
Gosh I did think about you a few times why you didn't respond to a thread or two that you would have said your bit lol
So nice to have you put in a bob
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Well-Known Member
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I would mention that you are not taking insulin to your therapist anyway. It's still a form of self harming and they may be able to help. It's good that you have moved on from your former self harming episodes, and I reckon this one will pass too - with help. It's great that you haven't reverted back to those old issues, I am sure in its own way this phase is actually progress for you, but I would hate for you to suffer permanent damage because of it.

re the weight - for now I would just try to stay healthy and eat healthy foods, nothing processed if possible and see how it goes. You might need to learn to love the slightly plumper you before the slimmer one returns. I hope we both manage to get to our desired weight one day, but in the meantime try not to let it bring you down so much that you don't see anything else. (yep, speaking to myself too)

Take care :)

I will tel her
She worries tho
Like she cares about me you know
I don't like to see her worry
But I will


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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@nessa1970 I know the weight is a big thing for you. But you need to stop, re-examine your strategy and put your mind to,sorting it. I know you can, as you're not weak, you're very strong :)

First - have you had your thyroid checked?

Second - have you had your female hormone levels checked in case this is an imbalance related to them?

Third - are you taking the Metformin?

Fourth - I know you like to,eat LC but that doesn't work for everyone as it can cause insulin resistance, and although some people lose weight fine on it, others don't. So maybe take a look at your diet? Try another diet. Ask advice from a dietician.

Fifth - dieting itself can make things harder. I've never been overweight but once in my teens I decided I needed to lose a few pounds (I probably didn't but there we are) and so I started a diet. This diet was the on,y time I've actually put on weight! It was 1000 calories a day so I should have lost weight, but I didnt. Now either the diet slowed my metabolism down (bad) or it made me focus on food and inadvertently overeat by nibbling at things. So maybe forget a 'diet' and concentrate on eating healthily - for your BS, yes, but also for your skin, for energy, eating plenty of veg, etc etc

Finally, you can still eat pizza and chocolate. I'm a major chocoholic. It is possible with a bit of thought.

So controlling diabetes doesn't mean not ever being able to eat the things you like.

Before insulin, all Type 1s died a painful, horrible death. Insulin is a lifesaver. Look at those pictures of children and adults pre-insulin. It's something to celebrate not to hate. X

Thyroid yes it was normal but it was only the tsh which is not the full panel blood test
Someone put a link up that was really interesting an I asked for a full blood panel an my dr said no so asked dn she said my endo will do it ask in may at my app
Hormones one not sure what that is so didnt know how to ask for it
I am taking the metformin tho I'm not sure why it does nothing
What is insulin resistance as in reference to food?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm no expert but I understand there are tests you can have to see things like your oestrogen level and levels of other hormones that reduce as you get older and closer to the menopause. I mentioned this because a colleague talked about weight gain around that time - weight gain that was unusual for her.

The insulin resistance I referred to can mean that a person needs more than 'normal' amounts of insulin than before they ate LCHF. It's called physiological insulin resistance. For some people, the higher levels of fat in the diet can have an effect too. It depends on the individual. You need to find a level of carbs that suits you.

Have you had any news about your pump yet? A basal that more closely matches your needs might help you.


Retired Moderator
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Type 2
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Diet only
Have you heard of Jason Fung? He is a nephrologist (kidneys) who works with Type 2 diabetics and the obese - so his work is usually aimed at those subjects.

However, he has done a fascinating series of blog posts on insulin, insulin resistance, weight gain and loss, the causes, including high insulin levels, hormones, etc. You may find them very interesting, since the causes of insulin resistance apply just as much to T1s as to T2s.

Here is a link to a post of his called Insulin Causes Insulin Resistance.

His whole series of posts on Insulin are well researched. Well presented. And easy to read.

I would like to add though, that we all need SOME insulin, whether we inject it or it is produced by our own pancreases. Without it we end up dying a horrible death. So, as others have said, throwing the baby out with the bath water and not using insulin at all, is not a solution.

I really hope you do find the solution, and please keep posting to let us know how things are going.

Hope that helps.
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Well-Known Member
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I'm no expert but I understand there are tests you can have to see things like your oestrogen level and levels of other hormones that reduce as you get older and closer to the menopause. I mentioned this because a colleague talked about weight gain around that time - weight gain that was unusual for her.

The insulin resistance I referred to can mean that a person needs more than 'normal' amounts of insulin than before they ate LCHF. It's called physiological insulin resistance. For some people, the higher levels of fat in the diet can have an effect too. It depends on the individual. You need to find a level of carbs that suits you.

Have you had any news about your pump yet? A basal that more closely matches your needs might help you.

Yes at next app in may it's being recommended in April at there monthly meeting long as I don't well do what I'm doing
But I'm ok not having a pump at this point I'm to up in down still re it all
When I'm good my bs are amazing when I'm not there HI often
So mmm but I'd rather pass on it now as I think if you got one an stuffed it up you may not get another chance