Weekly weigh in - Fridays


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hello all. Just bought some snazzy new scales. I have been using my mums old ones that she stole off the ark. I love them because I can lose a stone just by moving backwards on the platform. Weight loss without effort!! I am not looking forward to tomorrow morning. New scales AND Christmas!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning. I haven't posted on here for ages. I've put loads of weight back on due to not following a strict or sensible diet. Last weekend I weighed in at 157lbs. I restarted LCHF on Sunday. Today 153 lbs. I must try to keep on track. I got a shock when I did a calculation for how much I need to lose and it worked out as 2stone 9lbs! That's 37lbs!
Good luck everyone. :)
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Diet only

Weighed in at 63.5kg today - exactly my weight before Christmas, so I’ve re-lost all of that gain. My body fat percentage has gone down a bit too, so looks like the trips to,the gym are paying off.

63.5kg was also the initial weight loss target I set for myself after diagnosis. Still could do with losing a bit more, so my new target is 57kg but happy for that to come off slowly.

@mo53 a 4lb loss since Sunday is great - sure you’ll hit your target!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Goonergal thank you for the encouragement :) you've done brilliantly with your weight loss.
I'm back on LCHF and I am back to 1 hours swimming 4 or 5 times a week so I just must be determined and avoid temptations.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Good morning. I haven't posted on here for ages. I've put loads of weight back on due to not following a strict or sensible diet. Last weekend I weighed in at 157lbs. I restarted LCHF on Sunday. Today 153 lbs. I must try to keep on track. I got a shock when I did a calculation for how much I need to lose and it worked out as 2stone 9lbs! That's 37lbs!
Good luck everyone. :)

Good luck - @mo53 - you can do it :)


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
@Goonergal thank you for the encouragement :) you've done brilliantly with your weight loss.
I'm back on LCHF and I am back to 1 hours swimming 4 or 5 times a week so I just must be determined and avoid temptations.

I've not swum for the last 2 weeks as I've been fighting a cold and cough the whole time and I didn't want to make it worse - I've really missed it - I'm sure swimming will do you lots of good :)


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only

Weighed in at 63.5kg today - exactly my weight before Christmas, so I’ve re-lost all of that gain. My body fat percentage has gone down a bit too, so looks like the trips to,the gym are paying off.

63.5kg was also the initial weight loss target I set for myself after diagnosis. Still could do with losing a bit more, so my new target is 57kg but happy for that to come off slowly.

What a superstar! @Goonergal


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Weight at diagnosis on 5.4.17 - 115.3 kg BMI 39.8
Weight today 65.3 kg BMI 22.4
Total weight Lost 50.0 kg

Not trying to lose any more - but hanging out on this thread as I try to maintain :)

0.6kg up this week! I'm blaming that on New Year and no swimming due to lingering cold and cough.

This maintenance thing takes just as much brain space as losing - still under 66 kg so I shouldn't worry about a tiny gain, but am obsessing over making sure that it doesn't become a trend. It's going to be a long 40 odd (lets be optimistic here) years trying to keep this in balance:D
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
a Good morning to all it’s a success this Friday am I’ve got back to my two day fasting this week and lost another 2 pounds that’s me down to exactly ten stone. I set myself a target of 9 stone 13 when started so feel I’m nearly there motivation to get there! Also blood sugars 4.7 this morning. Christmas and new year are a real struggle to keep things going so pleased to be back to it. I’m trying not to think of maintenance and the long haul beyond! I know a fair few find it difficult and can be harder than the loss or it has been with past Diets! I hope this new way of eating will be different provided I stick to it for the long game
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I'm at 153 lbs today. I've put back on the the 7 lbs I lost while abroad in November. Which I expected I would.
But I'm going abroad again back next week for eight weeks, back on the mainly soup diet, so I hope to lose at least 10 lbs while I'm away.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning everyone! A small loss of 0.2kg this week. So frustrating, I’m just 1/2lb off 5 stone total loss. Can I drop it by next Tuesday, which will be exactly 8 months from diagnosis? :rolleyes:

Started 115kg 9th May’17
Today 83.6kg 5th Jan’18
Total lost = 31.4kg/4stone 13 1/2lb


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Morning all. Snazzy new scales say 67.25. And no matter how I jump about the weight stays the same, so I guess that must be right. Rats!!

So I now have 2.25kgs to get down to 65kgs, my target.

Staring weight 101kgs june 2017
Current weight 67.25
Lost. 32.75

With all your help I am.definitely going to do it this year. I am so so grateful for everyone on this forum for the support and advice. I dont think many forums can actually save lives, but this one has saved mine. Thankyou all.

I can't remember if I have wished you all a happy new year, so happy new year!!!!
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Type 2
I've not swum for the last 2 weeks as I've been fighting a cold and cough the whole time and I didn't want to make it worse - I've really missed it - I'm sure swimming will do you lots of good :)

We are going to be looking at a couple of gyms with pools this month. Since my hypothyroidism has really kicked in I am finding it very difficult to stand the cold, but we both love swimming and its an exercise we can do together. My oh needs to lose about 3 st and he has said he will join me in lchf (he is not diabetic) and we have started walking.

So all I need is a nice woolly swimming cosi and a pool the temperature of a hot bath with hot changing rooms and I am in there!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2

Weighed in at 63.5kg today - exactly my weight before Christmas, so I’ve re-lost all of that gain. My body fat percentage has gone down a bit too, so looks like the trips to,the gym are paying off.

63.5kg was also the initial weight loss target I set for myself after diagnosis. Still could do with losing a bit more, so my new target is 57kg but happy for that to come off slowly.

@mo53 a 4lb loss since Sunday is great - sure you’ll hit your target!

You and @Polgara are an inspiration. Do you still get hungry? I am finding that quite challenging at the moment, probably because I ate so much over Christmas.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
@Goonergal thank you for the encouragement :) you've done brilliantly with your weight loss.
I'm back on LCHF and I am back to 1 hours swimming 4 or 5 times a week so I just must be determined and avoid temptations.

You will get there, I am sure. Exercise, quite apart from all its health benefits, means we cannot eat when doing it. (Except I do remember many years ago watching tv on an exercise bike and eating biscuits at the same time). So I try and walk a lot. That is a lot of swimming!
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Weighed in at 10 St 8 Lb this morning so have put a little weight on over the last week. Though fbgs have been quite low am thinking that maybe glucose is being pushed into fat cells leaving blood sugars low bit far fetched and simplistic I know but could be the case.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Happy New Year to you too @Kentoldlady1 and ALL. ☺

Well swelling very obvious so in a way I'm happy with my weight this morning of
122.50kgs before ablusions. I knew I was adding due to extra novarapid to keep the double figures to their minimum.
Woke very congested too it's due to hubby insist on wet clothes on the radiators overnight. I just cannot be bothered to argue why not with him. He's sniffly too. He'll never learn. :banghead:

Looking forward to next Friday as I can lose 6lb (nearly 3kgs) from swellings.
Less swelling when I can move more.
Out today for some protein and essentials with 10yr of in tow. No wind nor rain yipee!

I think I'm in denial as NHS think its my weight stopping me swimming and cycling like my norm but its my painful bulging discs and sciatica.
I've seen no evidence of bariatric surgery curing long term back problems but I could be wrong?
I need to ask when I see the team next.

Any of you heavy weight loss bods have an improved back problem?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Happy New Year to you too @Kentoldlady1 and ALL. ☺

Well swelling very obvious so in a way I'm happy with my weight this morning of
122.50kgs before ablusions. I knew I was adding due to extra novarapid to keep the double figures to their minimum.
Woke very congested too it's due to hubby insist on wet clothes on the radiators overnight. I just cannot be bothered to argue why not with him. He's sniffly too. He'll never learn. :banghead:

Looking forward to next Friday as I can lose 6lb (nearly 3kgs) from swellings.
Less swelling when I can move more.
Out today for some protein and essentials with 10yr of in tow. No wind nor rain yipee!

I think I'm in denial as NHS think its my weight stopping me swimming and cycling like my norm but its my painful bulging discs and sciatica.
I've seen no evidence of bariatric surgery curing long term back problems but I could be wrong?
I need to ask when I see the team next.

Any of you heavy weight loss bods have an improved back problem?

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling chipper. Hopefully the nose thing will clear up. Its really difficult trying sleep whwn all bunged up.

I have lost over 5 st and yes, my back is so much better. I can walk without pain now and bending etc is much better. I dont think it will ever be perfect, but I am happy to.settle.for better. I hope the surgery is soon for you. It must be tough with young children and so much to fight at the same time.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Happy New Year to you too @Kentoldlady1 and ALL. ☺

......I think I'm in denial as NHS think its my weight stopping me swimming and cycling like my norm but its my painful bulging discs and sciatica.
I've seen no evidence of bariatric surgery curing long term back problems but I could be wrong?
I need to ask when I see the team next.

Any of you heavy weight loss bods have an improved back problem?

I have oesteoarthritis, mostly affecting my hands, feet, hips and neck. My feet and hips have benefitted from my weight loss, which seems obvious as they aren’t carrying so much weight around. However my other joints are much better too, I think maybe as low carb diets are thought to be anti inflammatory, so I think your back may benefit from weight loss and low carbing too Ickihun, I do hope so x
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