How much weight have YOU lost?


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Just to add I weigh myself same time of day on Sunday mornings before breakfast and after morning maintenance.
Hopefully next Sunday will be better, don’t get down though, it honestly can be a difference of one day seemingly huge weight gain for no reason, or in fact weight loss. It’s a journey and quite often a life long change


Well-Known Member
Hopefully next week will be better, I'm not going to give up either way as if nothing else this should Hopefully put my type 2 back in to remission. My morning maths was also off, it was a 7lbs gain this morning but after a second morning trip to the loo, that dropped to just a 3lbs gain. Wasn't expecting the 2nd trip and feeling much better about things now as its most likely just water weight.

I know I shouldn't be focused on the scales but for my surgery, though needing to lose roughly half my current body weight it matters.
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So I've weighed myself a couple of days early as curiosity got the better of me. I'm pleased to say I'm 4lbs down on last weeks weigh in so it seems I've maintained this week, though that's at 5pm and not first thing in the morning.

31st 9lbs.

The missus says I look like I'm losing weight though, could my body composition be changing even though I can't exercise?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
So I've weighed myself a couple of days early as curiosity got the better of me. I'm pleased to say I'm 4lbs down on last weeks weigh in so it seems I've maintained this week, though that's at 5pm and not first thing in the morning.

31st 9lbs.

The missus says I look like I'm losing weight though, could my body composition be changing even though I can't exercise?
Definitely. I had to put new holes in my belt faster than the scales moved.
And still am. Scales haven't moved since January, but needed another hole this week, and my watch needs another link removing


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Hopefully next week will be better, I'm not going to give up either way as if nothing else this should Hopefully put my type 2 back in to remission. My morning maths was also off, it was a 7lbs gain this morning but after a second morning trip to the loo, that dropped to just a 3lbs gain. Wasn't expecting the 2nd trip and feeling much better about things now as its most likely just water weight.

I know I shouldn't be focused on the scales but for my surgery, though needing to lose roughly half my current body weight it matters.
You will do it @Vidar No doubt about it. Stay focused and don't give up. It will happen.
I had my moments wondering how much I'd lose but here I am. I've lost 50% of my excess weight. I'm still classed as overweight but I'm working on not having severe pain from my gallbladder but once it's sorted I feel I'll be able to fight more weight off, somehow. I'd like to be a 14-16uk but currently a 16-18uk.
You will do this.


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Liking some of these posts. Really inspirational.

So my numbers since starting to diet when I went on to insulin (in late Jan).

I've lost 3st 12lbs (and 1 1/2 dress sizes).

Had a slight wobble this week when the mid week weigh-in (an unofficial check mid week before the official check on Saturday) showed me up by 1kg, but I'm eating healthily and exercising around an hour a day so I'm not stressed.

Maybe I'm just creating more muscle... :)


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Liking some of these posts. Really inspirational.

So my numbers since starting to diet when I went on to insulin (in late Jan).

I've lost 3st 12lbs (and 1 1/2 dress sizes).

Had a slight wobble this week when the mid week weigh-in (an unofficial check mid week before the official check on Saturday) showed me up by 1kg, but I'm eating healthily and exercising around an hour a day so I'm not stressed.

Maybe I'm just creating more muscle... :)
I’ve increased (and decreased) by over a kg day by day. Those sorts of fluctuations are totally normal. It’s the over all trend that’s important

May monthly chart is attached, I’m around my target weight now so you can see it’s never stable.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Wow overnight I've lost 6.6lb. I'm sure all just water retention. Mind u I've done a protein shop so back to maximum protein small low calorie meals.
I'm very pleased.
So I've lost 8st now. I know the Roux-en-y operation ticked weight loss and less insulin boxes but surgeon feels it needs checking for a kink and if gallbladder not working properly it will be removed due to lots of pain in my right side.
We suspect very old adhesions may be pain cause too so he may free some up whilst repairing hernias. Not looking to do back flips but more flexibility for walking is always a plus, for me.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Wow overnight I've lost 6.6lb. I'm sure all just water retention. Mind u I've done a protein shop so back to maximum protein small low calorie meals.
I'm very pleased.
So I've lost 8st now. I know the Roux-en-y operation ticked weight loss and less insulin boxes but surgeon feels it needs checking for a kink and if gallbladder not working properly it will be removed due to lots of pain in my right side.
We suspect very old adhesions may be pain cause too so he may free some up whilst repairing hernias. Not looking to do back flips but more flexibility for walking is always a plus, for me.

Ickihun, you have now lost more than I weigh. Whilst that trivial fact (my weight) is irrelevant, hopefully it helps demonstrate what you are no longer carrying around.

Well done.


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I was diagnosed on February 26th this year. It’s now June the 9th and I have dropped 12kg. Mainly I imagine through a low carb diet. Recently I haven’t been able to do any serious exercise (weights/resistance training only) because broke my pelvis. But still dropping!

A good few years ago I worked for Royal Mail and dropped 28kgs in 6 months....


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Diet only
The term “new normal “
87lbs over 18 months. Another 10-15 to go, but I’m not in a hurry


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Cauliflower pretending to be rice and any vegetable pretending to be pasta
67lbs since January another 10lb to go
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No longer being prescribed metformin.
28 kg since October 2020. One more kilo to go to a BMI of 25.


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Diet only
The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
So far 4.5 stone and down to a size 12 dress.


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I do not have diabetes
Lost over a stone since diagnosis.

However that was 5 years ago :)
  • Many people get so satisfied on a low-carb, high-fat keto diet – with less hunger – that they automatically eat less and lose excess weight. This appears to be especially true if you base your diet on real keto foods, and try to only eat when you’re hungry. Fat burning is also improved on a keto diet.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
  • Many people get so satisfied on a low-carb, high-fat keto diet – with less hunger – that they automatically eat less and lose excess weight. This appears to be especially true if you base your diet on real keto foods, and try to only eat when you’re hungry. Fat burning is also improved on a keto diet.

Yes but ......

......I'm diagnosed over 13.5 years now so the post is at least 8 years old.

Why are you telling me this now?
Given my long history of supporting LCHF.

Ah - newbie.