Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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7.3 for me this morning, just checked my code free strips and they are that same batch. Can you tell me what the problem is with them, do they give you higher readings? Waiting on my results for my latest Hba1C which I should get on Wednesday, but high morning readings like this one fairly make you feel useless!
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7. 2. :( I've let @sanguine and @Bluetit1802 down and will probably now have to pay a forfeit!

Unusually for me I was awake in the night a couple of times with some mildly unpleasant withdrawal effects after taking myself off co-codomol last week, but used the time to check my bs at 3am and 4am when they were 6.4 and 6.6 respectively. Apart from some random housework and popping to the shops for a newspaper, I didn't do any physical exercise yesterday as I was deskbound with follow-ups from my day in Birmingham, replying to emails and blogging.

I've come to the conclusion I'm getting mine and someone else's share of the DP so if they'd like to come and claim it back they will find me chilling at my beach hut today :)

Have a good day everyone
I think we,re in the same boat dianagrace, how about we split the difference! Am thinking about going on metformin, are you on any meds or just low carbing? Anna x
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Hi Anna

Very happy to split the difference!

Frustrating isn't it, especially when we are both so dedicated to LCHF and can see the results during the day, but not at fasting?

I've been on Metformin SR since the beginning of this year. I agreed to it very reluctantly , after resisting all meds for diabetes for some time, but have tolerated it well and gradually built up to the full dose, which I'm now on. I'm not sure exactly how it's helping me. I do believe its low carbing that has made the most significant improvement to my overall health.

Don't be despondent about your morning readings. I'm told they are the last to adjust. I think I currently hold the record for the slowest! Good luck on Wednesday with your HbA1c - do let us know how you get on.

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Hi Anna

Very happy to split the difference!

Frustrating isn't it, especially when we are both so dedicated to LCHF and can see the results during the day, but not at fasting?

I've been on Metformin SR since the beginning of this year. I agreed to it very reluctantly , after resisting all meds for diabetes for some time, but have tolerated it well and gradually built up to the full dose, which I'm now on. I'm not sure exactly how it's helping me. I do believe its low carbing that has made the most significant improvement to my overall health.

Don't be despondent about your morning readings. I'm told they are the last to adjust. I think I currently hold the record for the slowest! Good luck on Wednesday with your HbA1c - do let us know how you get on.

Thanks dianagrace, will let you know how it goes x

cold ethyl

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6.1 this morning.
Zazoopits, there's some evidence that the batch of strips in question is reading about .5 higher than other batches. A few folk have tested against other batches and/or meters and there is a discrepancy. I've noticed that when I get my low blood sugar feelings, which normally happens about 4.2ish that the meter can be saying anything up to 5.0.
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7.3 for me this morning, just checked my code free strips and they are that same batch. Can you tell me what the problem is with them, do they give you higher readings? Waiting on my results for my latest Hba1C which I should get on Wednesday, but high morning readings like this one fairly make you feel useless!

Hi Zazoopits, it was @AndBreathe who reported this initially because it was the only variable left in an otherwise unexplained rise in readings by around 0.5. It may or may not be real, there is no question of poor quality control or that the strips are actually out of specification. There are some earlier posts by @AndBreathe in this thread which say more. I'm not sure if I can see a change myself, but I don't test as frequently or have as controlled BGs as @AndBreathe and it could just be wishful thinking! Whatever the case it won't affect the accuracy of your HbA1c.
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4.5 for me again this morning.

Last night, i had disturbed sleep. I was cold, and spent a couple of hours making the duvet into a snuggly nest around me. I'm torn about the prospect of adding the 4.5 tog duvet to the 9 tog that's already on, before even August has passed. Mr Breathe is very useful on cool nights. I'll be interested to hear his comments when he comes home in a few weeks. I have always been a human hot water bottle in bed, but I have a feeling that might have moderated, along with my bloods and weight. It was impossible to tell in the tropics because of the ambient temperatures.

Well, today I have to finish the lawns. Yesterday rain stopped play, but today looks hopeful. Then, I'd like to spend some time in the workshop, having a bit of a sort out. I have a project to start shortly and I'll need both long and wide bench space, so some tidying up is definitely called for. I popped in there yesterday and discovered a "gem" in the fridge. Well, I say gem, it could have been anything in a milk carton. It certainly didn't look like milk any more! The last time anyone spent any time in the workshop was in February, so needless to say I emptied the contents down an outside drain and bagged up the carton before putting it in the waste to go on Tuesday. I won't bother recycling that one!!

Have a good day everyone.
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7. 2. :( I've let @sanguine and @Bluetit1802 down and will probably now have to pay a forfeit!

Unusually for me I was awake in the night a couple of times with some mildly unpleasant withdrawal effects after taking myself off co-codomol last week, but used the time to check my bs at 3am and 4am when they were 6.4 and 6.6 respectively.

Did I forget to say my prediction was for 3 am? :woot:

You're not letting anyone down Diana, but I'll try and think of a forfeit anyway ... :playful:
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Retired Moderator
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Hi Zazoopits, it was @AndBreathe who reported this initially because it was the only variable left in an otherwise unexplained rise in readings by around 0.5. It may or may not be real, there is no question of poor quality control or that the strips are actually out of specification. There are some earlier posts by @AndBreathe in this thread which say more. I'm not sure if I can see a change myself, but I don't test as frequently or have as controlled BGs as @AndBreathe and it could just be wishful thinking! Whatever the case it won't affect the accuracy of your HbA1c.

To be fair, Sanguine and @zazoopits , it was @Andrew Colvin who first posted his findings. Those reinforced a feeling I had had in my water. Andrew posted a thread here: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/for-info-new-codefree-strips-reading-high.62978/
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6.1 this morning.
Zazoopits, there's some evidence that the batch of strips in question is reading about .5 higher than other batches. A few folk have tested against other batches and/or meters and there is a discrepancy. I've noticed that when I get my low blood sugar feelings, which normally happens about 4.2ish that the meter can be saying anything up to 5.0.

If you re-test does it read similar? Just wondering because when I re-test (not a Codefree) I often get significantly different results, which throw me into confusion. On one occasion there was a 2mmol/l difference between highest and lowest. More often than not, just a 0.5 difference. This morning I had to average 6.2 and 5.5 to reach my recorded figure of 5.9. Had the 5.5 been the first reading I wouldn't have re-tested as that would have been closer to my average.

cold ethyl

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They tend to be pretty similar if I retest - so 6.4 and 6.5 one test. I know different fingers and strips can give a range of readings and would retest if I got a wild outlier but I believe Andrew and Andbreathe have tested these strips against other meters and against new batch number of strips. They are still within their tolerance but I've had several wildly erratic readings as well as them reading up a notch. It is swings and roundabouts as my second batch of strips read about a similar amount on the low side.
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They tend to be pretty similar if I retest - so 6.4 and 6.5 one test. I know different fingers and strips can give a range of readings and would retest if I got a wild outlier but I believe Andrew and Andbreathe have tested these strips against other meters and against new batch number of strips. They are still within their tolerance but I've had several wildly erratic readings as well as them reading up a notch. It is swings and roundabouts as my second batch of strips read about a similar amount on the low side.
I have codefree and if i do it twice it could vary by 1 point easy but everytime i have done twice i do get a minimum of .5 difference. The day i had my test done in hospital i got 6.6 and at hospital they told me its 6


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No results today, but i am getting my head around carbs 160g on Friday 135g Saturday feel a bit hungry as I am normally a potato monster average around 35% of total intake, spent 2 hours in tesco's though normally takes half that time. got this new app My fitness Pal its excellent for counting food types and scans barcodes to give you all the details, strange though found that after scanning a few items in tesco's yesterday my 3G disappeared was I being watched by the tesco camera's I started to think! and did they turn off my 3G
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5.5 this morning ......now my day off, just a Sunday at the moment, doing a 6 day week! Keeps me occupied I guess!!
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