Parking fine...treating hypo!!!


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Today i received a £70 parking fine from a private company for overstaying by 20 minutes. My reason for overstaying and not moving my car within the time allowed is that I was legally not safe to drive as I was abiding by the DVLA regulations and treating my hypo to raise it to 5mmols and then waiting 45 minutes to ensure the safety of me, my baby and other drivers.

I've not contacted parking company as im waiting on a call back from citizens advice about this however if I don't pay within 8 days they'll increase the charge and take it was I to risk all these lives and break the law???? Confused.....
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Seems unjust but did the private company know what was going on and were you in the car?


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Don't be confused - they are grabbing bas*tards who care about nothing but money. Little scope for confusion there, I fear.

Get in touch with them ASAP to explain what happened. Did you have a witness with you? You might want to have a look at PePiPoo ( ((QUIET AT THE BACK THERE!!!)).

No, honest, this is for real - it's a very useful motorists' website that helps people with parking and speeding fines, etc. Lots of very useful advice on there - there is a sub-forum devoted to parking issues - I'm sure you will get some info (and maybe even some useful pointers) out of it.
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Thanks very much, I'll have a look at that. No obe with me except my baby...i do have my libre as evidence i was under 5mmol at the time i was parked there. I've not contacted the company yet as just got the fine letter through the door today after work. My plan is to contact them tomorrow. Don't hold out much hope tbh but I'm gony fight this.
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The same thing happened to my husband a few years ago but once he contacted them in writing to explain they cancelled the ticket, you never know you could be lucky.


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Playing Devils Advocate:

I'm shopping, and I wrench my ankle. It requires a sit down and a recovery period before I manage to hobble back to the car.
- and there is a ticket because I am late.

Would I consider trying to avoid paying?

Hell no.


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Because by parking in that space I would have entered a contract to pay for the space for a limited time. By exceeding that time a fine became due.

My personal circumstances have no bearing on whether I owe, or not.
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Because by parking in that space I would have entered a contract to pay for the space for a limited time. By exceeding that time a fine became due.

My personal circumstances have no bearing on whether I owe, or not.
She WAS recovering from a hypo Brunneria...surely that would be different?


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Although not sure of legalities around driving with a wrenched ankle i would see this as a genuine medical reason for not being able to move the car and expect some leniency.. of course i wouldnt try to avoid paying if i was simply late back from shopping however in the case of it not being legal or safe at the time I felt the was the right choice, I bet all the other drivers on the road at that time would agree. Either way I wasn't going to win I suppose.


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Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
Don't pay them. Check this advice first

Too many people get caught this way. Private companies (unless they're registered to do so) have do not have the same legal rights as councils.
If I were in that situation with a council, I would certainly appeal. To drive while in hypo territory is legally wrong, and the law requires that the person is fit to drive. To do otherwise places the driver and other road users at risk so in this case, I don't feel there is a choice.
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She WAS recovering from a hypo Brunneria...surely that would be different?

Why? I see no difference at all.

There are many, many reasons why someone returns late to their car. In every case they have outstayed their contract time and the fine becomes due.


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Why? I see no difference at all.

There are many, many reasons why someone returns late to their car. In every case they have outstayed their contract time and the fine becomes due.
In both cases it was something that couldn't be helped. If you had just wandered back from shopping to find a fine then you would have no way to avoid paying. The OP didn't return late, she was sitting in her car recovering from a hypo which prevented her from driving until her bloods reached a level stipulated by DVLA.


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If it's a council car park contact them, they'll probably waive the fine. If it's a private car park ignore the letters. You've had the first letter, you'll get another with the fine doubled. Then cos they're such nice people they'll send another offering to accept some reduced amount or further action will be taken. About 2 weeks later you'll get a letter from some made up debt recovery service. Just a different letterhead but from the same parking company. Do nothing and that will be the last you ever hear from them. At least that's been my experience from quite a few parking mistakes.


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Although not sure of legalities around driving with a wrenched ankle i would see this as a genuine medical reason for not being able to move the car and expect some leniency.. of course i wouldnt try to avoid paying if i was simply late back from shopping however in the case of it not being legal or safe at the time I felt the was the right choice, I bet all the other drivers on the road at that time would agree. Either way I wasn't going to win I suppose.

The legalities of driving with a wrenched ankle are irrelevant. Remember, I am saying that I would be willing to pay the fine, so would not be driving until I was safe to do so.

I suspect that a great many people who are late back to their cars attempt to avoid paying parking fines by various reasoning. Some will be true. Some won't. Either way, they are attempts to back out of a contractual obligation.

(says the Devil's Advocate)


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In both cases it was something that couldn't be helped. If you had just wandered back from shopping to find a fine then you would have no way to avoid paying. The OP didn't return late, she was sitting in her car recovering from a hypo which prevented her from driving until her bloods reached a level stipulated by DVLA.

But her car was occupying a space that it was no longer entitled to occupy. It (she) had broken the contract that she had agreed to by parking there.

You are looking at it with the mindset of someone who wants to apply grey emotions and sympathy to a Yes/No issue.

I am looking at it from a Yes/No perspective, that does not have room for people to bend rules to suit their personal circumstances.


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I had a fine waived when one of my children was ill. I wrote to the car park people at the address on the ticket, and explained with proof (told them they could phone the shop who came out to check we were ok) and only had to pay an admin charge.

If you can show you had good reason to overstay, most companies will be sympathetic. As you were clearly back at the car but just couldn't drive, it's not like you were taking advantage to have a quick coffee or something.

Write to them @stellson Be polite, apologise and give as much detail as you can, and then you have a chance of getting it waived or at least paying a lesser amount.


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How about a slightly different slant on the parking fine scenario. Mrs A suffers a heart attack and is unable to fulfill the contract she's entered into due to being comatose and carted off in an ambulance and thus being in breach of contract.
Mrs B suffers a possible hypoglycaemic episode, can't legally drive until she's had time for medication to take effect, and is also in breach of contract.
Both of these ladies have, though not through volition, to breach contract. One isn't in her car, one is.
Is there any difference in the two situations? And what should be the rational, not "legal" outcomes?

Just chucking in a spanner or long wooden spoon :rolleyes: