Prof Roy Taylor's work on reversing type 2 diabetes


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I've seen some people referencing December as a time when some more results might be released from Prof Taylor's latest study - where's that coming from? From the DiRECT website I wasn't expecting to see anything until the latter half of 2018?


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I've seen some people referencing December as a time when some more results might be released from Prof Taylor's latest study - where's that coming from? From the DiRECT website I wasn't expecting to see anything until the latter half of 2018?

Alex, I believe that Professor Taylor will presenting later this year at an American Diabetes meeting/symposium, and will present early findings there. As I understand it, the formal publication of the data will follow.


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Tripe and Onions
Alex, I believe that Professor Taylor will presenting later this year at an American Diabetes meeting/symposium, and will present early findings there. As I understand it, the formal publication of the data will follow.
I wonder what kind of reception he's likely to get there.


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I wonder what kind of reception he's likely to get there.

He'll be presenting factual findings based on a well controlled study, so I'm sure it'll be respectful, if not necessarily rapturous, although hopefully there'll be some American low carbers there too.


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Hi @Tannith

I have eggs nearly every day, bacon, cheese, protein bread, Greek yoghurt and a small amount of other meats in my food.
All fairly high in protein...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
I usually have an egg at least once a day and a small amount of protein at dinner - so today was egg with salad for lunch and a small grilled chicken breast with cooked veg for dinner.
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Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
The way I'm planning my meals (which I do the day before) is I allocate 400 cals to dinner and then split the remainder between lunch and breakfast. I then allow half to a third of that meal's calories for protein and use the remainder to bulk out my meal with veg or salad. I am not drinking any calories - so no cream in coffee :( I keep telling myself that its only for eight weeks..... (I'm really missing cream in coffee.)
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Those of you doing the ND 800 cals with real food: how do you fit sufficient protein within the 800 cal limit?

Our body needs very little protein in the short term, people who do water fasts for many months don't get issues due to not having protein. It may be that as you lose weight excess skin gets recycled to the very little protain the body needs. (None of this is true for anyone under about 20.)

I think Professor Taylor is right when he tells peole to "stop stressing about the details" if you are losing weight quickly over a few months. Unless we have already been starved for a long time our body can cope with not having what it "needs" for much longer then we think.


He'll be presenting factual findings based on a well controlled study, so I'm sure it'll be respectful, if not necessarily rapturous, although hopefully there'll be some American low carbers there too.
I hope he reveals how we can tell whether we have reached the point where our pancreatic fat is gone. Apparently low fasting blood glucose won't tell us that as it starts with loss of liver fat alone.Or could even be temporary -caused by low carb diet


The way I'm planning my meals (which I do the day before) is I allocate 400 cals to dinner and then split the remainder between lunch and breakfast. I then allow half to a third of that meal's calories for protein and use the remainder to bulk out my meal with veg or salad. I am not drinking any calories - so no cream in coffee :( I keep telling myself that its only for eight weeks..... (I'm really missing cream in coffee.)


How long have you been doing it for Chook? I have been doing it for 9 days -on my 10th today. I have no breakfast (tea only), large salad for lunch with a small/med chicken breast or 2 boiled eggs or half tin sardines. For supper a small portion high fibre muesli which I make myself, no fruit or nuts, flavoured with spice.To avoid constipation. I reckon that is 900 to 1000 cals. 1000 if I also have an apple or satsuma between the 2 meals.


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People who think they know everything.
This is my third attempt at doing ND - doing a bit better this time as I'm more organised - and I started last Monday. I'm combining it with low carb.

An average day for me is some paleo porridge with 40g of raspberries or blackberries for breakfast, an egg and prawns / ham salad for lunch and then chicken breast, steak or any other fairly plain protein with lots of veg (we grow our own) for dinner. Strictly no snacking and no drinks with calories in. The psyllium husk in the paleo porridge prevents constipation.

On my previous attempts I found I got over hungry if I skipped breakfast which caused me to make poor food choices at lunch which is why I'm eating something in the mornings this time.
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This is my third attempt at doing ND - doing a bit better this time as I'm more organised - and I started last Monday. I'm combining it with low carb.

An average day for me is some paleo porridge with 40g of raspberries or blackberries for breakfast, an egg and prawns / ham salad for lunch and then chicken breast, steak or any other fairly plain protein with lots of veg (we grow our own) for dinner. Strictly no snacking and no drinks with calories in. The psyllium husk in the paleo porridge prevents constipation.

On my previous attempts I found I got over hungry if I skipped breakfast which caused me to make poor food choices at lunch which is why I'm eating something in the mornings this time.
What's in paeleoporridge besides oatflakes and psyllium?


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An average day for me is some paleo porridge with 40g of raspberries or blackberries for breakfast, an egg and prawns / ham salad for lunch and then chicken breast, steak or any other fairly plain protein with lots of veg (we grow our own) for dinner.

Sounds like a feast, rather than the 2 mal replacements plus dinner described in the Newcastle diet. I hope everyone has read this.

how do you fit sufficient protein within the 800 cal limit?

What is sufficient protein? Sufficient for what? My body happily converts protein to glucose so I've cut out meat and fish with 2 eggs a week and some cheese as the only source of protein. I haven't felt ill, in fact I feel worse when I start eating meat again. Perhaps my body is telling me something.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Prof. Taylor wrote a foreword to Dr Michael Mosley 's Blood Sugar Diet book and said he approves of a real food version of the ND. I think you have to be careful to make the most of your calories - which is what I'm trying to do in a way that keeps me satisfied and happy to continue with it.


Sounds like a feast, rather than the 2 mal replacements plus dinner described in the Newcastle diet. I hope everyone has read this.

What is sufficient protein? Sufficient for what? My body happily converts protein to glucose so I've cut out meat and fish with 2 eggs a week and some cheese as the only source of protein. I haven't felt ill, in fact I feel worse when I start eating meat again. Perhaps my body is telling me something.
I've been reading the link you posted, David GrahamJones. It says ". Financial incentives are provided only for diagnosis and for prescribing anti-diabetic drugs [13]." If GP's get financial incentives to a) diagnose and b) prescribe drugs its no wonder that people on here are finding that the diabetes nurses and their doctors are not interested in either low carb diets or the ND.
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Not true the incentives are for controlling BG levels, but GPs don't have to pay any of the cost of drugs they prescribe, however they have to pay all the cost of staff time. Low carb diets or the ND take a lot more staff time for most clients and given that GPs are now doing 12hr days when they only spend 7 minutes with each person....

The only training GPs get without having to pay themselves are provided by the drug companies.....

Most researcher can't get any funding other than from drug companies....

By refusing to pay enough for good GP services but yet being willing to pay lots of drugs (and hospital care) we the taxpayers are getting what we ask for......