What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


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7.8 for me this morning. Granny welcome back how was your holiday?
Hi heavyd the holiday on the whole was not bad,just all over Spain has had very bad weather gale force winds and storms,we got the tail end of it so quiet cold and at times breezy. But we never let the weather stop us getting out and about,an afternoon in
Fuengarola, Mijas in the mountains,Torremolinos and a shopping mall in Plaza Mayor, we catch trains and buses everywhere we can so no need to stay in hotel just be adventurous!
How are you getting on? your doing ok with your BG at least they are lower than previous so well done,are you back in Uk now or still in Nigeria it must be nice to get all the family together for Christmas and enjoy seeing them.
Hope your finding time to chill out and relax in between working,take care of yourself will speak again soon! K


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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
5.9 at 8.15 a.m.

The coffee this morning tastes wonderful. Black, no sugar, strong, and fresh out of the pot. It's my favourite drink of the day! The truly amazing thing about my husband is that he takes being a house-spouse very seriously and because he knows I love the coffee first thing, it's always fresh and always ready. And his cooking is incredible, and because he took time out to learn about diabetes the food is low carb and tasty. Sometimes, not withstanding the diabetes, epilepsy, cancers and other ****, I just know I'm the luckiest woman in the whole world!
Know what you mean, when you get a good one it's wonderful,but it works both ways,my hubby and I have always shared housework,cooking everything it's the only way especially if you both work! Cannot leave it all to one person it's a shared relationship!K


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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
6.2 this morning,snow forecast here for later,so probably stay home and make some chicken soup!!Yesterday I baked biscuits (low carb @pleinster !!).......its clouding over now so here comes the snow,I'm off to the kitchen!Have a good day everyone:)
Hi Glenmac at least we are not alone with 6s this weekend! Hope your hubby is feeling a little better! K
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Tripe and Onions
Most of the time when people say they have the flu what they really have is just a bad cold. - different viruses. The last really big flu pandemic in 1918 killed more people ( about 20 million ) than died in the entire first world war.
In 2007 10 people died in Atlanta USA from a mutated form of the common cold.

If like me and many others here you have an autoimmune disease and a compromised immune system there is no such thing as just a bad cold it can lead to a very dangerous situation.


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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Thanks @Granny_grump_ you have a good day too and I note your blood sugars are coming back under control lately you just have to keep the faith.
@JohnEGreen well I'm trying John just tested after breakfast at 10-05 I was 5.9 at 12.05 I am 7.0,
Had 1 poached egg 1 toast with butter 2 slices smoked bacon 1 slice black pudding and 1 bratwurst sausage cup coffee!
Don't recon that's a bad reading from that lot at all? Thanks John, I'm in hospital on Thursday 15th Feb. to have the skin cancer removed had a second consultant's letter just before we went away not has good Has first letter they now agree it could be Squamous cell carcinoma,there are now 4 consultants and a plastics surgeon on board so hopefully they can do a good job and hopefully rid me of this problem!Im still in a positive mood in spite of it all!K


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good afternoon all :)

4.2 today

forgot to post earlier, was in the kitchen having a go at making a low (ish) carb caramel apple topping for me to have with my yoghurt today and, if it works out ok, on a low carb cheesecake in future. Tastes pretty good, I used some bramley apple cubes fried in butter in a frying pan then added some sweetener and a desertspoonful of creme fraiche (?) and allowed it to caramelise a bit whilst stirring, then added a bit of water and some more creme fraiche to get a good consistency and took it off the heat. Added a bit of lemon juice and adjusted the sweetener to taste. It's not cool yet but it seems fairly successful - the proof of the pudding will be in the eating ;).

I don't often have apple but bramley's are listed at about 8.9g of carb per 100g. so if I'm fairly portion controlled I'm hoping it will be ok.


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Thanks, Kathleen. It is good to see you back. Did you have fun in Spain?
Hi @ziggy_w Well maybe not fun but we didn't let the weather get us down somewhere different everyday and lots of walking, think that's why my BG readings are not bad,tried to keep with foods I knew wouldn't spike then went naughty and had some of the tiny Spanish cakes. We love the Costa Del Sol area we've been going for around 9/10 years now we never get tired of it,so many places to see new places to visit,you can even get to Estepona and Marbella but we've holidayed there not so keen has Costas area. We are going back in May for two weeks we rent an apartment overlooking the sea between Torremolinos and Carihuela it's lovely in May not too hot but not cold in mid 20s to 25s I'd say just right for us. We love getting around not lazing by the pool all day we are going to look at Rhonda and places near to Saville not been to that area yet probably book a coach trip to these Has they are long in direct journeys. We will have a lovely time exploring new things and places that's for sure,and
hopefully will get to visit My brother this year in Germany,that's if I can pin him down long enough to visit, he and his wife are all over the world when they holiday,or skiing in Austria in winter,he was in his 60s when he learned to ski and loves it,he's mad! Can't stand the cold myself!have you any plans for holidays this year? K
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@Ymdawd Yes I know that many people will describe a heavy cold as 'flu.My father died in 1963 aged 59 from a 'flu virus,so I can be a little over cautious, but as hubby is eighty this year and normally very healthy and active we were just glad he'd had the vaccine.If he takes to his bed I know he's really ill.The pharmacist assured me I was giving him all the right treatment when I went to top up supplies.Our local pharmacist is great, our surgery isn't always helpful.Apparently there are two strains of the virus this year,as you will be aware.
Hubby had a very high temperature and was delirious so quite a worry.Three weeks on he is just beginning to regain his energy and appetite,but still tires easily,but luckily no chest infection.:)
@Granny_grump_ Hope you stay well and have good news soon.


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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Know what you mean, when you get a good one it's wonderful,but it works both ways,my hubby and I have always shared housework,cooking everything it's the only way especially if you both work! Cannot leave it all to one person it's a shared relationship!K

My husband retired 14 years ago, and ever since then I've been the breadwinner. This meant that when I needed further qualifications in my field I had to work and study (and at my age that didn't come easy!). He was my rock, and we are most definitely a team :)


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Hi heavyd the holiday on the whole was not bad,just all over Spain has had very bad weather gale force winds and storms,we got the tail end of it so quiet cold and at times breezy. But we never let the weather stop us getting out and about,an afternoon in
Fuengarola, Mijas in the mountains,Torremolinos and a shopping mall in Plaza Mayor, we catch trains and buses everywhere we can so no need to stay in hotel just be adventurous!
How are you getting on? your doing ok with your BG at least they are lower than previous so well done,are you back in Uk now or still in Nigeria it must be nice to get all the family together for Christmas and enjoy seeing them.
Hope your finding time to chill out and relax in between working,take care of yourself will speak again soon! K
That's good. Still in Nigeria enjoying the sunshine
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