I am not a liar or an idiot.


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I don’t want to be rude.. but I guess it’s the type of person you are too. Positive mental attitude has a lot to do with everything we do in life, not just management of T1.
What I don’t understand is; why you would never take your children on holiday or to a water park?
Both me and my 8yr old daughter have been diagnosed T1 in the last 6 months. It’s been a complete life changer and at the beginning we thought of cancelling our 2week summer holiday. But, now it’s something we are looking forward to.


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I’ve had periods where diabetes has had me utterly beaten and on the floor, I’m pretty sure we all do. At the moment it’s ok, and I’m in control of IT, rather than the other way around. Can’t remember who said it, but my husband often reminds me of the saying “get busy living or get busy dying”... we’ve only got one life, so just have to make the best of it.


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I don’t want to be rude.. but I guess it’s the type of person you are too. Positive mental attitude has a lot to do with everything we do in life, not just management of T1.
What I don’t understand is; why you would never take your children on holiday or to a water park?
Both me and my 8yr old daughter have been diagnosed T1 in the last 6 months. It’s been a complete life changer and at the beginning we thought of cancelling our 2week summer holiday. But, now it’s something we are looking forward to.

Because my diabetes is so unpredictable. It is unpredictable with a routine day, it is hopeless when you throw that routine out of the window.
Certainly I won't ever go abroad again. Going through security with an insulin pump isn't fun. Then the risk of hypos brought on by heat / exercise / change of food. Risk of pump breaking abroad. Risk of food poisoning / stomach bug and ending up in hospital. Just not worth it.


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I know I’m still a noob at this.. but the libre absolutely changed the way we manage both myself and the little one. Trending has meant we can catch both ups and downs - making it predictable.

What difficulties did you have with the pump and airport security? We are moving my little to a pod soon and hopefully me too at a later date.


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I know I’m still a noob at this.. but the libre absolutely changed the way we manage both myself and the little one. Trending has meant we can catch both ups and downs - making it predictable.

What difficulties did you have with the pump and airport security? We are moving my little to a pod soon and hopefully me too at a later date.

There are literally no issues with a pump and airport security. With a pod it's fine to go through all the scanners. Security staff ask what it is, you answer insulin pump and they shrug and wave you through. With a tubed pump you have to disconnect to go through the scanners, because the X-ray etc can mess with pump settings. But with a pod the "brain" of the pump is in the PDM so it's fine for pod to be worn through the scanners.


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There are literally no issues with a pump and airport security. With a pod it's fine to go through all the scanners. Security staff ask what it is, you answer insulin pump and they shrug and wave you through. With a tubed pump you have to disconnect to go through the scanners, because the X-ray etc can mess with pump settings. But with a pod the "brain" of the pump is in the PDM so it's fine for pod to be worn through the scanners.

It depends who you get. You get someone officious who tries to tell you you have to go through the scanner rather than have a pat down and that you can't board otherwise it becomes very stressful. Your kids are crying because you can't go on holiday. The pressure is for you to 'risk it'. Not worth the worry to me. Maybe with a pod it's easier. A tubed pump has caused me issues in the past hence why I will no longer fly.


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I opted for pat down at Heathrow 2 weeks ago as didn’t know if I could use the libre in the full body scanner. Really wasn’t an issue, the security manager came over and we went and had a pat down, I got through security quicker than a colleague who had a bag emptying!
It’s a shame you had a bad experience that is stopping you doing it again :(


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I am saying all of the following with extreme respect and in no way wishing to offend or upset you @ExtremelyW0rried, but you mentioned in one of your posts that your son is on the autistic spectrum - have you ever been diagnosed or checked out for this yourself?

I ask this because the way you seem to approach things is so very much like my son you could almost be twins! He's on the spectrum and has extreme anxiety about just about anything and it's very limiting for him - he sees the worst about everything even things that should be nice and enjoyable. If he is ever ill it's always worse case scenario - he really believes he may die etc. Whatever we say/do to try and give him some perspective he is rigid in his thinking and reasoning and it's very difficult to get him to see positives in the things that worry him (I think you present very much like this)

Other things you talk about such as not being in touch with your son when he's older etc also flagged this up for me, there are other things but won't list them as I feel that would be insensitive of me.

Whilst everyone is jumping on your case for your negativity, which I can totally understand as it can be frustrating and wearing (I know as I live with it 24/7 and it's b***** difficult sometimes!) it doesn't make your feelings any less valid, your feelings are yours and very real for you, though not always logical and indeed understandable - just wanted to say that :)

Hope you take my post in the spirit it is meant

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Retired Moderator
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Because my diabetes is so unpredictable. It is unpredictable with a routine day, it is hopeless when you throw that routine out of the window.
Certainly I won't ever go abroad again. Going through security with an insulin pump isn't fun. Then the risk of hypos brought on by heat / exercise / change of food. Risk of pump breaking abroad. Risk of food poisoning / stomach bug and ending up in hospital. Just not worth it.

At the airport I simply disconnect the pump hand to security who do a visual inspection and hand it back, no bother, take pens as back up too so no issue with potential pump failure, problem solved. Holidays are unpredictable yes but err on the side of caution, reduce doses in heat and with exercise. Ok so maybe you had one bad experience but letting this rule your life is no way to live.
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It depends who you get. You get someone officious who tries to tell you you have to go through the scanner rather than have a pat down and that you can't board otherwise it becomes very stressful. Your kids are crying because you can't go on holiday. The pressure is for you to 'risk it'. Not worth the worry to me. Maybe with a pod it's easier. A tubed pump has caused me issues in the past hence why I will no longer fly.

Yeah, drama drama. Or, you could disconnect it, let them swab the pump & stick it in your handbag for the 30 seconds it takes to walk through the scanner. Frankly, its you who is making it more difficult that it needs to be, your approach and your attitude. Nothing whatsoever to do with your diabetes.


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Yeah, drama drama. Or, you could disconnect it, let them swab the pump & stick it in your handbag for the 30 seconds it takes to walk through the scanner. Frankly, its you who is making it more difficult that it needs to be, your approach and your attitude. Nothing whatsoever to do with your diabetes.

It can't go through the scanner even disconnected? Or am I wrong there. I thought it couldn't go through at all as can cause a pump motor issue. I suppose it's personal choice. Personally I won't risk something my life depends on being damaged.


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I am saying all of the following with extreme respect and in no way wishing to offend or upset you @ExtremelyW0rried, but you mentioned in one of your posts that your son is on the autistic spectrum - have you ever been diagnosed or checked out for this yourself?

I ask this because the way you seem to approach things is so very much like my son you could almost be twins! He's on the spectrum and has extreme anxiety about just about anything and it's very limiting for him - he sees the worst about everything even things that should be nice and enjoyable. If he is ever ill it's always worse case scenario - he really believes he may die etc. Whatever we say/do to try and give him some perspective he is rigid in his thinking and reasoning and it's very difficult to get him to see positives in the things that worry him (I think you present very much like this)

Other things you talk about such as not being in touch with your son when he's older etc also flagged this up for me, there are other things but won't list them as I feel that would be insensitive of me.

Whilst everyone is jumping on your case for your negativity, which I can totally understand as it can be frustrating and wearing (I know as I live with it 24/7 and it's bloody difficult sometimes!) it doesn't make your feelings any less valid, your feelings are yours and very real for you, though not always logical and indeed understandable - just wanted to say that :)

Hope you take my post in the spirit it is meant

I don't think I am, i think I've just made some really poor decisions in my life - including having children- and am reaping the benefits now. I hope when my children are 18 that they leave home and barely ever come back. I'm just waiting for then really.

I am glad that others don't find it so difficult living with t1. I never used to. It's only since it became brittle and impossible to predict after having my daughter that it has really reduced my quality of life.


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It can't go through the scanner even disconnected? Or am I wrong there. I thought it couldn't go through at all as can cause a pump motor issue. I suppose it's personal choice. Personally I won't risk something my life depends on being damaged.

The pump can't go throught the scanner, which is why I said:
disconnect it, let them swab the pump

Are you purposely trying to make diabetes more difficult? Honest to god, you've decided diabetes is terrible and difficult and the end of the world and so your approach to it is proving you right. You're more determined to be right about how terrible it is than to find, the perfectly simple, solutions to problems. If you're approach to it was "well it makes some things a bit more effort, but nothing impossible" it would be a completely different story.

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i think I've just made some really poor decisions in my life - including having children- and am reaping the benefits now. I hope when my children are 18 that they leave home and barely ever come back. I'm just waiting for then really.
Wow! I have made some serious life decisions because of my children.. but FOR them! Both financially and within the home.
I hope your negativity doesn’t wash onto them and their daily lives.


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The pump can't go throught the scanner, which is why I said:

Are you purposely trying to make diabetes more difficult? Honest to god, you've decided diabetes is terrible and difficult and the end of the world and so your approach to it is proving you right. You're more determined to be right about how terrible it is than to find, the perfectly simple, solutions to problems. If you're approach to it was "well it makes some things a bit more effort, but nothing impossible" it would be a completely different story.

Yes maybe I am.
It was because you said pop it in your handbag. Which I thought meant then carry it through but disconnected. Sorry I am so stupid. I did not mean to be.

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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Because my diabetes is so unpredictable. It is unpredictable with a routine day, it is hopeless when you throw that routine out of the window.
Certainly I won't ever go abroad again. Going through security with an insulin pump isn't fun. Then the risk of hypos brought on by heat / exercise / change of food. Risk of pump breaking abroad. Risk of food poisoning / stomach bug and ending up in hospital. Just not worth it.

It is you that sets those limitations.

So it needs a bit of thinking about.. but thats it! 1000's of us T1's go abroad and still do wicked extreme things.

Now, seriously, look at people that are in sport with disabilities. They dont let anything stop them.

Grab life, enjoy it...

Have some laughter every day. Its free and is seriously good for health.

Limitations and boundaries are to be stretched & broken!!

I so wish I could show you a picture of me having done a recent nude modelling event with sliced off breasts!!
If I didnt accept and move on, and try to show others that you can be a "happy flattie" then I would be never going out of my home in shame.

But no, I've done a nude photo shoot instead and now have a publishing house running with my story.

Be proud what you can achieve!


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@ExtremelyW0rried .
Excuses and sympathy all the time.
If you feel that way about your children then for their sake let them go.
You obviously feel your feelings come before theirs, your condition is more important than they are.
I guarantee that someone out in the world would give everything to have children. Adoption is an option.
Consider it. Not for you but for your children, who ultimately have no blame in all of this. They just want to be loved.
Stop looking in the mirror at yourself and go look out of the window. You maybe surprised.
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I don't think I am, i think I've just made some really poor decisions in my life - including having children- and am reaping the benefits now. I hope when my children are 18 that they leave home and barely ever come back. I'm just waiting for then reallyŽ

I am glad that others don't find it so difficult living with t1. I never used to. It's only since it became brittle and impossible to predict after having my daughter that it has really reduced my quality of life.
Statements like this one make me think even more that it's possible your on the spectrum maybe think about looking into it. People on the spectrum can be very egocentric- only see the effects on themselves and not others, lack empathy for others etc it's a massive spectrum and everyone is different but there is an intrinsic triad that is used for diagnosis

And your not thick - frustrating, annoying, exasperating, maybe - but not thick - Never apologise for not understanding

Edited to try and explain myself better
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It hasn’t stopped me doing almost everything I’d like to do.
It has made almost everything more difficult!
It has negatively impacted lots of aspects of my life, to varying degrees.

Having said that I do have a positive (but realistic) approach to it and try and make the best of it so that I still get a pretty good quality of life. As a negative mindset I think would mean doing less and having a far worse impact on my quality of life.


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I agree now ...but a few years ago I might not have it was a different story then ,different insulin and not knowing the major role that a correct background insulin plays !! Now i feel safe and i do whatever i feel like doing ( or not ) ,i can sleep from 8pm till 8 am with only 1 alarm at 4 am (still cant do without that one )! ,but its better than 1 every hour every night! Still struggle with pizza but ill get the bolus right eventually and I've not tackled steak pudding chips and mushy peas yet !!!!I eat very well, play hard and make many mistakes on my bolusing but ill learn eventually probably 10 years from now ! When ill be 70 anyway and ill be past caring
Wished I wasn't t1 but it can sod off I'm happy bunny living a great life as a t1 after 10 years ps still fear typos guess that'll never change .
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