Biggest bugbear


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People who have diabetes and are in total denial and say things like you can eat anything or it doesn't stop you doing anything which is obviously just lying, so obviously lying that it's just pathetically stupid.


Yeahhh... Well? I wouldn't disagree with your point on the food. Anyone can put what they want in their mouth, chew & swallow. The same diet every day could be followed, with the same insulin dosage & timing too. "Planets" don't always align regarding the variables on any given day. Some foods are indeed more reliable than others in conjunction with an insulin working profile.

"It doesn't stop me." A multitude of cameras & 'corders never lie on that one.
... I have a fair few witnesses to back me up as well? ;)
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
So many things to choose from, which is worse.

Going through every minute of every hour of every day constantly terrified that you are damaging yourself, wanting to test at least every ten minutes, all day every day is about diabetes no matter what the day is actually supposed to be about and you are guaranteed to fail.

The total utter hopeless uselessness of medical people who contradict themselves and each other but worst of all, they give you a target, you miss it and they say it's fine anyway so all the effort and worrying was basically pointless.

People who have diabetes and are in total denial and say things like you can eat anything or it doesn't stop you doing anything which is obviously just lying, so obviously lying that it's just pathetically stupid.

The knowledge I will never go for a run again, not properly anyway, not so I can just run and zone out.

But all of that is just practical stuff. Absolutely the worst thing is that I will always be second best, I just got going and got into work I really loved, and no matter how hard I work it's just always going to be second best because I will always be distracted at best and usually a bit weak and sick. So that's my worst thing, the knowledge that I will be basically less than great, always a bit behind everyone else. That's what kills me and makes me wish it would actually kill me. I cannot deal with that, the fact that I am basically rubbish now.

T1 isn’t easy, especially to start with, and I agree that it’s unrealistic to pretend that it doesn’t affect the way we live. The more you learn to live with it, though, the less it’s likely to have such a major impact on your life and your self-perception. I’m not going to pretend that there won’t be times when you want to rant and to curse it but these can be lessened by a proactive approach to seeking out what works for you as an individual.

We each need to find out what ways we can run T1 so that we can get the best we can from the life we’ve got. This may mean asking to be referred to a good team at a teaching hospital, it may mean being brave enough to experiment with different foods, it may mean discovering what bs you need to have, or what carbs you need to eat, at the start of a run so you can complete it without going low. I know you’ll say I’m lying but I’ve ‘zoned out’ swimming, scuba diving, riding, and loved it!

Have patience. See getting to a better place than you’re in now as a step by step process and remember to congratulate yourself each time you have some success, however small. Things are bound to go wrong occasionally but don’t beat yourself up about it.

I’m lucky enough to be able to look back at a life in work, and at the part-time work I do now, and realise that it wasn’t career progression, or pay, that really meant the most but the good relationships with other people and the cheer that came from shared successes. Is there anybody you can talk with face to face, workmate or friend, who’ll be a sounding board for ways you can get the better of T1?
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What annoys you the most about Type 1 Diabetes...?

My vote is for the public’s perception and their lack of knowledge - the fact that people assume “diabetes” means “diabetes Type 2”.
And also that my mother in law who has pre-diabetes Type 2 thinks that my Type 1 is the same as hers and no big deal. No matter how much I explain.
I huge difference.
Ive said in the past med students should have to experience a hypo then hyper then hypo.. to know what type1s experience on a bad day. Put a virus on top or an infection and see if they can continue doing what they need to.
No one knows what it's really like. Unless they experience the same.
They'd have to have brittle insulin resistance type2 to get close. Or burnt out cell type2.
However, how much do you know about prediabetes and how many are suffering neuropathy ??
We are all different, on top of that.

What a life!

We can be all be ignorant about something but it's HOW we're taught which makes the difference.

Please continuing to education us none type1s and we'll do the same?
Then we are all much wiser.


Well-Known Member
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Having a virus. Took 30 units of bolus yesterday over 6 injections. And already had 10 this morning and it is only 8:30am. As my average daily amount is 8-12, this is a considerable hike.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
What annoys you the most about Type 1 Diabetes...?

My vote is for the public’s perception and their lack of knowledge - the fact that people assume “diabetes” means “diabetes Type 2”.
And also that my mother in law who has pre-diabetes Type 2 thinks that my Type 1 is the same as hers and no big deal. No matter how much I explain.

Couldn't agree more! It's the same for me: hubby and close family just seem unable to understand the difference, remember it and/or believe it. Friends have no clue whatever, let alone job fellows, and as for strangers… one can imagine. I keep explaining and telling and pointing out the difference, but really I cannot say I've ever succeeded in "educating" anyone around here. Even my GP tried to switch me to a T2 care unit, several years ago, as he 'didn't remember' as he said later. Yet I have been T1 for 35 years, one would imagine people has has plenty of time to figure out what is going on… Sheesh! Most annoying, you are right!
(It's such a relief to find people who really understand, in this forum!)
Best wishes, mountaintom! We'll live through it, we are stronger than all that clueless people!


Well-Known Member
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Having a virus. Took 30 units of bolus yesterday over 6 injections. And already had 10 this morning and it is only 8:30am. As my average daily amount is 8-12, this is a considerable hike.

And it makes us feel so much worse than others with the same virus. Hope you get well soon @becca59!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Having a virus. Took 30 units of bolus yesterday over 6 injections. And already had 10 this morning and it is only 8:30am. As my average daily amount is 8-12, this is a considerable hike.
I thought it was just me.
Mine has gone crazy. A laborious virus I seem to have.
Sleep loads last night and still tired. Bg was 6.9 but no dinner nor insulin has crept up to 8.3 :( :( :(
24hr basal only.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Having a virus. Took 30 units of bolus yesterday over 6 injections. And already had 10 this morning and it is only 8:30am. As my average daily amount is 8-12, this is a considerable hike.
I’ve got a simple coldsore and it’s sent my sugars all over the place. Grrrrr :mad:


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I've a swollen gum from my dentists appointment on Wednesday, and yesterday mornings hypo was replaced with a 13.4 waking today, 1/2 a breakfast and 2 extra units and I'm finally down to 8.
5 hours after I got up.
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Nicola M

Well-Known Member
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People who try to give you "advice" when they don't have a clue what they're on about and have just got their information from websites that haven't checked the facts.

People who mistake Type 1 for Type 2 or vice versa. They are totally different and people should research more before opening their mouths

And finally, people who stare when you're doing injections/blood sugars. I'm not a circus animal pls do not stare!!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Doing a good thing (lifting weights) only to find it has pumped my bg up but being too scared of going low to put insulin in before lifting those weigths....
Diabetes Mellitus just means honey siphon (due to the symptom of peeing your brains out)
Betas B******d versus Resistance is Futile?
The fact that my mother in law thinks my pump is an artificial pancreas and after 5 years still doesn't get that I am not cured by medical technology.
Type 1 diabetics in TV dramas are always nearly dying (running away/being kidnapped without insulin etc.).
Are there any type 2s on TV? Possibly they do not offer the same dramatic potential! I think Inspector Morse was a type 2 as was his creator.

post edited by moderator, for language.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Type 1 diabetics in TV dramas are always nearly dying (running away/being kidnapped without insulin etc.).
Are there any type 2s on TV? Possibly they do not offer the same dramatic potential! I think Inspector Morse was a type 2 as was his creator..

I don't watch much TV but read about a soap incorrectly portraying a women actress as a T1 losing her eyesight, Emmerdale Farm iIrc, but aren't sure, and I think remember 'Con Air' incorrectly portraying symptoms of not taking insulin, but am giggling writing that as not many will remember that film here. Which may help if I've got that wrong :p


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I think type 1 and 2 need more separation!
That's exactly the point! I know it is not a widely shared position, but my personal view is that a new and wholly different name for T1 is needed. Or rather, for every form of what today is grouped under the word 'diabetes'.
To begin with, I gather that 'diabetes' is actually the name of a symptom (chronic hyperglicaemia), rather than of a specific disease/condition, at least if one has to trust the WHO definition of it. (Though I should say 'them' instead of 'it', shouldn't I?)
Then, keeping such out-dated names as 'type 1' and 'type 2' will just further encourage the (wrong) idea that 'diabetes' is basically a single disease, only coming in several different hues and shapes. Like a rose that will be a rose be a rose be a rose, no matter its colour, shape or variety. We can't expect people to understand much, I think, if we stick to such inadequate terminology. Typically, people wont' care a bit about hues, varieties or anything perceived as a minor distinction: that's unnecessary and boring detail, to most.
I am so hot about this issue also because I live in Italy, and in our language first comes the name, then the qualifier, so we have to say 'diabete di tipo 1'. But, given the average attention-span, people will just catch 'diabetes', while the rest will be dismissed as some kind of meaningless detail. English-speaking people are luckier, as T1 or T2 form the first part of the message and could as well stand alone.
So, I have made a decision: I want to call my condition with name of its own, with no 'diabetes' in it (exactly like 'influenza', which is not called 'type 7 fever' on the ground that fever is one of its main symptoms). So, when talking to strangers I often use the word ABCA (autoimmune beta-cell apoptosis). Not wholly satisfactory, as it is an acronym and not very self-explaining. But it can go, as my first aim is to make it immediately clear to strangers that it's something they have never heard of and know nothing about. It surely helps avoid foolish comments and irritating advice.
If only it could become a general habit… ABCA, or some other name, I'm not particular.
Really, I do think that all the terminology of T1 should be radically renewed. The way it is, it's not only inconvenient, but also irrational and dangerous.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1 diabetics in TV dramas are always nearly dying (running away/being kidnapped without insulin etc.).
Are there any type 2s on TV? Possibly they do not offer the same dramatic potential! I think Inspector Morse was a type 2 as was his creator.

I'd imagine the time restrictions on film and TV are too great to allow a little thing like accurate detail to get in the way for Type 1. The pilot episode of Blue Bloods sticks in my head for this - the main storyline of the episode was a young type 1 being kidnapped and the race to find and stop her from going into 'insulin shock' within 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Doing a good thing (lifting weights) only to find it has pumped my bg up but being too scared of going low to put insulin in before lifting those weigths.
Great bugbear and oh so true. You try your hardest and it turns around and bites your ar*e ( save the mods a job :)).
Since using a dexcom I've been able to see this "wonderful " phenomenon in real time. 6 to 15 within the hour whilst training. That adrenaline is potent stuff:banghead::banghead::banghead:.
I've started taking IOB prior to heavy weights sessions now, it's all a bit trial and error at first but is unbelievably affective if you get it spot on or even close. It does go against all what we've been taught and is a scary option when you first do it.
Only setback is.....once you bolus for exercise you've got no cop out from doing the workout session.
It is something I would definitely recommend with careful monitoring. Start low with the insulin and take it from there.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
I like the idea of renaming T1 @Bic, maybe we should have a competition fir the new name and raise awareness at the same time.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I don't watch much TV but read about a soap incorrectly portraying a women actress as a T1 losing her eyesight, Emmerdale Farm iIrc, but aren't sure, and I think remember 'Con Air' incorrectly portraying symptoms of not taking insulin, but am giggling writing that as not many will remember that film here. Which may help if I've got that wrong :p

Loved Con Air. ‘Put the bunny back in the box!’
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Well-Known Member
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I don't watch much TV but read about a soap incorrectly portraying a women actress as a T1 losing her eyesight, Emmerdale Farm iIrc, but aren't sure, and I think remember 'Con Air' incorrectly portraying symptoms of not taking insulin, but am giggling writing that as not many will remember that film here. Which may help if I've got that wrong :p
I'm going to save the bleeep, bleep day!!!! I love that film and yes the poor man went into a coma inside 5 minutes because he didn't have his insulin injection!
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