Type 1'stars R Us


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Afternoon all.
A morning in some sunshine, in the garden and in some wettish sub base laying more slabs. Makes a change from a gym workout so I’m kinda enjoying the garden makeover.
Currently at 4.8 but it’s going down so I’ve got a good excuse for a coffee and a few choccie biscuits :).
Nice to see everyone is having their own “ diabetic weekends. “
@helensaramay . Hair looks festive ( takes a chance commenting on a ladies hair:) ) and from your avatar it’s nothing more than what I’d of expected. :).
@Jaylee . Could vehicle damage be an owl falling off the moon just scuffing the light? It’s quite a common occurrence apparently.


Retired Moderator
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Get your conclusions written up, Jay, you'll be a shoo in for the next Nobel Prize in physics...

Need to iron out the best ethical way of temporarily incapacitating the Owls, so the random flapping doesn't impede the decent..? ;)

@Jaylee . Could vehicle damage be an owl falling off the moon just scuffing the light? It’s quite a common occurrence apparently.

Or possibly, the headstock end of a leather clad guitar case, as a guitarist fumbled in the dark loading up?
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The smell of cigars
Afternoon all

Sharps bin has not been collected for two weeks in a row now :/

Does everyone else use a sharps bin... ? Not going to lie, I went through years of just putting used needles in a class jar as on diagnosis no one ever gave me one and it only came up once I moved and registered with a new GP..
Hi my area say three weeks notice needed. So I usually get a 1l bin on prescription while I wait...
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Retired Moderator
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The smell of cigars
Have referred the shed. So that disaster averted. Still need to sort the house roof and I'm not volunteering for that.


Type of diabetes
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Teenager collected, ex husband made miffed, Christmas market survived.

Have had to set up an extra profile on my pump now that I’m having days that are significantly busier than others. They have been named “Lazy Ar*e” and “Busy Bu**er”. Seems I go low the two days after a busy day, and high after a couple of days of not doing much at all. There’s about a 30% difference in TDD. Been running high today with lots of corrections and decided to try that. We shall see how it pans out. My lazy profile was working fine until I started working.

@helensaramay - love the hair!


Does everyone else use a sharps bin... ? Not going to lie, I went through years of just putting used needles in a class jar as on diagnosis no one ever gave me one and it only came up once I moved and registered with a new GP..

I only got my first sharps bin in May when I started the Libre, never used one before never knew the existed, used to just break the needle off and throw it in the usual rubbish bin.

@helensaramay like the colour but for some reason I always thought you had had down to your waist .


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@Knikki . Mental pictures/ perceptions can be way off sometimes.
It would be interesting to put us all in a room and let us try to decide who’s who purely on a visual basis.

Obviously me and you would stick out a mile.
You with your scarlet clothes and me in a row boat.;););)


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Calling all miaomiao-ers! Quick question, @porl69 , @Knikki , @Mel dCP , what do you folks use to stick it on?

I bought one recently as the blucon is getting a bit "betamaxy" now, finally got to me despite the courier delivering to the wrong address by failing to understand that 2 xxxxx Street is not the same address as 2 xxxxx Place, but that's another story.

Anyway, my slight concern is this. Touch wood, I've not had any allergic reactions to either libre, or the Molnlycke Mepore plaster I use to hold the blucon on, a very mild adhesive on it.

I've bought the double sided stickys which come with MM, but I've seen some posts on their facebook mentioning some pretty nasty allergic reactions, so I'm cautious about tempting fate by using them - really wouldn't want to glitch a working system for one which brings me out in a rash and makes me allergic to libre.

Have any of you had issues with the MM stickies, or is it enough to just tag in place with some other plaster you know you aren't allergic to? i'm aware that the airgap between sensor and MM needs to be tight, so don't know if just tagging it on with the plaster I use just now will keep it close enough.

I'll not be using it till I get a new phone, current one is at end of days, so I'll maybe just try using an MM sticky on its own to see what happens.
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Calling all miaomiao-ers! Quick question, @porl69 , @Knikki , @Mel dCP , what do you folks use to stick it on?

I bought one recently as the blucon is getting a bit "betamaxy" now, finally got to me despite the courier delivering to the wrong address by failing to understand that 2 xxxxx Street is not the same address as 2 xxxxx Place, but that's another story.

Anyway, my slight concern is this. Touch wood, I've not had any allergic reactions to either libre, or the Molnlycke Mepore plaster I use to hold the blucon on, a very mild adhesive on it.

I've bought the double sided stickys which come with MM, but I've seen some posts on their facebook mentioning some pretty nasty allergic reactions, so I'm cautious about tempting fate by using them - really wouldn't want to glitch a working system for one which brings me out in a rash and makes me allergic to libre.

Have any of you had issues with the MM stickies, or is it enough to just tag in place with some other plaster you know you aren't allergic to? i'm aware that the airgap between sensor and MM needs to be tight, so don't know if just tagging it on with the plaster I use just now will keep it close enough.

I'll not be using it till I get a new phone, current one is at end of days, so I'll maybe just try using an MM sticky on its own to see what happens.
I use a couple of coats of Skin Tac first, and then MiaoMiao stickies - not had a reaction to date, and I react to lots of things. When it was on my arm, I’d have to add rock tape in the second week, but now I wear it on my chest, the Skin Tac and stickies does the job really well. Two gigs in the mosh pit last weekend were no problem, put it that way. I did find that Tegaderm plasters would make my arm quite sore where it pushed the corners of the MM against my skin, though.


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Also, you could just use the little sticky that attaches it to the Libre, and hold the body of it down with your usual plaster? I just don’t like anything over the top of mine if I can avoid it, it looks a bit messy to my eye.
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Stupid people
Calling all miaomiao-ers! Quick question, @porl69 , @Knikki , @Mel dCP , what do you folks use to stick it on?

I bought one recently as the blucon is getting a bit "betamaxy" now, finally got to me despite the courier delivering to the wrong address by failing to understand that 2 xxxxx Street is not the same address as 2 xxxxx Place, but that's another story.

Anyway, my slight concern is this. Touch wood, I've not had any allergic reactions to either libre, or the Molnlycke Mepore plaster I use to hold the blucon on, a very mild adhesive on it.

I've bought the double sided stickys which come with MM, but I've seen some posts on their facebook mentioning some pretty nasty allergic reactions, so I'm cautious about tempting fate by using them - really wouldn't want to glitch a working system for one which brings me out in a rash and makes me allergic to libre.

Have any of you had issues with the MM stickies, or is it enough to just tag in place with some other plaster you know you aren't allergic to? i'm aware that the airgap between sensor and MM needs to be tight, so don't know if just tagging it on with the plaster I use just now will keep it close enough.

I'll not be using it till I get a new phone, current one is at end of days, so I'll maybe just try using an MM sticky on its own to see what happens.
I used the stickies that came with the MM, never had a reaction to it luckily.
Recently purchased this...https://www.google.co.uk/search?sou...10j46i131i67.ilafcS-CNI0#imgrc=nt58LwVzC7HtMM:
And have just started to use it on my last sensor....pretty good so far
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I did find that Tegaderm plasters would make my arm quite sore where it pushed the corners of the MM against my skin, though.

Cheers, Mel.

That's an interesting point about the corners. Although MM gets credit for being a slimmer design, blucon is directly on top of libre, so there's no skin/transmitter contact, whereas MM is taking up a bit more skin, and will interact with it, and, as you say, there might be just the physical pressure from sharpish edges. I wonder whether designers think about these things - put a curve on the edges to smooth them out, for example?

On a side note, I read a thread elsewhere about tegaderm. The gist was that because it's waterproof, perspiration which builds up under the surface of libre doesn't evaporate, ends up going "stale", and kicks off an allergic reaction. It was just the ramblings of a poster, not hard science, but it kinda made a bit of sense.

Also, you could just use the little sticky that attaches it to the Libre, and hold the body of it down with your usual plaster? I

Ooh, now that's definitely worth trying, thank you!

I've been having a look at jamorham's gitter feed from time to time to see what's happening with libre generation 2. The xdrip+/spike developers haven't got their mitts on a gen 2 sensor yet, there's some concerns the data will be encrypted, so the apps won't be able to read them directly, which would be a bummer - I'm quite fond of my blucon but would ditch it in an instant if xdrip could read directly from a gen 2 sensor without a transmitter on top. Will have to wait and see.

It would be even worse if we couldn't use transmitters with gen 2. Apparently, in America, mm doesn't work with their 14 day version, did with the 10 day one. Sometimes progress screws things up.
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I used the stickies that came with the MM, never had a reaction to it luckily.
Recently purchased this...https://www.google.co.uk/search?sou...10j46i131i67.ilafcS-CNI0#imgrc=nt58LwVzC7HtMM:
And have just started to use it on my last sensor....pretty good so far

Cheers, porl. I'll give the stickies a run, although I do like Mel's idea of just using the small bit to attach to the sensor, then my usual plaster on top.

Anything will be a better idea than what I did when my blucon first arrived - hadn't put much thought into how to attach it, so ended up sticking it on with a bit of DIY masking tape I had left over from a bit of home decorating - ooyah, I'm allergy free, or so I thought, but that left a mark!

I've seen a few of the 3d gadgets, got an armband style one for the blucon, but could never get the tensioning right. My worry with it would be it provides a lever to lever the blucon out of place.


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Get your conclusions written up, Jay, you'll be a shoo in for the next Nobel Prize in physics...

Do you mean the IgNobel? Always full of brilliantly daft topics.


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I tried sticking it on, but then ripped a sensor off when removing my t-shirt, so went back to taping it on (with a bit of paper to stop the stickiness touching the electrical contacts).

I'm tending towards putting a big plaster on top of it all. Did that with libre even before I got blucon because it smoothes out the edges and makes it less prone to being snagged (yes, I'm looking at you, rucksacks, t-shirts, doorjambs, seatbelts....)


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Hair’s lovely, @helensaramay!
At a meet-up we’d probably recognise Mel and Sue and Cumbs and Karen, and Scott-C cos we’ve got photos as avatars, and photos, oh, and kev-w too, and Knikki who posted a lovely wedding photo, and por69 if he was wearing a wetsuit and had a reg in his mouth, but the others of us? Are there giveaways in what we post?
A meet-up would be nice. We’re all over the U.K. so how’d we decide where?