What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Cute avatar, @dunelm ! Thank you for keeping your familiar userid. :)

you’re welcome. The avatar is part of the front cover of my latest read; A Confederacy of Dunces (Penguin Essentials) by John Kennedy Toole. It has many parallels to both trying to second guess diabetes and the current bunch of folk dithering about for their own individual ends in the UK Parliament.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Afternoon/evening all. I'm still on the very low carb keto "bread" trail. I have finally found a recipe that produces soft risen rolls that taste like wholemeal. The problem is that 4 large rolls cost £2.37. The ingredients include Psyllium husk powder which costs about £15 for 500g. The egg whites (and other ingredients) are purchased from Sainsbury at £2.40 for 15 egg whites in a chilled carton, 500g.

Yes there is a high initial outlay, maybe £25, but you will be able to bake a lot of rolls.

Looking at the comments below the YouTube clip, Aussie Ketogal advises to let the initial dough rest for at least 2 mins before folding in the lightly beaten egg whites, the final stage before 35 mins in the oven at 180 C fan. The rise is truly spectacular!

Milled golden flaxseed 40g
Coconut flour 30g
Psyllium husk powder 25g (Holland and Barrett)
Baking powder 5 g (tsp)
Baking soda 5g (tsp)
Salt 2.5g (1/2 tsp)
Warm water 180 ml
Butter 40g
Cider vinegar 2 tsp
Egg whites 125g (equivalent to 4 medium egg whites)

Method: Watch the movie! Good luck!
Thanks for the recipe - I have copied it into my CMT for future use.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good afternoon all :)

4.2 today

we took a trip to the recycling with some trugs full of bush clippings today, followed by lunch out and a walk, then later we visited mum and collected her little dog to stay overnight because Suzie has to go to the vet's for her x-rays first thing tomorrow morning ;)

We're currently having a little rain shower but it's still quite warm, which I'm enjoying :)

Hope your day is treating you well :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

you’re welcome. The avatar is part of the front cover of my latest read; A Confederacy of Dunces (Penguin Essentials) by John Kennedy Toole. It has many parallels to both trying to second guess diabetes and the current bunch of folk dithering about for their own individual ends in the UK Parliament.

Thank you for explaining your new avatar. I thought I recognized that character but couldn't place him. So I tried searching for him as a pic online and all I got were links to this board (but none to you as an individual or to this thread, thank goodness and security! At least none that I noticed -- and I was in a noticing frame of mind).


I just realized that I first wanted a pair of red high-top sneakers 60 years ago! Good grief, I think it is "high" time I went out looking for a pair. I did buy some at a drugstore 30 years ago next week but they were not really comfortable for walking then, and my feet are 30 years older now. And Wintercoming is not the season for buying canvas/synthetic canvas shoes anyway. And after all, Ollie was only 7 when he climbed all over the jungle gym in his. I bet he prefers comfy slippers nowadays, or something with good arch support, as do I.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
good afternoon all :)

4.2 today

we took a trip to the recycling with some trugs full of bush clippings today, followed by lunch out and a walk, then later we visited mum and collected her little dog to stay overnight because Suzie has to go to the vet's for her x-rays first thing tomorrow morning ;)

We're currently having a little rain shower but it's still quite warm, which I'm enjoying :)

Hope your day is treating you well :)
I continue to be impressed by your BG and also your dedication to your mum. People like you are really “salt of the earth”. Best wishes to you all.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you for explaining your new avatar. I thought I recognized that character but couldn't place him. So I tried searching for him as a pic online and all I got were links to this board (but none to you as an individual or to this thread, thank goodness and security! At least none that I noticed -- and I was in a noticing frame of mind).


I just realized that I first wanted a pair of red high-top sneakers 60 years ago! Good grief, I think it is "high" time I went out looking for a pair. I did buy some at a drugstore 30 years ago next week but they were not really comfortable for walking then, and my feet are 30 years older now. And Wintercoming is not the season for buying canvas/synthetic canvas shoes anyway. And after all, Ollie was only 7 when he climbed all over the jungle gym in his. I bet he prefers comfy slippers nowadays, or something with good arch support, as do I.
I like the idea of red sneakers also..why not look at winter versions like red training shoes (dont knowwhat they are calledin US...sneakers). I have been lusting after things red lately. Really wanted a red cross over bag for Spain but couldnt get it on time. Have just ordered it online. Soul mates again! Sorry if I am stupid but who is Ollie? Best wishes.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@PenguinMum , you are not, at all. My fault for just putting "Ollie." He was a boy in my second-grade class and while all the other boys had navy-blue-and-white sneakers, his were red, and I wanted some too. Sneakers = tennis shoes = running shoes. = trainers? (whatever became of "plimsolls" I wonder?)
Decades later I saw a pic of Keith Richards wearing some red Nikes on stage and I wanted some like that too. Oh, well, I did once have a pair of these which I thought were the cat's meow.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@PenguinMum , you are not, at all. My fault for just putting "Ollie." He was a boy in my second-grade class and while all the other boys had navy-blue-and-white sneakers, his were red, and I wanted some too. Sneakers = tennis shoes = running shoes. = trainers? (whatever became of "plimsolls" I wonder?)
Decades later I saw a pic of Keith Richards wearing some red Nikes on stage and I wanted some like that too. Oh, well, I did once have a pair of these which I thought were the cat's meow.

I find this all very interesting as my first day at school I was dressed in a red cardigan and red plastic sandals. As an adult I havent always opted for red shoes but now I think I should and it would be uplifting. Bravo to you. Go get some red shoes,like the poem @gennepher linked no teason why we shouldnt teplace purple with red.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I find this all very interesting as my first day at school I was dressed in a red cardigan and red plastic sandals. As an adult I havent always opted for red shoes but now I think I should and it would be uplifting. Bravo to you. Go get some red shoes,like the poem @gennepher linked no teason why we shouldnt teplace purple with red.
@PenguinMum and @SaskiaKC
I have just bought some orange barefoot shoes...
They didn’t have any purple in stock...
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I find this all very interesting as my first day at school I was dressed in a red cardigan and red plastic sandals. As an adult I havent always opted for red shoes but now I think I should and it would be uplifting. Bravo to you. Go get some red shoes,like the poem @gennepher linked no teason why we shouldnt teplace purple with red.

That is so cool that you remember what you wore your first day of school. I did have a pair of red sandals about that age that I loved.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Red alert! Or should I say, Orange alert! I am about to post a new avatar. The KittenCat is modeling her brand-new tiger-striped collar and I am keeping my well-known userid. ^. .^

Beautiful Kitten Cat!!!


Night night from me and Popeye...going back to sleep...ZZZzzz...
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good (if wet) morning @trick60 and indeed all forum members near and far. Appropriately for an Ember day, today is officially a look beyond the present difficulties and trust day. 4.9 at around 4.20 a.m. - (I do have trust issues there.) Early waking has returned, weight seems to be adversely affected by new (non diabetic) meds, straying far from basic salads not good for joints and 2 "little" challenges (don't even mention Spurs please). Dry, warm, plenty of food and drink, loving wife and family, my own little pharmacy and granddaughter coming to visit. Life isn't some absurd equation or mad series of random events. I'm just slow on the uptake at counting my blessings - which include you guys. Enjoy today.
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