What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
They did that in June so not this time. Last foot check showed a little numbness but overall the nurse was pleased saying I had a pulse stronger than many 20 year olds, now that's wrong I'm 70!
I had to go and ask for this HbA1c which was due 24th October but I was not emailed, text or phone called as I was assured I would be. This is the health centre who's manager sent me a rather unfriendly email saying ' we are very disappointed you are unhappy with our diabetic care, we take our diabetic patient care very seriously and we are very proud of it' . This is after I had complained about their diabetic doctor telling me at diagnosis it was only a 10 minute appointment to tell me I was diabetic and prescribe my medication and he would not be able to answer my many questions, then I could not get an appointment with the diabetic nurse for 6 weeks. I refused the medication and his response was well you could be on insulin within 3 months if you don't take it.
@jjraak Thanks for the best wishes, we certainly do worry come the HbA1c part of the course I reckon.

@Debandez I will certainly let the results be known up or down. All the best with yours on Friday, I'm sure the blip from your takeaway meal will be wiped out by all the past good numbers.
This sounds like an appointment with a “fire and forget” type doctor following an old flow chart for the diagnosis of diabetes - diagnose - issue drugs - wait a year or so - issue more drugs - add in a repeat loop - downhill slope - told you so.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@trick60 I really do feel your pain. 5.8 for me today and weight at 11S 13lbs (bmi 22.6). The weight really, really pees me off -just can't fight the BPH meds, which potentially I don't need, however little I eat. Feeling far more dejected than at any stage of the bladder cancer saga. Sitting here changed and ready to go on exercise bike totally demotivated. Won't be a good day and not likely to be especially relaxed on holiday next week. @DJC3 great start to the day BSL wise. You guys have a good day and no hugs please but the punchbag may see some use later.

Sorry to be thick, it’s probably because I’m not used to being up so early, but what are BPH meds? If they are causing you to retain weight and you ‘potentially’ don’t need them could you wait a bit and come off them?
If they are essential then getting stressed about them and starving yourself isn’t going to do you any good in the long run. I’m glad you are off on hols soon and hope you’ll be able to relax a bit.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone - another early morning - am I reverting back to my pre-retirement hours?

The wonder wheel of slow roasted pork belly on some spiced red cabbage followed by some Greek yoghurt with some chia seeds and blueberries stirred through rewarded my culinary patience with a 5.5 this am - always interesting about what goes on with the night shift as I left them with a nice 4.7 when I went to bed. I can see from my graph that the shirkers let it bounce off 6 at around midnight. Now the blooming dawn chorus has stuck it’s nose in and it has just bounced downward from 6.6. Talk about conspiracy theories. You don’t need to go to Area 51 - the culprits are hiding inside us. OK - I confess - far too much protein (GGS - Gready Guts Syndrome).

I see that it is (allegedly) World Diabetes Day tomorrow - I wonder what bright spark in a pharmaceutical industry marketing department came up with that. Oh! Hang on - is this why there has been a diabetes dot org stand on our high street recently - nope, that has nothing to do with it but if you could donate just £3...blah, blah, blah....

Watching Rick Stein’s latest - Secret France. Last night in The Alsace - we love The Alsace - all French and German at the same time and a wonderful fusion of food and beer and wine and wonderful biking roads and vineyards and stuff.
Anyhow - looks like I am making tarte flambé tonight (a very thin pizza a la Alsace). I will be using cauliflour meal and mozzarella in the base - hope it rolls out as thin as I want it to. Wonder how dry white burgundy is or perhaps a Riesling - minor detail.

Have a great day if you can - banners and buntings out and hourly finger pricks tomorrow for world diabetes day.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@trick60 I really do feel your pain. 5.8 for me today and weight at 11S 13lbs (bmi 22.6). The weight really, really pees me off -just can't fight the BPH meds, which potentially I don't need, however little I eat. Feeling far more dejected than at any stage of the bladder cancer saga. Sitting here changed and ready to go on exercise bike totally demotivated. Won't be a good day and not likely to be especially relaxed on holiday next week. @DJC3 great start to the day BSL wise. You guys have a good day and no hugs please but the punchbag may see some use later.
You are having a winner - take it out on the bike - sorry punchbag, it’s not going to be your day.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry to be thick, it’s probably because I’m not used to being up so early, but what are BPH meds? If they are causing you to retain weight and you ‘potentially’ don’t need them could you wait a bit and come off them?
If they are essential then getting stressed about them and starving yourself isn’t going to do you any good in the long run. I’m glad you are off on hols soon and hope you’ll be able to relax a bit.
BPH = Benign Prostate Hyperplasia - fat prostate. Yes, the steroid component has side effects of insulin resistance and weight gain (also insomnia but I seem to have fixed that). Original camera work oral feedback (and dictation)- clearly heard by myself and Julie was prostate fine no need for meds - written notes differ. Hopefully follow up camera work and time on these will mean no more meds. Have to keep them away from DILs and girls. Relax? You really should know me better (Julie tells me I can't take my scales (BUT British Airways disagree) and I like the gym at the hotel a lot - we live in interesting times.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Morning all, I will give out hugs for all that need them, well after yesterdays 27.1 (still can't work out what caused such a reading) normality was resumed this morning with a 5.9, will never work out this diabetes lark even after nearly 25yrs. I hope you achieve what you need and enjoy the day.
Happy hump day (Wednesday to you and me)

Take care everyone.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 5.5 today. A lot of angst around today due to unwarranted high BP and weight. You know who you are and sending vibes to relax your way. The one constant with this is that it isnt. Hope your days get better.
Try and have a good Wednesday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The nurse also checked the pulse in each foot and ankle with a machine that pulses very loud or quiet according to the strength of the pulse.

And again the disparity in the treatments, what machine... Mine was the old fingers on pulse.. Admittedly my ankle and top of foot, but the same thing... And may not of been a pencil.. Maybe a biro. ;)

It's a pretty basic check. Imho

I check myself most months.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all, I will give out hugs for all that need them, well after yesterdays 27.1 (still can't work out what caused such a reading) normality was resumed this morning with a 5.9, will never work out this diabetes lark even after nearly 25yrs. I hope you achieve what you need and enjoy the day.
Happy hump day (Wednesday to you and me)

Take care everyone.
27.1 - you need to check your guarantee - ask for your money back - were you wearing gloves?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all, I will give out hugs for all that need them, well after yesterdays 27.1 (still can't work out what caused such a reading) normality was resumed this morning with a 5.9, will never work out this diabetes lark even after nearly 25yrs. I hope you achieve what you need and enjoy the day.
Happy hump day (Wednesday to you and me)

Take care everyone.

OUCH @johnpol

Hope that is A RARE event for you, mate
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
There ARE good people out there, I think sadly OUR job IS to educate THEM in better ways to manage this, to the benefit of us all...:)
I agree entirely with your point jjraak we should be given the time with our GP's at dx...I had the same experience given the diagnosis by phone told to come & collect a prescription...the feckless DESMOND course...ironically looking back it was in my favour I was given so little time that forced me to do my own research...join the forums which of course led me to LCHF...taught me there was a way to manage my diabetes...goodness knows what would have happened if I had been given the standard eat carbs advice...take the meds...it will 'get' you eventually scenario...a large part of the problem is how little some HCP's know about T2 how they implement the standard NHS & DUK advice...even when they know better they still recommend the dietary plan we know doesn't work for us.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
maybe we should get a ginger for @HarryBeau , for Plumpy ..
Kind of you Saskia but 'Plumpy' is having two tabbies arriving shortly...one tabby & white the other tabby/brindle hopefully they'll be young enough to see plumps as a friend...he will love it not so sure the kittens will we'll have to persuade them.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
You do well @gennepher, I think we all strive for those lower numbers and expect better. I can get quite elated when I get scores below 5 which are few and far between. Very still, quiet and dry outside like the world is anticipating something, a strange atmosphere.

To be honest @Muddy Cyclist none of us knew what our 'normal' was for blood sugar readings before we had diabetes.

So I am making the assumption, that because we are all different (so many variables), that our blood sugar readings would vary so much from person to person who does not have diabetes.

Each of us diabetics were either diagnosed early in the diabetic disease, or possibly later after we'd had diabetes for some time, and so have different 'damage' in our bodies. And I am totally guessing here, that this means we will have different blood sugar levels, and so the blood sugar levels are going to vary within one person for no apparent reason sometimes. We can't compare with each other.

I know what I wanted to say here and I am saying it clumsily. My head knows what I want to say, but my fingers and this blooming spell check etc software is saying hang on let's rephrase this, right in front of my eyes and I can't work out the words I said initially....

Yes it went very quiet and still at dawn, and there is this eerie glow of anticipation of something...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
£186 lighter and two new tyres later back on the road again.
I feel your pain john...a couple of weeks ago in London I went over something in the road...tyre burst my breakdown service was useless...had to call an emergency service to deal with it...unbeknown to me the spare tyre wasn't suitable...so two new tyres & two trips by the company...cost me £350...but the main point is I got home safely.
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Well-Known Member
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27.1 - you need to check your guarantee - ask for your money back - were you wearing gloves?
Sat at my desk, hands washed thinking of a piece of fruit (orange, large) thought check levels take some insulin have said piece of fruit. Not "oh look! an unexplained high lets just put lots of insulin in" bangs head on the desk, you would have thought after half my life being diabetic, I wouldn't be surprised when these things are thrown out at me, but I am.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Message nice and clear @gennepher

You make perfect sense, and I happen to agree

For Me.. High end 5-low end 6.. Is where I feel most comfortable.. The 4's left me feeling 'odd'
So I no longer have that FBG envy of those low scores, happy for those who get them, If they are ok with it, ... That why for me, anyone keeping below 7 in the AM is a winner in my book ... Far enough from the danger zone of 8, at a time of day where we can't really conciously or unconsciously affect the scoring...(as many dejected posters will testify )

Enjoy your day

To be honest @Muddy Cyclist none of us knew what our 'normal' was for blood sugar readings before we had diabetes.

So I am making the assumption, that because we are all different (so many variables), that our blood sugar readings would vary so much from person to person who does not have diabetes.

Each of us diabetics were either diagnosed early in the diabetic disease, or possibly later after we'd had diabetes for some time, and so have different 'damage' in our bodies. And I am totally guessing here, that this means we will have different blood sugar levels, and so the blood sugar levels are going to vary within one person for no apparent reason sometimes. We can't compare with each other.

I know what I wanted to say here and I am saying it clumsily. My head knows what I want to say, but my fingers and this blooming spell check etc software is saying hang on let's rephrase this, right in front of my eyes and I can't work out the words I said initially....

Yes it went very quiet and still at dawn, and there is this eerie glow of anticipation of something...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
BPH = Benign Prostate Hyperplasia - fat prostate. Yes, the steroid component has side effects of insulin resistance and weight gain (also insomnia but I seem to have fixed that). Original camera work oral feedback (and dictation)- clearly heard by myself and Julie was prostate fine no need for meds - written notes differ. Hopefully follow up camera work and time on these will mean no more meds. Have to keep them away from DILs and girls. Relax? You really should know me better (Julie tells me I can't take my scales (BUT British Airways disagree) and the I like the gym at the hotel a lot - we live in interesting times.

Thank for enlightenment. I thought it was probably to do with your current issue but couldn’t figure it out. Hopefully you’ll not be on them for much longer though, and you can get back to normal. When is the follow up?
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