Back in the day!!!!!!!!


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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
I know there are a many newly diagnosed diabetics on this forum and there are a lot of concerns about life expectancy and diabetes, so I thought I’d like to try and give a bit of perspective to people who think diabetes is the end of the world.
Don’t get me wrong it is a minefield especially at the outset but it does get better as you understand you body’s needs and idiosyncrasies,
Once upon a time “ In A Galaxy Far Far Away’"......................

There are many T1 diabetics on this forum who like myself have had diabetes for 40 years and longer ,
Developments in technology and treatment have made living with diabetes and having good control , let’s say a tad easier (that comment may be a tad controversial ) than it was say 30 years ago.
There was a time when there was no blood sugar testing unless you went to hospital ( it was urine testing with a “ chemistry set) Insulin came from a pig, it came in different strengths so you had to know your times there were no insulin pens , no pumps.We had prescription syringes ( the ones your granny use to inject brandy into the Xmas pud with ) the needles were about the size of dart tips , we were told to use them “ til they went blunt”
They were sterilised in surgical spirit, I’m sure some older diabetics can remember stuff I have forgotten .
The point of this trip down memory lane is to say I’ve had diabetes for 40 years and gone through that with technology that had computers the size of a house .and I’m still here relatively healthy plus the amount of people on here with diabetes in excess of 30 years who went through the the same as me., there is a good chance I believe that the new diabetics with technology advancing the way it is advancing will live to “ ripe old ages “ with far less complications that in the past.
One thing I’m so glad they developed was diet cola cos TAB for those of you who remember it was total pants and minging lol!!!!!!!!!!


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Hi @Ushthetaff ,

I hear you.. 43 years of it for me.. Memory lane.. Fire up the Delorian.. Surgical spirit. Lol, I had a couple of zits in my yoof. Used it on that too. My consultant was aghast. Seemed to work. Along with washing the face in plain water.

Tab was indeed pants. What was it trying to be? Lemonade??
Wasn't there a "Fresca" choice for us Ds too? I seem to remember a sky blue & silver snowflake design can that tasted like Tab..?



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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
Hi @Ushthetaff ,

I hear you.. 43 years of it for me.. Memory lane.. Fire up the Delorian.. Surgical spirit. Lol, I had a couple of zits in my yoof. Used it on that too. My consultant was aghast. Seemed to work. Along with washing the face in plain water.

Tab was indeed pants. What was it trying to be? Lemonade??
Wasn't there a "Fresca" choice for us Ds too? I seem to remember a sky blue & silver snowflake design can that tasted like Tab..?

I do remember the only sugar free stuff available was One Cal which was about as good as TAB and Orbit chewing


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I do remember the only sugar free stuff available was One Cal which was about as good as TAB and Orbit chewing
The chewing gum..Orbit. "One cal." "just for the taste of it?" I maybe confusing Tab with Fresca. One was clear like lemonade..

I was an avid cinema goer in the late 70s early 80s. the "fare" on offer in the foyer was no go. i used to chew that Orbit stuff. & had a pre bought can of Tab confiscated on entry, but was allowed to drink it outside on the step.... :hilarious:
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Ushthetaff, I enjoyed reading your memories. 55 years on insulin here and the changes have been amazing.

Do you remember the small diabetic fruit cakes that came in a sealed tin? It was always my Christmas treat from my folks and when they gave me it the can-opener was there too. My syringe and needles were boiled for 5 minutes every night.



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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
Ushthetaff, I enjoyed reading your memories. 55 years on insulin here and the changes have been amazing.

Do you remember the small diabetic fruit cakes that came in a sealed tin? It was always my Christmas treat from my folks and when they gave me it the can-opener was there too. My syringe and needles were boiled for 5 minutes every night.

Congrats bill on over 50 years with diabetes , I dingy remember the cake but I do remember the diabetic jelly that my mum always got me , was such a shame the Sorbitol in it had a laxative effect.
I remember and I mean no disrespect to dieticians but they always asked ! How many potatoes the size of a boiled egg do you eat hmmm was so hard to find boiled egg size potatoes lol


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When the Clinitest "science kit" stopped & the pee strips were prescribed.

Matching the "Dulux colour chart" tones with the stip to the side of the pot...

I'm not sure about you @Ushthetaff , but I alway went slightly colourblind whilst low.. (Still do!)
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Trip down memory lane:)

We remember TAB dont know if it was liked or not.
Pork Insulin, then the swap to Human derived stuff caused some fun and games.
Learnt from early on that any food that had "Diabetic" in the title was to be avoided, tasted YUK!


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There were some things they got completely right in the old-fashioned days though. I was diagnosed in a children's hospital in 1964. From the start, I was taught to count carbs - and so were my parents. Once things were stable, they deliberately gave me one unit extra to cause a hypo, so I knew what it felt like. That was rapidly dealt with by giving me milk, the usual answer for hypos in those days. These days, people new to insulin are despatched back home with only the vaguest ideas of what to expect if their BS level drops too low.

I wish the days of different strength insulins were back too.They reduced the choice to U100 when so-called Human Insulin made its appearance. It was supposed to avoid errors with insulin, but as we all know insulin errors in hospitals still occur with alarming frequency. I also wish the full range of animal insulins were back. I have only ever had hypo symptoms when on animal insulins and am still struggling with finding a replacement for Bovine Lente.

My father was a pharmacist, so got diposable syringes for me at cost price as soon as they were available. They really WERE a big improvement. Who else remembers when the NHS made these available to AIDS/HIV patients on prescription, but not to diabetics ? Eventually, the NHS changed their minds. I seem to remember it took some months. Their only concern was the cost. Sounds just like what has gone on over making the Libre thing available. Things don't really change. It's two steps forward and one and a half steps back for some of us.


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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
There were some things they got completely right in the old-fashioned days though. I was diagnosed in a children's hospital in 1964. From the start, I was taught to count carbs - and so were my parents. Once things were stable, they deliberately gave me one unit extra to cause a hypo, so I knew what it felt like. That was rapidly dealt with by giving me milk, the usual answer for hypos in those days. These days, people new to insulin are despatched back home with only the vaguest ideas of what to expect if their BS level drops too low.

I wish the days of different strength insulins were back too.They reduced the choice to U100 when so-called Human Insulin made its appearance. It was supposed to avoid errors with insulin, but as we all know insulin errors in hospitals still occur with alarming frequency. I also wish the full range of animal insulins were back. I have only ever had hypo symptoms when on animal insulins and am still struggling with finding a replacement for Bovine Lente.

My father was a pharmacist, so got diposable syringes for me at cost price as soon as they were available. They really WERE a big improvement. Who else remembers when the NHS made these available to AIDS/HIV patients on prescription, but not to diabetics ? Eventually, the NHS changed their minds. I seem to remember it took some months. Their only concern was the cost. Sounds just like what has gone on over making the Libre thing available. Things don't really change. It's two steps forward and one and a half steps back for some of us.

I too remember being ‘ given a hypo ‘ to know what it felt like , aha the old two teaspoons of sugar in milk to cure it that takes me back, I remember my mum going to the doctors to ask why diabetics couldn’t get disposable syringes on prescription and was told they are a “ luxury”,
Totally agree with the carb counting comment too , it was very high on the to do list, and I still count carbs in portions
1 portion = 10g of carbs


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There were some things they got completely right in the old-fashioned days though. I was diagnosed in a children's hospital in 1964. From the start, I was taught to count carbs - and so were my parents. Once things were stable, they deliberately gave me one unit extra to cause a hypo, so I knew what it felt like. That was rapidly dealt with by giving me milk, the usual answer for hypos in those days. These days, people new to insulin are despatched back home with only the vaguest ideas of what to expect if their BS level drops too low.

I wish the days of different strength insulins were back too.They reduced the choice to U100 when so-called Human Insulin made its appearance. It was supposed to avoid errors with insulin, but as we all know insulin errors in hospitals still occur with alarming frequency. I also wish the full range of animal insulins were back. I have only ever had hypo symptoms when on animal insulins and am still struggling with finding a replacement for Bovine Lente.

My father was a pharmacist, so got diposable syringes for me at cost price as soon as they were available. They really WERE a big improvement. Who else remembers when the NHS made these available to AIDS/HIV patients on prescription, but not to diabetics ? Eventually, the NHS changed their minds. I seem to remember it took some months. Their only concern was the cost. Sounds just like what has gone on over making the Libre thing available. Things don't really change. It's two steps forward and one and a half steps back for some of us.


Yeah, the plastic syringes had a smoother action "drawing up" & injecting. As opposed to a plunger scraping down the glass barrel on the old style...

Milk is still my "go to." 1976 I was given a "Janet & John have diabetes" book? "John feels a little funny & tells mummy. She gives him milk.."
John seemed to get into alsorts of jolly scrapes with his diabetes. Like running out to play without eating his supper.
"Janet," was always getting a "pat on the head" from the man in the white coat...
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Congrats bill on over 50 years with diabetes , I dingy remember the cake but I do remember the diabetic jelly that my mum always got me , was such a shame the Sorbitol in it had a laxative effect.
I remember and I mean no disrespect to dieticians but they always asked ! How many potatoes the size of a boiled egg do you eat hmmm was so hard to find boiled egg size potatoes lol

Thanks Ushthetaff. I learnt the lesson about sorbitol right at the very beginning when a kindly aunt gave me diabetic custard creams. Dear god!

Can you believe I have the original diet sheet handed to my dad all those years ago? In it it does indeed mention potatoes must be no larger than a hen's egg. I'd completely forgotten about that. One of the exchanges I am looking at right now was a favourite i.e. the small block of ice-cream from Walls which I think cost sixpence. The sheet says ONLY the ice-cream and not the wafers.

Oddly though, the thing I remember most about those days was the lead up to being diagnosed. It was a horrible time and for around 6 weeks, at school, I spent every single break with my mouth under the cold water tap, gulping it down. As my mother and grandmother were both type 1's I'd already been tested, the GP said it was OK.and I must have a virus. On week seven I went unconscious and was admitted to the children's hospital where type 1 was diagnosed. I remember all of that time vividly and hope no kid ever has to go through that these days.

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@Ushthetaff . Thank you for this wonderful post.
At a mere 28 yrs in I feel like a complete amateur compared to all you guys. Obviously and fortunately I missed out on a lot of the archaic methods of treatment.
I did the peeing on the stick, plastic syringes, pork insulin but compared to what others lived with I feel very lucky.
It’s been a pleasure reading the posts so far and the positivity, alongside the longevity is something that so many newbies will benefit from.


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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
Thanks Ushthetaff. I learnt the lesson about sorbitol right at the very beginning when a kindly aunt gave me diabetic custard creams. Dear god!

Can you believe I have the original diet sheet handed to my dad all those years ago? In it it does indeed mention potatoes must be no larger than a hen's egg. I'd completely forgotten about that. One of the exchanges I am looking at right now was a favourite i.e. the small block of ice-cream from Walls which I think cost sixpence. The sheet says ONLY the ice-cream and not the wafers.

Oddly though, the thing I remember most about those days was the lead up to being diagnosed. It was a horrible time and for around 6 weeks, at school, I spent every single break with my mouth under the cold water tap, gulping it down. As my mother and grandmother were both type 1's I'd already been tested, the GP said it was OK.and I must have a virus. On week seven I went unconscious and was admitted to the children's hospital where type 1 was diagnosed. I remember all of that time vividly and hope no kid ever has to go through that these days.

Hi Bill
When you think back it’s amazing we actually made it through some of the like yourself pre diagnosis I drank enough to fill a river went from 11 stone to under 10 stone in a week, when I eventually got to hospital the consultant said to me I knew you had diabetes before you came in the room , I could smell you . The insulin well I remember a nurse coming round said fill that syringe and stick it in your leg , hey presto that was me “ trained “ lol it certainly bred spirit shall we say lol


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60 years of diabetes, diagnosed in 1959 and I can remember all these things and am still carb counting, I have recently got a Libre and am have been offered pump therapy, what a change from metal syringes, surgical spirit etc. I can remember going back to school after diagnosis with an old, clean, jam jar full of sugar and a teaspoon and being told to help myself if I did not feel well, I was only seven years old and very shy. Character building I think!!
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Wow. I'm in awe of everyone. I couldn't imagine managing without a Freestyle Libre as I've never had to.


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60 years of diabetes, diagnosed in 1959 and I can remember all these things and am still carb counting, I have recently got a Libre and am have been offered pump therapy, what a change from metal syringes, surgical spirit etc. I can remember going back to school after diagnosis with an old, clean, jam jar full of sugar and a teaspoon and being told to help myself if I did not feel well, I was only seven years old and very shy. Character building I think!!


I was diagnosed at the start of the summer holiday.
September 1976. The only "care package" at my school was in the sachel of an 8 year old..
Character building indeed!


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I do not have as many years of experience as many on here but I did not have the Libre and I am glad.
We are all different but I know I would not be able to cope with the T1 diagnosis at the same time as the constant focus on my BG and attempting (but failing) to keep my BG in range at all times.
I am happy with my in initial management which was much more relaxed, allowing me to learn the basics rather than guilt at getting it wrong.

However, I am glad I did not have to wee on a stick.

The pee strip was magic compared to the dropper, test tube & cup
You could do it midstream & all standing up.! ;)


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@Kim Possible yes my brother, long diagnosed, told me how he still knows how his levels are going, even when not wearing the Libre. Which he wears on and off. He feels it is very important to know your body.
I agree about being more relaxed pre Libre, your failures (in inverted commas) aren’t looking you in the face all the time. And there have been a few of those this Christmas
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@Kim Possible yes my brother, long diagnosed, told me how he still knows how his levels are going, even when not wearing the Libre. Which he wears on and off. He feels it is very important to know your body.
I agree about being more relaxed pre Libre, your failures (in inverted commas) aren’t looking you in the face all the time. And there have been a few of those this Christmas

Oddly, I still play the "guess the BG" game.. Though I have the Libre & meter to back it up..
Now strangely the hypo scores ain't far off the mark?
I was in a band a couple of years back with a long term bassist (DX'd at 18 months old, 50 year medal & sadly, no longer with us..) as with most Ds I know when low. Don't tell em to eat.. Stand well back. We had this "code" that worked" if the music sounds ****?"
Or "I'm guessing you got a 2.8er."
The guy used to tell me prior to a gig where he put his treatment in case "I" needed it? (Usually Lucozade next to his cab.)
But I feel it was incase he lost control..

It never stopped his passion for music..