What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I agree - had to sign for my order at Holland and Barrett. No idea if the pen had been sanitised. So I carefully cleaned it with my Dettol wipes, signed for my parcel and cleaned it again before putting it back. I then cleaned the card machine keypad before and after using it.
Thats what I did too. Mad.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
True. Just to add to my post, I'm not prepared to add risk to my children's worries by prolonging their exposure to the virus. Re the China rumour, the absurd othering that exemplifies leads to hoarding both at the local and national level. How long before countries say we won't sell you food our people need?

That's what it sounded like to me. A trade war.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Smile! :D
I just read this:
A dentist and his wife just moved from the city back to his small hometown, where he has set up his own practice as an endodontist.
He must be looking for his roots.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@DJC3 @PenguinMum @Muddy Cyclist and everyone else self-isolating at home ...
If you think it's bad being stuck in the same house with your loved ones ...


Thanks to @Robbity who posted it in this thread:

Come and play! :)
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Productive day for me managed to strip and polish MILs dinning chairs, felt a bit odd having them but MILwillnever gobackto her bungalow, so Chablis Chick (really,) shabby chick mainly because I could not get all that black Errcol stain off but we now can sit 12 around our dinning table when the leaves are added. However no family gatherings foran unknown amount of time..
Here are two of them done....

Not in style of our dinning room but sort of match the kitchen...

I think I'm going to have to slow down with this DIY stuff Mrs MC will be expecting more. :joyful:
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Barb McD

Well-Known Member
My friend rang this morning and opened her garden centre for 10 people at a time this afternoon and is letting word out (via many outlets) that with contact details (email or phone) that invites will be issued. She’ll stay open, it’s a huge place beautifully fitted - 3m apart is more than doable.

Bowled over again, I’m ready for my little garden and to grow indoors again for the first time since my kids became seldom seen (nicer way of saying teenagers )

Greetings. Be well. Have joy joy feelings...I’m off to watch Demolition Man so I’m au fait with contactless humanity ‍♀️

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
At last finished my daily painting that's taken 4 days, but only about 2 hours in total painting time. Third in my Slate series, not happy with it so shall probably paint another to replace it at some point..wattercolour based on the old mine buildings on Snowdon Watkins Trail, A4 Size. have put the other two up as Thumbnails...

IMG_2769.JPG IMG_2745.JPG


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
At last finished my daily painting that's taken 4 days, but only about 2 hours in total painting time. Third in my Slate series, not happy with it so shall probably paint another to replace it at some point..wattercolour based on the old mine buildings on Snowdon Watkins Trail, A4 Size. have put the other two up as Thumbnails...
View attachment 39593

View attachment 39594 View attachment 39595

Thank you for posting it. :)
I like it. I also like the chairs.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My friend rang this morning and opened her garden centre for 10 people at a time this afternoon and is letting word out (via many outlets) that with contact details (email or phone) that invites will be issued. She’ll stay open, it’s a huge place beautifully fitted - 3m apart is more than doable.

Bowled over again, I’m ready for my little garden and to grow indoors again for the first time since my kids became seldom seen (nicer way of saying teenagers )

Greetings. Be well. Have joy joy feelings...I’m off to watch Demolition Man so I’m au fait with contactless humanity ‍♀️
A brilliant idea @Barb McD
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Productive day for me managed to strip and polish MILs dinning chairs, felt a bit odd having them but MILwillnever gobackto her bungalow, so Chablis Chick (really,) shabby chick mainly because I could not get all that black Errcol stain off but we now can sit 12 around our dinning table when the leaves are added. However no family gatherings foran unknown amount of time..
Here are two of them done....
View attachment 39591
Not in style of our dinning room but sort of match the kitchen...
View attachment 39592

I think I'm going to have to slow down with this DIY stuff Mrs MC will be expecting more. :joyful:
They look really good @Muddy Cyclist
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Reactions: Barb McD


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
At last finished my daily painting that's taken 4 days, but only about 2 hours in total painting time. Third in my Slate series, not happy with it so shall probably paint another to replace it at some point..wattercolour based on the old mine buildings on Snowdon Watkins Trail, A4 Size. have put the other two up as Thumbnails...
View attachment 39593

View attachment 39594 View attachment 39595
Brilliant. I love it @Muddy Cyclist
I like the windows in the slate wall very much.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am fearing our monthly prescription drugs (9 for Mr PM and 4 for me) may not continue to be available.
AND when we get further into this towards the peak I am going to have to put myself in harms way to pick them up even though I want and need to lockdown.

The Govt always seems to me to be several steps behind on everything. The cant keep saying there is enough food to go round and then not take control and stop relying on the public to self police.
It is NOT working.

We need ration lists and meds posted to us NOW.

PS. Relatives in Ireland are going to post me patacetemol so that will be a big help.
Sorry for rant. Are others not having the same experience as me??

i gave a win for the irish link, but really deserves a big hiug, you can hear the worry, and that's amplified across the land.

We DO, i agree have to change what we are doing.
explained re shops, sure there are other equally valid methods

I'd like to see the chemist use Deliveroo or similar.
Blood runners on motorbike do take blood to hospital, maybe we should be looking to those not working to do something similar.
many bikers in the UK sure a good few will be off work .
a good way to help out..i'd offer..(may speak to chemists on Monday)

a collection in a secure way from pharmacy each day, perhaps left in room, all to exit, rider comes collects, meds taken to peoples homes, left on doorstep, and await collection (mobiles ? ) most will be at home if vulnerable surely..i think that ties in to the governments concerns about SI ..better one on one then hundreds in queues possibly passing it on, if not worrying the life out of each other.

sure many details to iron out, payment for fuel the number one, might be harder to get at some point.
but challenging times require novel solutions.

we are a great nation, i see no reason why inventive methods of distribution on local levels can not alleviate the genuine worries and concerns and simply add to the govt SI protocol.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@jjraak agree completely with your sentiments. However this current way of managing food and medicines isnt working so far as I can see. How many consecutive days can I put myself at risk to queue for a packet of paracetemol at Boots? I am fearing our monthly prescription drugs (9 for Mr PM and 4 for me) may not continue to be available. AND when we get further into this towards the peak I am going to have to put myself in harms way to pick them up even though I want and need to lockdown.
The Govt always seems to me to be several steps behind on everything. The cant keep saying there is enough food to go round and then not take control and stop relying on the public to self police. It is NOT working. We need ration lists and meds posted to us NOW. I cant believe I was asked to use the same pen at Boots this morningbto sign for a prescription. This just SHOUDNT be happening. I want to be responsible and considerate of everyone else but things like this MUST change.
PS. Relatives in Ireland are going to post me patacetemol so that will be a big help.
Sorry for rant. Are others not having the same experience as me??

I just realized something about the recent good news that my neighborhood grocery store will open an hour early (at 7 a.m.) for seniors to shop and pick up prescriptions.
Many of us seniors walk to the store.
At 7 a.m. it is still dark out.
I don't feel safe walking to the store in the dark.
And we can't go in groups because we can't be in close proximity to each other.
Another example of people rushing to "help" and not taking time to think things through.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Finally got yesterday's community newsletter early this afternoon.
We are now being told to stay in our apartments most of the time. Not expressly forbidden to go out for exercise, thank goodness.
The good news is that as of yesterday no one in the building has been diagnosed with coronavirus.
OTOH we have not all been tested.
The maintenance crew will be doing only emergency maintenance work.
So don't flush paper towels, or napkins, or any other paper except toilet paper down the toilet.

I discovered a couple of days ago that my toilet takes 24 seconds to fill back up once it has been flushed. Now all I have to do when I wash my hands is stop washing 4 seconds before the toilet stops running. :D