What are you doing to keep covid out of your home


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Tripe and Onions
I live in what is described by Wikipedia as a small village so far in our small community there have been four deaths due to covid 19 I would prefer not to be number 5 so we are doing everything we possibly can to keep the virus away every thing that comes in the house supplies post etc. is disinfected we wash our hands regularly and spray with alcohol based sanitizers surfaces are wiped including door handles the front door and back door microwave and oven the fly season is upon us so any where one may have landed on that we may touch is also cleaned if I could bubble wrap the entire house I would.

Some times a little paranoia may make all the difference. Stay safe friends.
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For those who think I don't respect this virus. I do.

I live a low key life. We always live a pretty low key life, but it is certainly even more low at present.

I do what needs to be done, which is not necessarily what I would prefer to do or be doing., but the important thing in my statement is I am living my life in the best way I can within the current climate.

I'm not ready to meet my maker. I have a massive belief in the power of positive thinking. I am also a believer in the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy. If I believe I can do something I have a far better chance of achieving it than if I believe I will fail.

Of course that isn't a 100% foolproof strategy. It never will be for anything, and every day for everything I do, I undertake a risk assessment - consciously or otherwise. We all do.

I have said many, many times on this forum that we each set our risk dials for everything we do, every day. Those assessments assess the risks for both myself, and those around me. This thread shows that lives on.

To repeat: I am not gung-ho.
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
I don’t think we know enough about this virus yet to be able to predict the future or know whether humans will eventually gain some kind of immunity. In the meantime I’m trying to take what precautions I can so I can enjoy life in the moment and see what happens next.
We quarantine all that’s delivered or bought for us four four days, unless it needs to be put in the fridge or the freezer, in which case I don a pair of latex gloves and wash it thoroughly in soap, a high soap to water ratio. If there are breathing holes in the packaging I then put the contents in a sieve and rinse the soap off. I’s not eaten a soapy blueberry yet :rolleyes:
We’re lucky enough to have an outbuilding, which is also my husband’s wood and tool store, in which to put the things that are in quarantine. It’s sometimes tempting to get those delicious oranges or tomatoes before the time is right, but we resist.
You may well think that we’ve gone OTT, but I’m still trying to get husband to remove his shoes after we’ve been out for exercise, and I’m scowling at joggers who puff by without socially distancing. I’m a cranky old woman.
I’ve not got to 70, and served time for 50 years with T1, to throw all that testing, checking, weighing, calculating and injecting, away yet. I’ve grandchildren to watch grow up and daughters, sons in and out law, friends and daily pleasures I don’t want to say goodbye to.
I agree that much of the planet may well be better if there were fewer humans, but this morning’s waking nightmare that Ebola and Covid-19 teamed up made me realise it’s a possibility.
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Mmmm, I’m not sure @bulkbiker. It seems limited in its scope, leaving out the question of why so many BAME people in Europe have fared badly.
I’ve seen articles that suggest that obesity is a risk in Covid-19 cases because the extra weight of flesh round the stomach and the chest presses on the lungs when these patients are lying down or propped up and thus gives struggling lungs more to battle against when energy is compromised. I’ve also seen an article in The Lancet that suggests the version of ACE2 in BAME genes makes them less able to defend themselves against Covid-19.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I eventually managed to find up to date figures (of yesterday) for my local authority area, Ribble Valley.

We have a total of 89 cases across all sectors of confirmed corona virus cases, out of a population of 60,000 people. My risk of catching it is minimal, but that doesn't mean to say I won't so I continue to follow the rules.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Mmmm, I’m not sure @bulkbiker. It seems limited in its scope, leaving out the question of why so many BAME people in Europe have fared badly.
I’ve seen articles that suggest that obesity is a risk in Covid-19 cases because the extra weight of flesh round the stomach and the chest presses on the lungs when these patients are lying down or propped up and thus gives struggling lungs more to battle against when energy is compromised. I’ve also seen an article in The Lancet that suggests the version of ACE2 in BAME genes makes them less able to defend themselves against Covid-19.

Vit D deficiency seems to be the most likely of the excess BAME deaths that looking at the time of year and indoor nature of many jobs would seem a good explanation.
The study from the Philippines shows that low vit D levels was a strong link to severity and death.



Some words of comfort.. along with "Don't panic" maybe?
Not much comfort if you happen to be in the extremely vulnerable or even the vulnerable group. I shall continue shielding until there is a vaccine, and I have had it. Which could be a while as of course we would all want our brave doctors and nurses to be given theirs first. Shielding is a pain but it is better than being dead.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I shall continue shielding until there is a vaccine, and I have had it.

Good luck with that.. I'm afraid the search for a vaccine will take a lot longer than you think and the likelihood of it being effective is even more speculative.
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
I haven't put myself into isolation, I am still doing a lot of things I do anyway.
I go to my local supermarket once a week, when I finished, daughter comes down to help carry it back. I go out for walks
cut the grass, collect prescriptions, talk to neighbour through/over garden fence. I wash my hands when I come home, I have some antibacterial gel left which I use too. Unfortunately, I am not working either of my jobs, so myself and my daughter are furloughed. I am really missing a special person, which is difficult, but, it wont be forever.
Even with diabetes, I don't put myself at a greater risk then those younger or without any medical conditions. I even went to my re-booked eye laser treatment at the hospital on Wednesday, consultant was all kitted out and I was given a mask to wear, which was sensible.
Everyone has their own view of Covid-19, so we aren't all going to agree, however, I am trying to be as safe as possible and I can only do my best, not just for my health, but for my son, daughters and grandchildren too and I hope to shave many more years and to see my little granddaughter grow up <3
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
I’ve not got to 70, and served time for 50 years with T1, to throw all that testing, checking, weighing, calculating and injecting, away yet. I’ve grandchildren to watch grow up and daughters, sons in and out law, friends and daily pleasures I don’t want to say goodbye to.

Totally agree with you FG :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Now this is getting ridiculous. I’m actually in awe of something you have posted.
A brilliant article that makes perfect sense and is obvious to so many of us.

Shall we form a mutual appreciation society that promises never to mention diet?


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I suspect those who are relaxed about the virus because it is mostly fatal to the over 70's or to those with co-morbidities would have a different attitude if they, or someone close, were in those groups.
No doubt exactly the same people writing articles about the government's over reaction would now be writing articles condemning the government's lack of action, if we were now faced with mass deaths and the health service overwhelmed. It is much easier to write about something than be responsible for it, you can be wrong and there is no comeback, but to be completely safe use hindsight.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Not much comfort if you happen to be in the extremely vulnerable or even the vulnerable group. I shall continue shielding until there is a vaccine, and I have had it. Which could be a while as of course we would all want our brave doctors and nurses to be given theirs first. Shielding is a pain but it is better than being dead.

Have you been told to shield by your doctor or are you doing it voluntarily?