What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
6.6 on a cold & frosty morning - few too many naughty chips last night mes thinks

9am! - new hairdo appointment - after cut and colour I feel like a new woman!

Also picked new glasses from Specsavers £288 for 1 pair if I had got BOGOF it would/will cost another £110 (so 2nd pair not totally free) - so I may get the other pair if/when I go back to work (as I spent £375 today between them & hairdo - glad I don't go out much!)

@jjraak Happy Birthday - I hope you have had a lovely day
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Just a thought @BRSBRI , read don't post. Become a lurker, the world needs lurkers.


Another hard white frost up here in North Cumbria, some of those green shoots are going to be nipped off.
The Fell forecast from Radio Cumbria this am read like Arctic temperatures and conditions. Spring must make it eventually, it can be rather late some years and is probably more like it should be at this latitude.
Minus 8.2 C at Shap last night!

Keep smiling and have a peaceful Sunday.
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Type of diabetes
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Belated birthday wishes jjraak
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Good Morning and 5.8 for me today. Salmon and salad for dinner Saturday evening so expected lower.

Snow here, big stuff, poor Spring. Seems like an indoor day.

Keep safe.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Smashing @gennepher but looking quite sad
Thank you @dunelm
Yes, some personal news, sadness, my thoughts and feelings as I painted it, bound in with other stuff that came to mind.

I had no idea I could portray that kind of stuff in a digital painting. I have been an adequate painter most of my life, when I was asked to paint a building, a dog, a cat, a ferry boat, a tall ship.

But now something personal is creeping in.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Alas i feel if our friend does manage to pick up a Gibson.

He may wish to jam along to this..

I very interesting choice of music. I think that the lyrics confirm one or two things that have puzzling me lately. Unless, of course, I have been analysing things too deeply.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
[scene: Dr Evils Moonbase fortress]
Dr E, stroking pure white cat.

"So we meet again Mr Bond....

Come come did you REALLY think you could evade my hi-Sevens gravitational laser system

One of the most destructive forces in the known supermarket universe, so easily....
Using mere Vegetables..MAWAAAHH"

"Bloomer, take him to the Sucrose mines, let's see if drowning in a Vat of sugar, 'sweetens' up our Visitor. Take him away ..."

"Shurely you can't sheriously think you can get away with this, Evil ?"

"I assure, I'm deadly serious, Mr Bond
Enjoy your just desserts.
(Gestures to henchmen)

Good day Mr bond,.
We shan't be meeting again

[Dr Evil exits.
Bond stands calmly,
but spots the LC Hatch opening above his handcuffed wrists.
reaches up, activates hatch, and floods the room, before making his escape
..Scene ends]

....Isn't how it ended for me ...a self inflicted 7.9 :banghead:.

A lockdown unlocked birthday treat .

Lauren, Steph me..fav local Chinese takeaway

But it has changed menu. :rolleyes:

One dish ( fav) no longer available.
But can buy seperately and add together...err ok
(been salivating all day and starved in anticipation)

Great idea, twice as much food as normal,
NO Problem..:rolleyes:
Yeah of course I'll only eat half of it..:banghead:

Otherwise good night
The pleasantest of company.
And as secure & safe as possible, without being just me, myself & I.

Another milestone passed.
A little reflection

A double check on limbs & mental capacity.

Yep....all as it was yesterday

So Good to go, for another 365 days,

Let's see what this year brings
Come on life, do your worst, let's see what ya got. :D

Hugs for the spoiled anticipation... @jjraak




Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
An inexplicable 6.3 this am!
6.3 is actually not too bad. I got a 6.5 this morning. Tested again and got a 5.2. Did another test just to double check and got 5.3 so decided that the meter had just had some sort of a blip.

I think that you might have missed my reply to you about the salt content of protein powder. I can repost it to you if you have seen it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
FBG this morning remains an elevated 6.9.

I've been advised from senior folks at work that I'm sharing in their opinion too much on the forum about my locations, partnership discussions, private life even mentioning for whom I work is a grey area.

I thought it was pretty benign myself, but not through their lens. I just happened to mention it in passing with regard to work initiatives and here we are. The phrase "not authorised" was used more than once.
I thought by keeping myself quasi-opaque would mitigate any potential issues. I was not correct! Duh!

All very friendly over drinks and told it's not an issue at all (clearly not the case) and everything is hunky dory - but I'll be a lot more remote going forward and not sharing even basic T2D information on myself which they also consider an almost grey area. In a closed non-public forum it wouldn't be so much of an issue I guess. Perhaps.

I find the forum a highly supportive online go-to place given the UK NHS uneven approach to diabetes and friendly too which I've appreciated since day 1. Especially with the thread regulars - you're all fab folks. One and all!

I hope to eventually ping in from time to time but in the meantime, stay well! And thanks to you all.

All the best.
Stay connected with us


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you. Actually I had been thinking for quite a while I should share my thoughts with a mod but felt that I didn't have anything concrete to report. Just a gut feeling.

Gut feelings can be important. If wrong, no harm done from a report, which is never made public. Far better than something going very wrong.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A choice between 6.5, 5.2 or 5.3. I think will choose 5.2 for this morning. It is rather amusing. If I get an unexpected high will always re-check it but never re-test an unexpected low. I just gratefully accept it.

Sunny at the moment. Hopefully it will stay sunny for our walk around Oxburgh Hall later today.
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