Book Corner.


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Finished “Do no harm”

started “Wolf Hall”….already obsessed, my goodness this books going to be good!

I did try Wolf Hall and couldnt quite get to grips with it. I do intend on trying again. I'll probably pick it up in a charity shop s if I find itdifficut=lt again I havent spent much money on it.

I do have another Hilary Mantel book bought at a local bookshop. Its called A Place of Greater Safety. I'm sure I'll get round to it
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I did try Wolf Hall and couldnt quite get to grips with it. I do intend on trying again. I'll probably pick it up in a charity shop s if I find itdifficut=lt again I havent spent much money on it.

I do have another Hilary Mantel book bought at a local bookshop. Its called A Place of Greater Safety. I'm sure I'll get round to it

I’m listening to it as an audiobook and finding it amazing. I don’t usually do audiobooks, my second one ever! The first audiobook I ever listened to was the Thursday Murder Club, funny and fun


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I've been a bit slack with reading. Took me a while to read Alchemist - not because the book was bad or boring but my attention span has been very hit and miss (I blame the bipolar)

I am reading a book called The Missing Sister by Lucinda Riley. It's the latest in a series about 7 adopted sisters. As it's a library book I'm really swiftly reading it so as it can go back before I go on holiday.

Next in line is another Gervaise Phinn called Head over Heels in the Dales. Its book number 3 in the school inspector series

After that it will be the e-reader as i dont want to start a book to have to leave it or a week

I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t really see what the hype was with the alchemist, but I’m definitely in the minority


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I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t really see what the hype was with the alchemist, but I’m definitely in the minority

I enjoyed the book until the last couple of chapters and then felt Peter James 'sold out' the ending. I have read a lot of his books but felt this was a poor ending
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Finihed Missing Sister and it wnet back to the library
Finished Head over Heels in the Dales by Gervaise Phinn. Funny book in the series
And now reading Billionaire by Peter James as I wanted a book I could just put down and go back to as I'm due on holiday mid week so will be taking an e-reader.

I've been naughty as I bought 28 books from a charity event and I bought more books from Tesco, 7 in total. I need another book case :facepalm::facepalm:


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Finished Billionaire

Also re-read Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett on holiday

Now fnishing off a book I put down to read the library books - back to The Far Pavilions. Nearly done, then onto one or another of the books I bought at the charity event. If they are no good they can be gifted to a charity shop and I havent lost much but the shop can make a few pennies too


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football, both the game and the culture.
Mostly reading trashy romances on kindle unlimited these days


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Up and Down in the Dales by Gervaise Phinn. Book number 4 in the series
Also reading Mistress by James Patterson, just something I can pick up and put down


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Finished the 2 books above.

Read some trashy novels in between.

Due to pick a book called Never by Ken Follett up from the library today so that will be the book to read. The trashy novel can wait
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Lamont D

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I have just downloaded the third book in the series of 'Time Police'.

I am still reading Richard Osman, first book, with his second waiting in the wings.


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I have just downloaded the third book in the series of 'Time Police'.

I am still reading Richard Osman, first book, with his second waiting in the wings.
Not come across the Time Police, so looked it up and will give it a go.
Thank you.

Lamont D

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This series of books, has its origins because of the St Mary's series of about thirteen novels and numerous short stories, you would understand the time police series.
The author, when she was lucky enough to get published, she never realised how much of a monster she had created. Her first novel involving St Mary's, called 'Just One Damned Thing After Another'!
Because the author was unknown and the publishers had already asked for a second volume, the publishers pushed Amazon to offer it as a freebie.
So at the time, if you wanted to read a free book, the number of stars that other readership given the author, it was five stars all the way. Like many others, I have a notification for future books with this author. Jodi Taylor.


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I havent been around as I've been busy with family.

Read a few books in between, if I can remember them

Read a book called My Lovely Wife (cant quite recall the author). One of those books that the twist and turns really mess with your head. It's a psychological thriller

Read a book called The Executioner by Chris Carter. Dont read if you're squeamish as it can be quite graphic

Finished Never by Ken Follet. I was disappointed. Not his usual style and I felt the ending was bit of a cop out. I think I'll stick to the old Follett books.

I have picked others up and read a few chapters. One was called After the Party by Lisa Jewell but definitely not my kind of book.

Im now reading a book by Ruth Jones (from Gavin and Stacey) called Never Greener. Only a couple of chapters in but we shall see.

You may wonder why I didnt persevere with the Lisa Jewell book. If you saw my back bedroom you would know. It's like a library in there. I'm slowly working my way through the charity books I bought hence them being so random. I dont have books for Christmas, I will be receiving cash to purchase a chair to go in my library :) (cough back bedroom)

Happy reading folks


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I am currently reading Bittersweet Herbs, #8 1/2 in Marty Wingate's Potting Shed mystery series (one of the 8 is a Christmas short story). The main character is a gardener from Texas now living in Hampshire with her English detective husband; she still pronounces "herbs" without the h, like most of us Americans do for some reason lol. Unless it's the nickname of people named Herbert.


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Read Where Rainbows End by someone or another, Cecelia Aherne I think. That was easy going

Now reading The Bomb Girls by Daisy Styles. Another book not in my usual pattern but something light hearted I guess
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Reading Not Quite Nice by Celia Imrie

It's OK, again not my usual kind of book but something to while away the boredom while I isolate (kindness of my eldest)


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I tried a book called Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks but couldnt get to grips with it

Have just started If They Could See Me Now by Denise Welch

I dont know how I feel about these so called tv stars 'writing' books but I guess its something to read


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I've done quite a bit of reading over the past couple of weeks. I cant remember titles but some Lisa Jewell, some Adele Parks and currently some Katie Fforde. All easy reading and the kind of books I will pass onto my aunt when I have a boxful.

Current book is Flora's Lot by Katie Fforde about auction houses