"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


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Did a deal with Em yesterday to try to wean her off too much sugar and carbs. If she can truthfully tell me after a week that she has had nothing sweet except what her parents give her (which will be fruit) then I will give her £5. Bribery and corruption, I know but I can see that the sweets etc affair is beginning to get out of hand. If she can make it to 2 weeks, she'll get another £5. So she asked, "If I can make it to 3 weeks, will I get £15 in total?" After getting confirmation of this, she wanted to continue for a month, 6 weeks .... I reckon if she can get to 6 weeks, she will be on top of the habit, so that's where it stops. What we have to do, though, is figure out what to give her that she will prefer to sweets and biscuits. She likes bell peppers, so I might just have some ready cut into strips and with some lemon juice - her favourite dressing. That'll be one thing to have in hand.

So today, she came in from school and asked for bacon, and then a second helping. She'll be emptying my fridge of bacon before long.

It's partly my fault, of course, because I had quite a lot of sugary stuff left over after Christmas and she's been delving into it over these weeks, since she discovered them. I was keeping them as a long term emergency store for hypos. Just have to hide the remaining ones somewhere safer.

She's finished the bacon and just helped herself to a bag of crisps - she reckons she's starving! She's also just disappeared to my bed Antje. With any luck she'll eat most of the crisps and not leave too many in the bed.
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Em has just dicovered home made wholemeal bread. We've actually run out of bacon so she's found a tub of Philadelphia cheese in the fridge and decided to try the freshly made wholemeal loaf with the Philly on one slice, butter on the facing slice and red pepper slices in the middle. Much better than biscuits. Should fill the afternoon gap better than biscuits as well.
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It's odd. My Libre sounded an alarm because my BG had dropped to 3.9. OK, I thought, the end slice of loaf would do very well. Had that - on its own - no butter. 3/4 hour later, BG was 3.4 so, not only did the bread not put BG up, it didn't even stop the drop. Had a packet of crisps and it is now up to 5.0. Cannot understand why the bread doesn't do what other carbs do.


Retired Moderator
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3/4 hour later, BG was 3.4
Was this on the Libre or with a finger prick?
In my (and @Jaylee 's) experience, Libre is very slow to pick up a rise after a low.

To my thinking it might be that glucose goes to essential parts of the body first, and the interstitial fluid in the back of my arm might be very low on my body's list of essential parts.
This is just a thought though, nothing scientific!
And of course the Libre has a lag at the best of times anyway.


Retired Moderator
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It's odd. My Libre sounded an alarm because my BG had dropped to 3.9. OK, I thought, the end slice of loaf would do very well. Had that - on its own - no butter. 3/4 hour later, BG was 3.4 so, not only did the bread not put BG up, it didn't even stop the drop. Had a packet of crisps and it is now up to 5.0. Cannot understand why the bread doesn't do what other carbs do.

Hi @Annb , in my experience with a low on a Libre there can be a 45 minute delay before the rise is shown. using a meter is quicker, however there is a bit of a lag of up to 15/20 minutes prior due to blood flow? So a fingerprick may look lower 5 minutes later after an initial low test? But that< the lowest you dropped & felt it prior to the treatment that brought you back in range..

Which why some people can panic & overtreat thinking what was consumed wasn't working , only to find (Mention later not understanding.) they rebounded high later on...??

All easier said than done to remember when having a hypo with impaired cognitive..

LOL, just noticed it's the parallel chat topic so i don't need to take my self out the back & beat me with a mod stick.. :D


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Was this on the Libre or with a finger prick?
In my (and @Jaylee 's) experience, Libre is very slow to pick up a rise after a low.

To my thinking it might be that glucose goes to essential parts of the body first, and the interstitial fluid in the back of my arm might be very low on my body's list of essential parts.
This is just a thought though, nothing scientific!
And of course the Libre has a lag at the best of times anyway.

This was with the Libre. I know that there is often a difference between the 2 and that the Libre is sometimes a bit slow on the uptake, but the thing is, it was still going down after eating bread and that was reversed pretty quickly after the crisps. No reason for it - scientific or otherwise, as far as I can see. Shan't get carried away with it though.

It's gone a bit high now though, despite having nothing else to eat (obviously for breakfast shall have to have cod "en papillot" with kale, lemon and the few bits of red pepper Em didn't eat, which I've taken out of the oven and left to cool before putting it away for the night). That was to have been my 2nd meal today, but I'm quite comfortable without.


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but the thing is, it was still going down after eating bread
What Jaylee said:
in my experience with a low on a Libre there can be a 45 minute delay before the rise is shown.
Crisps are notorious for giving a slow but very prolonged rise (some 6 hours for me, sadly, as I love crisps).
My bst guess is that the initial rise after the crisps was the bread (showing late because of the Libre lag), and the bit high you are seeing now is the crisps slowly releasing their carbs still.
LOL, just noticed it's the parallel chat topic so i don't need to take my self out the back & beat me with a mod stick.. :D
Just about anything goes here!
Don't hesitate to add some unrelated fun story just because you can! :hilarious:


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On the main thread,
RosemaryJackson said:
So today, I'm going to go (nearly said cannibal!) carnivore.
Antje77 said:
Don't go cannibal please!
While it might be fine from a nutritional point of view, chances are you'll get caught and you'll be stuck with prison fare for the foreseeable future. Which isn't likely to improve your diabetes.

I heard an item on some TV programme recently that it isn't against British law to eat human flesh. Killing people is illegal, but should you find some human flesh lying around(!), the law allows you to eat it :yuck:. Probably there is no law against it because no law-maker ever dreamed anyone would want to do it. Wouldn't want to try it myself and I'm sure it wouldn't meet with much in the way of approval but they can't put you in jail for it. Maybe some sort of secure psychiatric institution ....?:nurse:


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I heard an item on some TV programme recently that it isn't against British law to eat human flesh. Killing people is illegal, but should you find some human flesh lying around(!), the law allows you to eat it
Sounds like you're good to go then, @RosemaryJackson !

But where does one find good recipes?

(See, @Jaylee , this thread is not weird at all!)


Type of diabetes
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Sounds like you're good to go then, @RosemaryJackson !

But where does one find good recipes?

(See, @Jaylee , this thread is not weird at all!)

Hugh Fernlee-Whittingstall did an item once on TV about using human placenta as a food. Maybe he would have some ideas? He also comes across as a bit on the weird side sometimes.

Talking of weird - Em's school had a "dress in a comic way" day in support of the Comic Relief appeal yesterday. Em went dressed in dungarees, 3 tee-shirts with messages on them, hair coloured red and gold and odd boots. "Did everyone laugh at you?" her mum asked her. Em said they had and she had a big grin on her face at the memory. She really enjoys being laughed at. Odd child. Most children I know (including me back in the day) hate being laughed at. Apparently her teacher turned up with bright red hair, eyebrows and beard. I think he may be the kind of teacher I approve of.


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I wonder what it is about me - youngest great grandchild just came in with her granddad and immediately started crying again. She has done this every time she has seen me so far but doesn't do it when she sees anyone else. Her brother (now 10) was exactly the same until he stopped hiding behind the fridge when he was about 5. Must be something about my face.

Luckily, so far, our ferries haven't been affected by this P&O business, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a strike to support the P&O workers some time soon. Sadly, Scottish government doesn't have a say in this issue, just hope the British government can sort themselves out to do something. I was sure that British employment legislation would stop this kind of action, but everyone seems to be humming and hah-ing about where this is going and what can be done. I know what I would like to do, but then I always have been a bit radical, not to say bolshy.


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Here's a short video clip of a Quokka eating either a beetroot or a dragon fruit, they are now on the endangered species list as they have no idea of what fear is.

So the early settlers in West Australia had easy access to source of food on Rottnest Island where they mainly live.

I like eating dragon fruit and freshed cooked beetroot as well, to keep this post on topic.



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Never heard of a quokka before but that's pretty cute! I daresay they have no fear because there were no natural predators in Australia in the past (like that parrot in New Zealand whose name I have forgotten) but you would think they would have learned once people arrived on the scene.
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Oh my. I want a couple of quokka's (quokki?) now.
They're a protected species same as all of the rest of Australia's native fauna.

How I spelt it for more than one.

Never heard of a quokka before but that's pretty cute! I daresay they have no fear because there were no natural predators in Australia in the past
Rottnest Island is just of the coast from Freeemantle, and it was not visited often by the local indigenous people, but it all changed with the white man's arrival.

A Dutch explorer first named it 't Eylandt 't Rottenest as he thought they were big rats.

https://www.sealinkrottnest.com.au/...6, Dutch captain Willem,.a paradise on earth".


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They're a protected species same as all of the rest of Australia's native fauna.
Well, they're not protected from me wanting a couple, are they?
There are so many things I want, even if I won't get them, and that's fine! I want capybara's too, and a baby elephant in my garden, I want my dog back, my dishes doing themselves, a cure for my friends gastroparesis, a bag of crisps without a spike and a private cook. And quokka's!


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El Chapo started of doing that at his place in south america, got a few hippo's in his back yard, now they are pest in whatever country it was. I can't think of the counrty name without a quick google.


Retired Moderator
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El Chapo started of doing that at his place in south america, got a few hippo's in his back yard, now they are pest in whatever country it was. I can't think of the counrty name without a quick google.
Ah, but there's the difference between wanting things and getting them!
I'm perfectly happy just wanting quokka's, no need to actually get them. Still, if a quokka presents at my door asking for cuddles and a piece of beetroot, he'd be very welcome of course!


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A lot of our animals look cute and cuddly, but they can be viscous if they want to be unlike the Quokka.

We do not get as many native animals here as there are two many dogs and cats, bird life is down as well now.

We used to be a pet free block of units, but they changed the law a few years back and pets are now allowed. We have a plethora of Shtzoo and Matleeser Terriors cross yapping nearly all day because the owners have gone out.

They yap, I blow this dog whistle so they stop very quick. :meh:



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