Worried I may have diabetes type 2


Hi all,

I’m posting here as I have growing concern that I may have diabetes type 2. I have scheduled an appointment for tomorrow with my GP but I wanted to ask here as I have got myself so worried about it.
I’m a 21 year old female, and I am classed as ‘obese’ by BMI, although I wouldn’t say I was obese, rather just overweight, I am also not very active. Recently I’ve been having symptoms such as excessive hunger (I’ve always had this but it went away when I started dieting, but since I stopped my hunger pains have got so painful), I also have been going to the toilet more frequently & I have in the last 4 days been experiencing ‘burning feet’ which I did not realise was a symptom of diabetes until I googled it. I wanted to know whether anyone else thinks this is a possible risk of me having diabetes? None of my close family have it but I have a grandparent who does have it, and all of my mothers side of the family have been overweight most their lives. This has been making me worry so much, because I’m only young & I have been making changes to my diet & have lost a stone so far


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, and welcome to the forums. Nobody here can or should try to diagnose. Of course it's possible you have T2, and it's equally possible your symptoms are caused by something else. I think you're doing the right thing by seeing your doctor. Once you know where you stand, please let us all know - it's helpful to others.

Type 2 isn't the end of the world - I'd much rather not have it, but it can be managed.

Whatever it is, making changes to your diet seems to have had a positive effect already, and that can't hurt. Are you using low-carb?
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Hi, and welcome to the forums. Nobody here can or should try to diagnose. Of course it's possible you have T2, and it's equally possible your symptoms are caused by something else. I think you're doing the right thing by seeing your doctor. Once you know where you stand, please let us all know - it's helpful to others.

Type 2 isn't the end of the world - I'd much rather not have it, but it can be managed.

Whatever it is, making changes to your diet seems to have had a positive effect already, and that can't hurt. Are you using low-carb?

Hi, I’ve just been going for lower fat options of stuff & been in a calorie deficit! It does seem to help a lot with the hunger pains & also keeps me quite full as I’ve always struggled with managing my weight due to this hunger.

Thank you for your advice.
I will make sure to update once I see the doctors

Thank you again


You did right to make an appointment with your GP my type 2 diabetes only came to light when I went to my GP for something entirely unrelated and had to have some blood tests and my Haemoglobin A1c level came back as high.
I'd recommend keeping an eye on your blood sugar levels like I did you can get a glucometer free with this link https://www.diabetes.ascensia.co.uk/products/contour-plus-blue/ normal blood sugar levels should be between 4.0 & 8.0 mmol/l, under 4.0mmol/l is classed as hypoglycemic & over 8.0mmol/l is classed as hyperglycemic. Mine have been all over the place but i'm getting used to things now which takes a bit of time as a newly diagnosed diabetic. I'd also recommend cutting as much sugar as possible from your diet as I did. This also helped me lose weight I dropped from 111.5kg to 107.8kg in 2 months, but remember even a diabetic needs some sugar.

Hope you find this useful.
Best Regards.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
but remember even a diabetic needs some sugar.
No-one "needs" to eat any sugar, unless you are a T1 who has taken too much insulin.
Our bodies can produce it when necessary via gluconeogenesis.
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No-one "needs" to eat any sugar, unless you are a T1 who has taken too much insulin.
Our bodies can produce it when necessary via gluconeogenesis.
I'm only quoting what my doctor & diabetic nurse told me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

I’m posting here as I have growing concern that I may have diabetes type 2. I have scheduled an appointment for tomorrow with my GP but I wanted to ask here as I have got myself so worried about it.
I’m a 21 year old female, and I am classed as ‘obese’ by BMI, although I wouldn’t say I was obese, rather just overweight, I am also not very active. Recently I’ve been having symptoms such as excessive hunger (I’ve always had this but it went away when I started dieting, but since I stopped my hunger pains have got so painful), I also have been going to the toilet more frequently & I have in the last 4 days been experiencing ‘burning feet’ which I did not realise was a symptom of diabetes until I googled it. I wanted to know whether anyone else thinks this is a possible risk of me having diabetes? None of my close family have it but I have a grandparent who does have it, and all of my mothers side of the family have been overweight most their lives. This has been making me worry so much, because I’m only young & I have been making changes to my diet & have lost a stone so far
Wait and see what your GP says. There are certain criteria for having diabetes. You listed some of the symptoms, so it's highly likely, but don't worry needlessly before talking with your GP. You can always control diabetes through diet, if that doesn't work then your looking at taking metformin, probably.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
As others have said, your doctor is best placed to give a diagnosis.

Your doctor will do a blood test that measures your average blood glucose over the last 12 weeks.

They may also do a glucose tolerance test and other blood tests.

There are several possible causes of ypur symptoms and they will try to rule each out.

Expect it to take a few weeks until you know for sure.

Until then as you say, you are overweight, it will do you no harm to learn about the different types of carbs and other macro nutrients and start watching how much you eat and how much exercise you get. If it is type 2 diabetes losing those extra pounds and getting more active will help with blood glucose control.