Mental health & adjusting to new lifestyle


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Think of any food, and you will find somewhere a scientist saying it's bad for you. What did your parents eat 40 to 50 years ago, prior to the low fat nonsense. every food stuff is a target to someone. Eat how your ancestors ate and you will be fine. Get a meter, and test immediately before eating and 2 hours after. If the rise is less than 2 mmol. Then that meal was fine for you. Your meter will never lie, and has no agenda so you can trust it. It may even show that you only need to alter a few items you normally eat. As pre diabetic you only need a slight improvement, Much less than those of us who are diabetic.

Great advice! I will get a meter and do that testing.

Out of interest, can fasting skew the results of tests? I'd have to bear that in mind after the no food days.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Fasting is good for bg, but that's fasting , not starving. Before fasting you should make sure you've had sufficient foods and nutrients to see you through the fast.

As others have said, going low carb can reduce or cure the cravings we've built up over years, and tastes change too. I used to love milk chocolate, the more the better. Now I can't stand the stuff.

My best advice is "never say never" as in
"I could neve give up doughnuts"
"I could never eat meat
"I could never fast"

Just learn to listen to your meter and to your body and allow it to change.

I thought I couldn't do this lifestyle, now I can't imagine any other way. I love being lighter and feel so much healthier. Lots of people report a lessening of depression and a lifting of brain fog too. Who knows what it can do for you unless you try?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
You might find these links helpful:

best of luck


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
So I did a meter reading last night. 5.8 before a meal (chickpea and chicken curry) and 2 hours later it was down to 2.4.
Is that sort of drop normal?

I have info about what the levels mean, but nothing about what rises and drops are to be expected.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Look up ‘heavenly fan’ on YouTube she is vegan and makes great low carb/keto vegan meals. Her flat bread recipe has only 0.5g carbs and her recipe for curry stuffed flatbread is wonderful. You could even add chicken if you like chicken or swap ingredients to your liking but she gives great ideas.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Look up ‘heavenly fan’ on YouTube she is vegan and makes great low carb/keto vegan meals. Her flat bread recipe has only 0.5g carbs and her recipe for curry stuffed flatbread is wonderful. You could even add chicken if you like chicken or swap ingredients to your liking but she gives great ideas.
Thanks, will check her out.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Take care with this.
There are many reasons why people can never eat meat including cultural and religious reasons.
I appreciate that is not the case with the OP but it could be considered insensitive to some to suggest they give up their vegan/vegetarian diet,
That wasn't my intention. I just made up several "nevers". I assume posters can decide for themselves what route they follow. Was it "insensitive " to suggest fasting ? The woke world has gone crazy. Will I be banned if I ever use the word meat again?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
exercise, phone calls
That wasn't my intention. I just made up several "nevers". I assume posters can decide for themselves what route they follow. Was it "insensitive " to suggest fasting ? The woke world has gone crazy. Will I be banned if I ever use the word meat again?
Hi MrsA2 I like many of your posts, but as a Moderator I should tell you that all members need to be respectful of other members who may have different diets (in this case vegetarians and vegans).

You are unlikely to be banned for using the word meat or suggesting meat to a vegetarian, but you may find your posts edited by the Mods so as to remove any offence. In the past I suffered a temporary ban for some remarks that I persisted in making about Carbohydrates. - We must all obey the rules!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi MrsA2 I like many of your posts, but as a Moderator I should tell you that all members need to be respectful of other members who may have different diets (in this case vegetarians and vegans).

You are unlikely to be banned for using the word meat or suggesting meat to a vegetarian, but you may find your posts edited by the Mods so as to remove any offence. In the past I suffered a temporary ban for some remarks that I persisted in making about Carbohydrates. - We must all obey the rules!
This is ridiculous. The OP has several foods they do eat, including some meat, I was merely trying trying to help them perhaps widen their selection by giving general examples of how some of us might be restricting ourselves by imposing self set rules. I wasn't having a pop at vegetarians or vegans. I particularly didn't point the finger at any specific foods. I wasn't having a pop at vegetarians or vegans, or cultures or races.

I am one of the most tolerant and open minded of people.
I'm very hurt I'm being criticised for genuinely trying to help somebody.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
This is ridiculous. The OP has several foods they do eat, including some meat, I was merely trying trying to help them perhaps widen their selection by giving general examples of how some of us might be restricting ourselves by imposing self set rules. I wasn't having a pop at vegetarians or vegans. I particularly didn't point the finger at any specific foods. I wasn't having a pop at vegetarians or vegans, or cultures or races.

I am one of the most tolerant and open minded of people.
I'm very hurt I'm being criticised for genuinely trying to help somebody.
Sorry if I hurt you feelings by giving a friendly warning. True you didn't, but in those last sentences:
'The woke world has gone crazy. Will I be banned if I ever use the word meat again?'
you appeared to be threatening to do so and daring the moderators to ban you.
I was just pointing out that if you had been doing so - going a little bit further. Then your post would probably be edited.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry if I hurt you feelings by giving a friendly warning. True you didn't, but in those last sentences:
'The woke world has gone crazy. Will I be banned if I ever use the word meat again?'
you appeared to be threatening to do so and daring the moderators to ban you.
I was just pointing out that if you had been doing so - going a little bit further. Then your post would probably be edited.
I won't try to help anyone any more.
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