The SCREAM thread

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
A couple of years ago my state pension age was still 60..and for others it was graded then suddenly whoomph its 66...... I wouldn't be able to get a job now if I tried cos of my fibromyalgia yet I'm not bad enough to qualify for any I'll health benefits cos I can look after myself no trouble. I get fibrofog and fatigue can't hold concentration for long and now am forgetting words when I'm talking..... the only reason I can get away with not working is cos I lost my brother a couple of years ago and he'd investments in place to see him through and beyond his own state pension age....he died at 60 :(
The wife is disabled and we've been through the courts and won the cases to claim, but because my pension is too high, by around now £10 per week, we cannot claim anything. If I couldn't work, how could we afford to eat as my pension just about covers our costs. This is without food or luxuries.
The wife has paid up all her stamp and we have never claimed a thing. We've worked hard all our lives. And because of the Tory rules on benefits. We are really struggling to make ends meet. If your tax was paid the same way as benefits. In other words as a household. The rich wouldn't be so rich, and the poor like us, and there are thousands of our age in the same boat, just ask why most private taxi drivers are still working, would get the help and support that is needed. We don't have a choice on tax and we get deprived on out right to a decent lifestyle despite working all our lives!
Rant over.
P.S. There are millions of young unemployed, who should be working, doing my job and, others that are our age. That's where this country is **** about face!
Gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
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The wife is disabled and we've been through the courts and won the cases to claim, but because my pension is too high, by around now £10 per week, we cannot claim anything. If I couldn't work, how could we afford to eat as my pension just about covers our costs. This is without food or luxuries.
The wife has paid up all her stamp and we have never claimed a thing. We've worked hard all our lives. And because of the Tory rules on benefits. We are really struggling to make ends meet. If your tax was paid the same way as benefits. In other words as a household. The rich wouldn't be so rich, and the poor like us, and there are thousands of our age in the same boat, just ask why most private taxi drivers are still working, would get the help and support that is needed. We don't have a choice on tax and we get deprived on out right to a decent lifestyle despite working all our lives!
Rant over.
P.S. There are millions of young unemployed, who should be working, doing my job and, others that are our age. That's where this country is **** about face!
Gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
This the place to rant and SCREAM should you wish....
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Sorry to hear that, it's a terrible disease and takes too many of our loved ones :(
Thanks Chris, it does. One set of my grandkids not only lost a granddad but also a grandma to breast cancer.....caught early I believe but treatment still didn't work
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Well-Known Member
A couple of years ago my state pension age was still 60..and for others it was graded then suddenly whoomph its 66...... I wouldn't be able to get a job now if I tried cos of my fibromyalgia yet I'm not bad enough to qualify for any I'll health benefits cos I can look after myself no trouble. I get fibrofog and fatigue can't hold concentration for long and now am forgetting words when I'm talking..... the only reason I can get away with not working is cos I lost my brother a couple of years ago and he'd investments in place to see him through and beyond his own state pension age....he died at 60 :(
My pension has been moved to 67!!! I have fibromyalgia too and just know I will never make it to that! Mentally I am not sure I can get to 55 as the govt keep cutting budgets which make an already tough job nigh on impossible!!! This also unfortunately applies to most sectors which makes me scream at the manifesto empty promises/election drivel!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Political Correctness
Now this would make me scream!!!(and vomit!!!):woot:
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
But the little buggers keep nicking things and sound like they've got hobnail boots on charging through the gap between floor and ceiling....

Pinched and ate the first 30 pages of my favourite paperback recipe book.... mind you I don't make yorkshire pudding anymore or pancakes so.....
Aren't they clever to know a recipe book when they see one. Make sure they don't pinch your pans as well.:D
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Dictators who positively go out of their way to force misery, tears and fears, upon their countryman's lives.
Politicians who, in dealing with dictators, have a wishbone where a backbone should be.
Out and Out Tiredness, fatigue even. :(

It's 1:52am and insomnia is happily playing games with me as usual.
If I could hit it on the head I'd flatten it, It's a curse, a curse I tell you, with an upper case "C"

Meanwhile, me better half continues torturing me, I can hear her whistling nose as she sleeps.
The pc room is right next door to our bedroom, think I'll slip a potty under our bed in case she
needs to go, and I'll move everything into the loo.
I could use the throne as a seat and type away contentedly in total silence.
Siiiigh. :rolleyes:

Fantastic idea for a thread Robinredbreast. I feel a bit better now. Thank you.

willie. :happy:
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Out and Out Tiredness, fatigue even. :(

It's 1:52am and insomnia is happily playing games with me as usual.
If I could hit it on the head I'd flatten it, It's a curse, a curse I tell you, with an upper case "C"

Meanwhile, me better half continues torturing me, I can hear her whistling nose as she sleeps.
The pc room is right next door to our bedroom, think I'll slip a potty under our bed in case she
needs to go, and I'll move everything into the loo.
I could use the throne as a seat and type away contentedly in total silence.
Siiiigh. :rolleyes:

Fantastic idea for a thread Robinredbreast. I feel a bit better now. Thank you.

willie. :happy:
Hope you eventually got some sleep ... I'm plagued with the no sleep syndrome from time to time too - its AWFUL
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jay hay-char

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Daughter is just back home from Uni for ten days, so it's full ahead discarded clothing on the floor, unwashed crockery and all the other evils of student life:) To add insult to injury she has just spent a week of subsidised idleness in Salou (Spain) attending a student dance competition as part of her Uni dance team. So far as I can tell, most of the dancing went on in dodgy nightclubs, and involved the ingestion of numerous soothing libations to get her technique right, followed by practical relaxation exercises during the day, conducted on the beach. But it's great to have her home for a bit :D

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Screaming right now ... Would rather talk talk but a scream will be fine ... :wideyed:

No I don't feel better ... I will try again later ...
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