Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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I just came back from lidl and I couldn't see these rolls. They do have rye loaf and low GI bread but they are big.
I managed to find them they'd just come out of the oven - I had two yesterday and are nice. Probably no good if you have false teeth though cos they are v seedy!!


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Cruelty to humans and animals.
Good morning all. I had a 5.9 fasting reading this morning after a 5.4 bedtime one.
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I just stupidly thought I could have a ham salad baguette like i always did pre diagnosis and get away with it....nuh uhhh...huge spike :(...won't be doing that ever again :(....lesson learned the hard way....from 5.2 to 11.0 in one jump.....stupid, stupid woman grrrrrrrr
Been there, done that , my nemisis is Thins - I stupidly thought that as they are only 20g each and 2 slices of seeded bread are 30g it would be better to have a thin instead - I was wrong because it sent my BS up to over 9.00 and took ages to come down again.
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Know the feeling Gezzabell, seriously though give lidl high protein rolls a try, they are far lower in carbs than a baguette and probably won't spike you as very high in fibre so will take longer to digest.
I had one for lunch and one for tea last night and my BS never went up by more than 1.0 both times.
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Sea filth!
Morning. Back from sunnyish Cornwall.

6.5 this morning which is ok.

Had a few not so good readings on holiday but nothing drastically bad. I was even fine after a night on vodka shots!
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5.8 something has definitely happened, lost another 5lbs so great stuff.
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3.9 this morning (31/05/15)

Not much to say today except I walked 7 miles yesterday and feel good :)

Still on the ND
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people who dont signal when they are turning left or right.
Morning all 5.1 on this wet and windy morn.
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6.4 A bit higher than recently but I did have 3 small squares of 85% chocolate last night. First time I've had chocolate since diagnose in February. Was only 2.4 carbs but obviously not good.
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7.1 mmol / L this morning.
9.9 mmol / L at bed time! :mad:

Not happy with either of those - although morning test is likely past my Dawn Phenomenon.

Resolved to work extra hard on my food intake this week. My focus has wandered and I'm starting to veer off track.

I know I can do it! :)
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Retired Moderator
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So I'm ashamed to say that I scoffed a whole packet of Oat Crunch biscuits last night beginning around 10pm. When I tested at 8am this morning (29/05/15) I was 6.0 :eek:. So I dread to think what my bloods were through the night :facepalm:.
I won't be doing that again :grumpy:

Funny though when I tested about 5 hours later (having consumed my diet shake 3 hours earlier) I tested 2.7 :***: Go figure!!!

Have a read about "last meal effect". Dr Google can probably help with sources.

Our bodies like routine, and will "be ready" to repeat recent meals, which is why when some people have a very high carb meal/snack they are not used to (like trying pizza or cake after a period of abstinence) their bloods can go stratospheric - even higher than at diagnosis. If they repeated the exercise immediately, they could get a much improved result, as their body could be expecting the carbs. (Clearly T1s not producing insulin are different.)

Clearly all of that depends on the state/efficiency of the individual's pancreas and general digestive system and the state of their condition.

So, your low, having gone from a real carb-fest (did you calculate the carbs you consumed. It shouldn't be too tricky from the packaging), then follow up with starvation style rations, your body could have been stimulated to pump out the insulin and other digestive enzymes, only the carbs weren't there. On Planet Breathe, I refer to this as enzyme lag.

As I say, please have a read around.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Rap and hip - hop
Morning all

6.0 at 09.45 so going the right way.

My routine is always rise, wash / shave, come downstairs and test. I know some people say you should test before rising but I figure it is the trends that important and keeping the same routine is important
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