This 600kcal thing


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I salute you, Patch and wish you all the best with this.


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phoenix said:

phoenix, do you have any information on the follow-up diet? I know these semi-starvation diets were tried on thousands of overweight people in the early 70's and before, and they were given up as a viable treatment for obesity because no one knew what to do when the diet was finished. I guess something like Atkins induction would be best, and a very slow increase in carbs over many months. Any sudden increase in carbs would be fatal!


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Tablets, Mums with pushchair who push in ,Bus and WC
Goto bottom of page of this LINK and you will find all four phases

Intensive phase (8 weeks) well we all know what this is now

Transition phase (six weeks)
The Optifast® VLCD™ products are no longer the only source of nutrition. Transition phase (six weeks): Two Optifast® VLCD™ sachets or bars are consumed along with a low calorie evening meal (500 calories). This increases the total daily calorie intake to 800-880 kcal. Low starch vegetables should also be continued. The evening meal is substituted in this phase, purely for social reasons. You may prefer to tailor this for the individual and substitute the morning meal or lunch meal instead.

Mantelpiece phase
One Optifast® VLCD™ sachet or bar at lunch time. Low calorie meals are prescribed at breakfast (approx. 350 calories) and dinner (approx. 500 calories). This increases the total daily calorie intake to approximately 1000 kcal. Low starch vegetables should also be continued. Continuing to avoid starchy food and vegetables may help prevent water retention and apparent weight regain.

Stabilization phase
The Optifast® VLCD™ products are eliminated. The total calorie intake is approximately 1200 calories; 350 kcal in the morning, 350 kcal at lunchtime and 500 kcal in the evening. The nutrition component of the Stabilisation phase requires ongoing monitoring for meal plan adjustments and education.

Download the Additional Allowances PDF allowed foods.pdf


Sid Bonkers

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Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Am I just cynical or am I the only person who sees who big a kick this 'research' has given to the sales of Optifast?

A handful of people eat a commercially available diet plan for 8 weeks and almost immediately it is being discussed on every diet and diabetes forum on the planet.

Useful research or viral advertising at its best?


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No sid not just you mate :) - I can't get my head round people latching onto a study that was done on less people than my hubby has siblings :roll: (big catholic family :lol: ) and less than half of them successful - on a personal note I can't stand milky drinks and the thought of drinking any of those shakes makes me gag :twisted:

But Patch I do wish you success in your experiment - even if it's just weight loss that will be a bonus and I admire your will power!


Well-Known Member
Sid Bonkers said:
Am I just cynical or am I the only person who sees who big a kick this 'research' has given to the sales of Optifast?

A handful of people eat a commercially available diet plan for 8 weeks and almost immediately it is being discussed on every diet and diabetes forum on the planet.

Useful research or viral advertising at its best?

I expect a bit of both and personally think the diet work just as well with a sensible (real food) alternative to Optifast.


Well-Known Member
Tablets, Mums with pushchair who push in ,Bus and WC
Am I just cynical or am I the only person who sees who big a kick this 'research' has given to the sales of Optifast?

Public can not get the stuff direct in the UK ? or very Hard
only via ebay and the USA or AUS

Patch has an other brand that sells in Lloyds Cemist :roll:

Quote form video
I had to do this to get down to a healthier weight before surgery. The weight loss also reduced the size of my liver, making it easier for the Doctor to do his thing.
You will have to click twice and enter Youtube to watch


Well-Known Member
bowell said:
Public can not get the stuff direct in the UK ? or very Hard
only via ebay and the USA or AUS
The study was based at the University of Newcastle. The full article* lists the supplier as "Optifast; Nestlé Nutrition, Croydon, UK" :?:

I agree with Sid... this very small and limited study has received promotion and attention out of all proportion. At least 3 threads on this forum alone. Maybe people are enticed by the promise of a "quick fix"? I am not so sure that this is the best or safest way to achieve these results.



Well-Known Member
Tablets, Mums with pushchair who push in ,Bus and WC
Think its Trade only ie Hospitals
But if you can find some place you can pick it up on the Hi street I Know Patch would be well pleased

I live very near the study 4miles and two members of the study go to my clinic
and still doing well with no Meds
I remember the request for volunteers up on the wall

Optifast was supplied to the study direct and free of charge

I have also had Optifast given to me in Hospital when i could not swallow solids
after peg feeder was removed

You may be able to get it on prescription ? as i had it in hospital ?
like my catheters made here ,But you have devils own job trouble getting hold of them

Nestlé Nutrition, Croydon also make peg feed mix

If you look back i was the first to post the link to the study :wink:



Well-Known Member
bowell said:
Think its Trade only ie Hospitals
Thanks Bob, that makes sense.

I was born in Mayday Hospital, Thornton Heath and grew up on Sydenham Rd in Croydon. I remember the Nestlé building! It feels weird to see my old stomping ground coming up in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Tablets, Mums with pushchair who push in ,Bus and WC
I live NE now 15 years ,I Org come from the Ascot area


Well-Known Member
Yo Patch! I'm with you on 'this 600kcal thing'. Today is day 2 of my Herbalife 600cal diet. I'm going the whole 8 weeks.

Let's stick it to the whingers who say 'I don't believe it' and 'Very dangerous' and all that nonsense.


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Kenny and Patch

Brave men! Do keep us in the loop and, above all, take care.



Well-Known Member
I started this diet on Monday, on a mix of Optifast and Optislim. Optislim is very similar in make up to Optifast, not sure if there is a link.

I am off all medication and 5 days in I have not felt hungry, my energy levels are way up and my blood sugars are almost back to normal levels. I have also lost just over a stone in weight.

The Optifast shakes taste great, the Optislim not quite so good.

I am intending to start exercising tomorrow, some weights and a swim and then slowly increase that. If my energy levels stay this good, I hope to be in the gym 5 times a week at week eight.


Well-Known Member
humph said:
I started this diet on Monday

Yes!! We few, we happy few, we band of brothers... I too will start exercising once I get out of the ketogenic induction phase. Man, we are going to shed some weight!

Humph... what is your weight and BMI? And how long have you had diabetes?


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Football. Bad manners.
Almost you tempt me to join you . . . if I lost a lot of weight really quickly my skin would not fit at all :shock: .

Please keep posting your progress - I'm very interested.

Viv 8)


Well-Known Member
Viv... the research paper says that all the fat was gone from the liver and pancreas after 7 days. You might consider doing this diet for just 7 days, then raising the calories to a more gentle weight loss.

Humph... Don't forget to take photos of yourself as you go along. We are going to rock this world, my friend. If it succeeds I'm going to make a website.


Well-Known Member
Wow.. This is getting exciting. Almost makes ME want to start. I've lost a lot -- but have my last 3 stone to go! And ALL fat burned off LIVER and PANCREAS in just SEVEN DAYS?!?!?!??!?! How did I miss that when I read the study.. We sure of that? I must have read the study 3 times.

Keep us posted gang.. I'm reading all threads.. So it's just Patch, Kenny and Humph so far On the diet?