Celeriac - serving suggestions & NI help


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Hi folks - Lidl didn't have any cauliflower today but I spotted celeriac which I've never tried, so decided to give it a go. No clue how best to prepare it though, so any suggestions welcomed.

The main question though - can anyone provide me with some idea of accurate carb content, I know it's a natural product and this varies, but MFP has carbs per 100g raw ranging anywhere from 2g to 14g! I obviously want to be an accurate as possible to know a suitable portion size for my carb intake targets - thanks
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Basically anything that you can do with a potato you can do with celeriac, you can boil it but do everything roasted as it stops them being watery, so roast & mash with butter etc, cut into chunks and roast for “roasties” cut into chips and either air fry or again roast in the oven, cut into small cubes roast and have them cold in a salad.

Very thinly slice and sprinkle with oil & paprika or garlic powder and bake in the oven to make crisps. I also use any leftover mash with extra cream & garlic to make a dip.

It’s great thinly sliced and blanched then used as a pie topping finished off in the oven or in place of potatoes in a hot pot, also makes a great soup blend until smooth add some chilli flakes I also use harissa paste plenty of seasoning and a blob of cream or yogurt


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I’d forgotten about celeriac, I’ll put it on my shopping list. I usually chip mine, coat with olive oil and put them in the oven. Only a few though and I bag up and freeze the rest.
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I love celeriac for roasting especially. I peel and then cut it into a mix of roast potato size and some chip size and then open freeze on a tray. When frozen I do a bag of chips and a bag of roasted that I can grab and cook from frozen. You can also boil and puree as a mash. I also sometimes add as a vegetable to a curry it thickens it up nicely.
Hardest bit is the peeling and chopping!


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I peel, chop into chunks, steam and then mash in a food processor with butter and pepper. Then divide into 200g portions and freeze. Defrost and reheat. Goes brilliantly with sausage and onion gravy. I count the 200g portion as 10 carbs and this works fine with my insulin ratio.
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Celeriac is one of my favourite potato substitutes - it looks rather ugly but it makes a brilliant mash (obligatory knob of butter!) and is also pretty good roasted. I'd like it shredded like the French do in a remoulade with mayo, but I can't get it to shred finely enough.

It doesn't spike my blood glucose too much although I think everyone has to find their own tolerance levels for the portion size. Working out the carb content is never going to be precise and I wasn't very scientific, I did a very basic comparison of the carbs of all root veg across the MyNetDiary App. Celeriac came out as around 6-9g per 100g. Thats pretty impressive compared with potatoes and sweet potatoes at around 20-26g per 100g, although perhaps not so good as carrots or swedes, which came in around 6-8g per 100g. Parsnips, my other favourite root veg, I now regard as a rare treat, as they're around 16-18g per 100g carb content. Butternut squash is much the same as parsnip for carbs, although its still better than potatoes.
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Well I have now tried celeriac is mash, roasted and boiled forms and am very pleased to say I Love it! When roasted it almost tastes like parsnip (which I miss!). I suspect it must be fairly low in carbs as I've had 200g (raw weight) with some bolognaise this evening and my BG was only 0.5 mmol/L higher afterwards. I have bought a load of them and frozen them as suggested by @MissMuffett and @shelley262, so thank you all for your suggestions - celeriac is definitely staying on my menu!
Also thanks to @Antje77 for the prep advice... I have found the slice and then peel technique really quick and easy.


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One of my favourite celiriac dishes is one my grandmother provided for breakfast or supper:
Grate raw celeriac and have it on bread (I use low carb bread now) in a very thick layer with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Use plenty of mayonnaise.

Another one is slices of celeriac, maybe a finger thick, a slice of cheese on top (and some thin bacon if going all out), put in oven until soft. Smoked paprika and black pepper go well with it.


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I suspect it must be fairly low in carbs as I've had 200g (raw weight) with some bolognaise this evening and my BG was only 0.5 mmol/L higher afterwards.
Agree. I don't need insulin for celeriac.


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Celeriac remoulade is really nice (grated raw in mayonaise with mustard). We have a food processor for grating though.


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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
I found that by the time I had removed all the skin and roots the remaining flesh cost about the same as a bag of frozen celeriac and didn't involve all the cutting and peeling.
Sadly, Waitrose seem to have stopped stocking it.
I like it as mash with loads of cream and butter.


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Also if you're into growing your own veg, celeriac seed is usually cheap at less than a quid for hundreds of seeds. I'm not very good at getting it to germinate but I try every year since I eat such a lot of it (from Tesco). With all-in-one traybake or fish pie, the celeriac for me goes at one and and the spud for Mrs DeeJay at the other. (She also bought a double slow cooker, which is brilliant for separate meals.)
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Also if you're into growing your own veg, celeriac seed is usually cheap at less than a quid for hundreds of seeds. I'm not very good at getting it to germinate but I try every year since I eat such a lot of it (from Tesco). With all-in-one traybake or fish pie, the celeriac for me goes at one and and the spud for Mrs DeeJay at the other. (She also bought a double slow cooker, which is brilliant for separate meals.)
Ooh like the idea of a double slow cooker, I have so many variations on so many gadgets that I don’t think I’ll be able to convince hubby


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A friend made dauphinoise celeriac for me over Easter. It was superb - I need to get the instructions.
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